I am a Head of History with 15 years experience, including experience as a KS3, GCSE and A Level teacher as well as an examiner for OCR and WJEC Eduqas.
I am a Head of History with 15 years experience, including experience as a KS3, GCSE and A Level teacher as well as an examiner for OCR and WJEC Eduqas.
This jam-packed revision guide covers Crime, Policing and Punishment revision from the Middle Ages to modern day.
Specifically written to support GCSE Eduqas History 2E: Changes in Crime & Punishment but can also be a useful guide to anyone teaching Crime & Punishment in England and includes topics such as:
Medieval punishments
The Tudor Religious Rollercoaster
The Bloody Code
Highway robbery
Bow Street Runners
Metropolitan Police
Silent and Separate Systems
20th Century alternatives to prison
and much more!
Other revision guides available:
Site Study: Lincoln Gaol
Germany 1919-1939
UK 1919-1990
Conflict & Upheaval 1337-1381
This resource will support your students as they learn/revise about Lincoln Gaol and Prison and its significance in Crime and Punishment.
The resource is specifically for Eduqas GCSE History 2E: Changes in Crime & Punishment and covers the site study for 2024 and 2025 which is Lincoln Castle Gaol. However, it could be used by anybody teaching about prisons and punishment in the 18th and 19th Centuries or studying castles over time.
It includes details on features such as:
The Georgian Gaol (1788)
The Victorian Prison (1848)
Separate and Silent Systems
Chapel and Exercise
The long drop at Cobb Hall
The Lucy Tower
John Howard
George O Paul
and much more!
Other revision guides available:
Crime & Punishment 500-present day
Germany 1919-1939
UK 1919-1990
Conflict & Upheaval 1337-1381
This resource will support your students as they learn/revise about England in the 14th Century, especially the Hundred Years’ War, the Black Death and the Peasants’ Revolt.
The resource is specifically for Eduqas GCSE History 1A: England: Conflict & Upheaval 1337-1381. However, it could be used by anybody teaching about England in the 1300s, the Hundred Years’ War, the Black Death and the Peasants’ Revolt
It includes details on features such as:
Life in Medieval England
The feudal system: King, Lords, Church and Peasants
Villeins and serfdom
Edward III and the causes of the HYW
The battles at Crecy and Poitiers
Tactics used such as the English longbow and chevauchees
The alliances with Flanders
The Black Prince
The arrival and spread of the Black Death
Types of plague: bubonic and pneumonic
The short and long term impact of the Black Death
Causes of the Peasants’ Revolt
The Poll Tax
Wat Tyler and John Ball
Richard II and Smithfield
Other revision guides available:
Crime & Punishment 500-present day
Germany 1919-1939
UK 1919-1990
Lincoln Gaol Site Study
This resource will support your students as they learn/revise about Weimar and Nazi Germany 1919-1939, especially the Weimar Republic, Hitler’s Rise to Power, Life in Nazi Germany and Hitler’s Foreign Policy.
The resource is specifically for Eduqas GCSE History 1G: Germany in Transition 1919-1939. However, it could be used by anybody teaching about Weimar and Nazi Germany.
It includes details on features such as:
The Treaty of Versailles
The Weimar Republic and constitution
Kapp Putsch
Spartacist Uprising
Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch
Ruhr Valley Crisis and Hyperinflation
Stresemann and the Rentenmark
The Dawes Plan and Young Plan
The Great Depression
Hitler’s Rise to Power
The Reichstag Fire
The Enabling Act
The Night of the Long Knives
Terror and the SS
Goebbels and Nazi propaganda
Life in Nazi Germany for women, workers, children and minorities
The 3 Ks and the marriage loans
DAP and RAD, KdF and SdA
Hitler Youth
League of German Maidens
Treatment of the Jews
The Confessing Church, Niemoller and Bonhoeffer
Edelweiss Pirates
Hitler’s foreign policy
Rhineland and Rearmament
Munich Conference
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Other revision guides available:
Crime & Punishment 500-present day
England: Conflict and Upheaval 1337-81
UK 1919-1990
Lincoln Gaol Site Study
This resource will support your students as they learn/revise about developments in the UK from 1919 through to 1990. The resource focuses mostly on major events and how they affected ordinayr people.
The resource is specifically for Eduqas GCSE History 2D: The Development of the UK, 1919-1990. However, it could be used by anybody teaching about British history in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
It includes details on features such as:
The General Strike
The Great Depression
The Home Front
The Blitz
Macmillan and “never had it so good”
Swinging Sixties
Stuttering Seventies
Welsh and Scottish nationalism
The Troubles and the IRA
Europe and the EEC
The Winter of Discontent
Thatcher and monetarism
The Miners’ Strike
The Falklands War
Other revision guides available:
Crime & Punishment 500-present day
Germany 1919-1939
England: Conflict & Upheval 1337-1381
Lincoln Gaol Site Study