students repeat and remember as many of the phrases as they can then they do the gap fill activity.
-gap fill activity
- use tiene.... to talk about someone else
Board game --- a great way to get GCSE students practising their speaking skills. Students work in pairs and decide how many points to give their partner. They are encouraged to use time phrases, opinions, who they did an activity with and other details. The students with the highest number of points win prizes. The aim is to get them to expand their sentences.
BOARD GAME TIPS -- the scoring system. eg.) use of connectives, opinions etc.
For students who struggled, I handed out some extra vocabulary. (see vocab help)
I gave a card with images on to each table and they had to make up a story using the cards. once again, using connectives, time phrases etc.
More speaking practice--- powerpoint picture prompts
Translation/gap fill task tasks
Hotel website task
Running dictation ( 3 texts) stick them up around the room. Give students the question sheets. answer sheet.
A research tasks which can be set over a long period of time. I made this to help students learn more about Spain and other Spanish speaking countries.
I also wanted to make the students get in to Spanish music.
Gap fill activity - the first paragraph requires the present tense, 2nd - past, 3rd- future. answers provided.
*listening questions -- read out the comprehension task so students can answer the questions, once complete, give students the comprehension sheets. (answers provided)
Writing frame which will enable students to practise all 3 tenses.
Homer Simpson health and sports --- students work in pairs or threes, they roll the dice. if they land on 1, they must speak about picture 1. they must try and use all 3 tenses as well as time phrases, also using extra details.
sheet with time phrases on provided, you can hand these out if necessary,
1.) listening questions (from the Besancon text) READ THE BESANCON TEXT OUT. bonus marks are provided for higher ability.
2.) Besancon text - students must answer TRUE/FALSE/NM questions, they must correct phrases or leave them the same, find phrases in the text. COMPREHSION TASK, questions are in a GCSE exam style.
3.) vocab-ville --- just some vocabulary
4.) match up -- students match up the phrases
5.) partner-activity-gap fill
PARTNER A reads out their text, PARTNER B must fill in the empty gaps and then vice versa, this will test their listening and pronunciation skills.
6.) powerpoint-whiteboard - students have to race against each other to write down what the picture shows. eg.) un chateau/une piscine, une gare routiere etc. and also types of town.
7.) vocab
8.) exercises for gcse edexcel text book.
slide 4- speaking game, students throw the dice, if they land on 1, they must speak about picture 1. they must speak about the conveniences and inconveniences of living there. slide 5 - writing, write a paragraph about the inconveniences of living in Paris/Chamonix.
9.) reading text, comprehension. ANNECY, BESAK and LYON.
10.) vocab test
This board game can be used by students to practise saying how old they are, how old someone else is, when their birthday is and several other things.
I got mine laminated.
Students award their classmate points depending on how well they answered the question. I gave out sweets to the winners.
The survey can be used by students to find out who is a certain age, whose brother is 12 years old and so on.
The activities include a code breaker activity (be careful, A-1, B-2,C-3,D-4, G-7, I-9 etc....)
A reading task, questions, cross word, match up (cognates), powerpoints and some other bits and bobs.
Powerpoint which matches up with pages 6 and 7 in MIRA textbook.
Present tense verb activity - fill in table
speaking activity
match up activities
extension tasks
1.) powerpoint present
- RECAP IN ENGLISH - what is a verb? Inifinitive?
2.) EXPLAIN AR/IR/ER verbs and how they are formed in the YO form.
3.) Give students verb table to fill in/conjugate. Conjugate the verbs into the YO form. Find the infinitives and find the English equivalents.
- extension tasks
4.) write sentences using the verbs (answer page)
Ask them to find new vocabulary.
5.) Match up pics and phrases. (MATCH UP PRESENT ACTIVITIES MADRID SHEET)
6.) SPEAKING - que haces cuando vas de vacaciones
7.) copy the time phrases and translate
8.) writing
TE DOY MI CORAZON (find on youtube)
2 x worksheet (higher/beginners)
Extra materials
1.) reading comprehension
2.) extra sheet
3.) present tense comprehension viva higher/beginner
Use trouvez les paires activity as a starter. This will help students complete the 'town map' exercise. Students will read the text and draw the map according to the text. Students will learn the prepositions and places in a town. The park and hospital are already on the map. To allow for differentiation, let weaker students use dictionaries.