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Doctorharves's Shop

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I am a 5th-year science teacher from Auckland New Zealand, specialising in physics and chemistry. I am also a Microsoft innovative education expert for 2017 and am active in #scichatnz and #teachmeetnz.




I am a 5th-year science teacher from Auckland New Zealand, specialising in physics and chemistry. I am also a Microsoft innovative education expert for 2017 and am active in #scichatnz and #teachmeetnz.
Rates of Reaction

Rates of Reaction

This activity is divided into 4 parts each activity involved one of the components of rates of reactions - size, concentration, temperature and catalysts. The activity involves graphing data and then explaining the plot using rates of reaction theory. Students graph data and then apply this information to collision theory to explain observed data. The activity also includes hint sheets to assist students.
Work Booklet Chemistry - Groups 1 and 7

Work Booklet Chemistry - Groups 1 and 7

This booklet is designed to test student understanding of the periodic table and in particular, groups 1 and 7. The activities in the form of questions and practical exercises are designed to link electronic structure with the properties of the elements. Balancing of equations and explantation of experimental results is also involved.
Cell Quiz

Cell Quiz

This is a two player game which tests student's understanding of cell structure. It is in the form of a powerpoint where students select answers to questions. The first team to answer all the questions wins! The questions are based around cells types and parts of the cell. Describe the different parts of the cell.
Chemical Word Equations

Chemical Word Equations

A series of activities that guide the students through completing and writing chemical word equations for acid neutralization reactions. displacement and synthesis reactions to be used in series. Designed for junior high school level.
Projectile Motion

Projectile Motion

This lesson incorporates a powerpoint presentation designed for senior physics. The presentation contains worked examples and individual learning tasks to assess students understanding of the topic of projectile motion.
Chemical energetics - catalysts

Chemical energetics - catalysts

This lesson describes in the form of an introduction presentation what a catalyst is and how it performs its function by lowering the activation energy of a reaction. Designed for KS4 Chemistry.


This is a senior physics lesson on electromagnetism consisting of a power point presentation including worked examples and learning tasks.
Periodic Trends - atomic Radii

Periodic Trends - atomic Radii

This A-level powerpoint presentation outlines how the atomic radii of the elements change across the periods and down the groups and discuss the reasons and justifications for these trends.
Gas Exchange

Gas Exchange

This lesson involves students examining the process of gas exchange through a digital presentation followed by an assessment task in the form of an exit card. The lesson is in the form of a Microsoft Office Sway presentation outlining learning objectives, diagrams and a short video. The presentation can be accessed below: https://sway.office.com/oSEdgW9sCCACrkmQ?ref=Link
How to use a bunsen burner

How to use a bunsen burner

The presentation is to be done over two lessons. The first lesson goes over lab safety with an activity involving finding potential dangers in the lab. The next lesson involves the use of a bunsen burner to test for metals. The latter lesson involves students getting a bunsen burner drivers license by following safety steps. Once attained they test solid salt samples by the flame test. The other activity includes labelling the bunsen burner and using terms in sentences to reinforce learning. The learning objectives for both lessons are outlined in the presentation.
Forces revision game

Forces revision game

This is a useful revision resource around forces and Newtons equations of motion. The activity consists of students cutting out and creating a series of cards. The students then work in groups of 3 - 4 to attempt to compete the task set on the cards. The fastest group wins. The task is 'I have, who has' Each card has a definition (I have) and also a question (who has) one student reads out a question (who has) and other students respond with the answer (I have) based on what cards they have in front of them. If the answer is correct then they read out the question on their card. The game is completed when all definitions are answered by the group.
Rates of reactions exercises

Rates of reactions exercises

This resource is designed to practise graphing skills and data analysis around chemistry rates of reactions. Also designed to develop student understanding of results obtained using collision theory. The exercise consists of activities where students develop understanding of the 4 different ways to change rates of reaction - concentration, temperature, catalysts and surface area.


This activity is similar to dominoes, just this time with 3 sides! The students cut out the trionimoes and try and build shapes by match sides to each other. The game has three levels of difficulty depending on the level of students. Questions are based on atomic structure and bonding as well as the periodic table
Rate of reaction trading cards

Rate of reaction trading cards

Excellent revision tool for rates of reaction. In pairs, students cut out both sides of the cards and glue them together. Then as one asks the question the other tries to answer it. If you get an answer right, you keep the card. The one with the most cards wins! Designed for KS4 Chemistry.
Phase changes

Phase changes

This task can be designed as an assessment or set as a task in class. The activity involves students determining the phase changes of water by correctly placing image in the right order. The activity can be extended by students developing a video using digital devices on what happens during phase changes with the activity as a prompt.
Plant and animal cells

Plant and animal cells

An introductory powerpoint presentation on cells. The presentation illustrates the concepts of different cell types (animal and plant). Additionally, the presentation discusses specialised cells. Finally, the presentation includes student activities to ensure students have grasped the material and reinforce learning. The activities include a research task of linking the shape of a cell to its function and differentiating between animal and plant cells. Determine the difference between animal and plant cells. Describe how cells are adapted to their function.
Elements - assignment

Elements - assignment

5 tasks the form of an assignment consisting of a series of questions designed to test student understanding of atomic structure and how the periodic table is designed. Developed to investigate the first 20 elements and linking their atomic structure to the properties of these elements. Describe how the properties of the first 20 elements link to their position on the periodic table.


The resource is in the form of a presentation about hydraulics related to pressure and forces with worked examples. Also included is an activity which assesses the understanding of the principle of force magnifiers in relation to hydraulics through a series of questions related to the concepts outlined in the presentation. The application of the equation of P = F/A in hydraulics is outlined in both the worked examples and in the activity.