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BTEC L3 Travel and Tourism Unit 1: The World of Travel and Tourism
This bundle includes notes on all four learning aims. It also includes a student friendly checklist which is great for students tracking their revision.
Powerpoints can be used as a teaching resource, revision resource or printed as a revision booklet for students.

BTEC L3 Unit 1: The World of Travel and Tourism - Student Checklist
This is a checklist covering all of the learning aims for Unit 1 BTEC L3. It is useful for students folders in preparation for this examination unit. It is made from the specification. Can be used as a PLC.

GCSE Matthew's Gospel Review of Learning Booklet
CCEA GCSE Matthew’s Gospel
This is a review of learning booklet, which is great for using in class tasks, homework or as a revision booklet.
An Answer Booklet is also included.
Areas covered include:
Background to Matthew’s Gospel
The Identity of Jesus
Jesus the Miracle Worker
The Kingdom of God
The Death & Resurrection of Jesus
The Place and Nature of Discipleship

BTEC L3 Travel & Tourism Unit 1: Learning Aim B
Presentation for BTEC L3 Travel & Tourism: Unit 1 - The World of Travel and Tourism. Good resource for teaching or can be used as revision notes for students. Covers content for learning aim B.

BTEC L3 Travel & Tourism: Unit 1 Learning Aim C Notes
Presentation for Unit 1: Learning Aim C (World of Travel and Tourism). BTEC Level 3. Great as a presentation or revision notes covering the content needed for Learning Aim C.

CCEA A2 Ethnic Diversity - Full Topic
Powerpoint covering the Ethnic Diversity Section of the A2 CCEA Geography A Level.

Marrakesh & Germany Unit 2 Global Destinations Research
Research for the Unit 2 Global Destinations on Marrakesh & Germany

Tsunami Case Studies - Boxing Day & Japan
Two Tsunami case studies presented factually as a revision resource. One is the Boxing Day Tsunami & the second one is the Japan tsunami in 2011.
Great for GCSE & A-Level Geography students or as a teaching resource.

BTEC L3 Travel & Tourism Unit 1: Learning Aim A Notes
Teaching and Revision resource for Learning Aim A of Unit 1: The World of Travel & Tourism. BTEC Level 3

Ecosystems A-Level
Ecosystems A-Level
Key words
Temperate deciduous
Tropical Rainforest
Ecological conservation Areas
case studies
Human Activity, Biodiversity, &Sustainability
Management of fragile environments
AQA legacy questions

Ecosystems A-Level Key Words
Ecosystem key words for A Level Geography. They are on a powerpoint so that they can be used as a revision task. Each students provides their definition as you go round the class.
Great starter or review task also.

Leisure, Travel and Tourism CCEA
Student Checklist for Unit 1: Understanding the Leisure, Travel and Tourism Industry

Leisure, Travel & Tourism GCSE CCEA / Key Words Unit 1
All key words from unit 1 for a wall display or revision

Matters of Life and Death CCEA Revision worksheet
Checking Learning task / worksheet for Matters of Life and Death topic for Unit 6 Christian Ethics. Used for revision and checking knowledge. Answer sheet included.

Energy A-Level revision
Energy Revision
Types of Energy
appropriate energy
role of TNC’s
energy conflict
global warming

BTEC L3 Travel & Tourism Unit 1: Learning Aim D Notes
BTEC L3 Travel and Tourism Unit 1. This is the notes on a presentation for Learning Aim D. Great for using in lessons and as a revision resource.
Really helpful in getting students ready for exams.

BTEC L3 Travel and Tourism Learning Aims A, B, C & D Bundle
BTEC L3 Travel and Tourism Unit 1 Teaching Bundle. Google Slides covering the Specification content for Unit 1: The World of Travel and Tourism.

Flood Management - Hard and Soft Engineering
Used for an A - Level observation lesson - notes were added along the walls of classroom & corridor - students gather information and then came back, had a discussion and then applied learning to exam question.
Covers hard and soft engineering techniques.

Plate Tectonics A-Level
A-Level Geography
Revision powerpoint covering:
plate tectonics theory
plate boundaries and associated landforms & hazards
Case studies on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis