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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
What is Religion - an approach for all ages

What is Religion - an approach for all ages

This is a Slide-Show conversation about religion which starts with the answers that a Reception class, part of a workshop I gave in March. Here I explore Religion using models of Jigsaw, Kaleidoscope, Music and Dance and cover concepts of Theist, Atheist and Agnostic I conclude with a section which explores the concept of God. This makes the Slide Show useful for KS4 and older philosophy students as well as younger children. Please give feedback and ratings Thanks, durgamata
The Easter Story from the Four Gospels -

The Easter Story from the Four Gospels -

The Easter Story - from The Last Supper to The Ascension The accounts from the Four Gospels are Aligned to highlight key events. I use this with KS3 or KS4. Dividing the class into groups, each group has one key event or episode from the story to turn into a short Drama. Each group performs their episode in sequence. I need to check this resource is complete and accurate but with Easter around the corner, I will share it now. years 4 to 6 in Primary school can use a similar approach but in their case, the teacher will need to create a simple outline from the Gospels which the children can then enact or read in sequence.
Matters of Life and Death Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.2

Matters of Life and Death Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.2

This twelve-word crossword-puzzle, with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints, is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies topic Matters of Life and Death. This resource includes * 2 versions of the crossword, * Teacher's Notes which include answers and hints - and a * Helpful Hints sheet which you may use to aid differentiation or as the alotted time is nearly up - to speed up completion. Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson introducing the Key Words, extension activity on this topic, homework or revision.
Reflections on Life - with commentary

Reflections on Life - with commentary

This Power Point slide show combines images and texts to encourage thought, reflection and discussion about important issues including evolution, family and relationship, peace and conflict, poverty and homelessness, global warming, disability, courage and hope.. It has evolved from the earlier slide-shows but this file is designed for use with GCSE, and older classes. There are images which could distress younger students - It's good for upper school assemblies I hope you enjoy this resource and find it valuable.
Science and Religion / The God Question and a lot more

Science and Religion / The God Question and a lot more

19 Resources
This is a bundle of files which explore the God Question, matters relating to Science and Religion and also includes some great puzzles which reinforce important concepts and vocabulary relating to Religious Education Great Value for Money here.
Failure As a Springboard to Success

Failure As a Springboard to Success

How to use Failure as a Springboard to Success What are your New Year Resolutions? Meditation, Conscious Breathing, Mindfulness and A Gratitude-Attitude. Powerful Strategies to Reduce Stress, Build Resilience and Increase Happiness. An experience on New Year’s Day inspired me to write an article for the online Magazine Elephant Journal. It is quite a comprehensive reflection on New Year Resolutions and what life is all about. One of the nicest responses I have had so far is an email from an American Coach and Educationalist. She writes - Your article is wonderful and so inspiring! I am working on a talk right now, and many of the ideas, quotes, and stories helped me think more clearly about what I’d like to say. It’s so easy to get caught in the net of horridness - due to the goings-on in the US right now… Part of my long response was this - My friend - thank you for the lovely response. I can hear your voice when I read your writings. It warms my heart each and every time. Thank you for the shared love and concern for our country. I pray that all will be well, that justice will survive, and that those responsible will pay for their wrong-doings. You may use my words for a testimonial - happy to help in any way. Thank you for the suggestion of James Corden - I love him and I will watch. Be well, get back to your news only in small doses, and keep doing the great work! Our world needs YOU! Big hugs, Regina Regina Carey, M.Ed. Empowerment Coach & Passion Instigator
The Seven Steps to Happiness - Full Version

The Seven Steps to Happiness - Full Version

This is the full version of my book The Seven Steps to Happiness. I will add more info later but have to leave London within the next hour or can’t spend Christmas with my family (we are all strictly self-isolating - so no risks there. But I don’t want to get trapped by the lockdown so I have to move fast. I spent today just polishing this up and it is as good as I can make it but I would love some feedback. It is powerful. It contains a lot of value. Do share the link with anyone who you know who is finding life really tough and stressful as it works. My Programme - The Seven Steps to Happiness has evolved in face to face workshops over the past 5 or so years, since I retired from teaching. Now I am moving it online and my entire focus is to be of service to my beloved colleagues. Stress is massive - but I have been exploring ways in which we can better handle it. The aim is to learn to surf the stress, rather than be overwhelmed by it. Try it and see for yourself. LOVE AND ALL BEST WISHES DurgaMata
Sermon on the Mount Out of Context Quote

Sermon on the Mount Out of Context Quote

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew - Luke’s version is on a Plain - contains a distilation of Jesus’ teaching. It is focussed on Love. I am a Religious Education Specialist teacher - so when anyone reinforces their words with a quote from any scriptural source - from any of the religions - alarm bells sound for me. I have a very dear friend - Sri Akarshana - who gives daily Youtube videos to inspire and educate. I love the way he brings together the inner and the outer world, spirituality and materialism. But this morning he used a reference to The Sermon on the Mount - and I was inspired to investigate…
Rights and Responsibilities - Crossword for Key Words in Religion and Society

Rights and Responsibilities - Crossword for Key Words in Religion and Society

Crossword using the Key Words and more from the old Unit 8: Religion and Society Based on a Study of Christianity and at Least One Other Religion Section 8.1: Religion: rights and responsibilities. While the spec has changed, the words found here are important to understand. My crosswords aid learning and revision of important concepts and words found at GCSE Level in RE. This one is also relevant for Citizenship and PSHE.
Marriage and family life Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.3

Marriage and family life Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.3

This crossword-puzzle with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies - unit 1.3 Marriage and family life. This resource includes: two versions of the crossword puzzle, Teacher's Notes which give all the answers plus hints and Helpful Hints which you can use to aid differentiation or share with the whole class when the time provided for this activity is nearly up. Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson introducing the topic, extension activity, homework or revision. In addition to the required Key-Words, a small number of additional words relating to this topic have been included.
Believing in God  Key-Word Crossword for GCSE Religious Studies Unit 1.1  (2 of 2)

Believing in God Key-Word Crossword for GCSE Religious Studies Unit 1.1 (2 of 2)

This eleven-word crossword-puzzle with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies topic 1.1 Believing in God. This resource contains * two versions of the crossword * teacher's notes - including the answers and hints * helpful hints for students. This can be used to aid differentiation or shared with the whole class towards the end of the exercise, to help everyone finish - or as you go through the activity, together Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson about the topic, extension activity, homework or revision, this is the second of two crosswords for Believing in God. In addition to the required Key Words, a small number of additional words relating to this topic have been included.
Believing in God - Key-Word Crossword Puzzle (1 of 2) for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.1

Believing in God - Key-Word Crossword Puzzle (1 of 2) for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.1

This ten-word crossword-puzzle with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies topic 1.1 Believing in God. This resource includes 3 crosswords, Teacher's Notes which include answers and hints - and a Helpful Hints sheet to aid differentiation. Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson about the topic, extension activity, homework or revision, there is a second crossword to cover all the Key Words in this topic. In addition to the required Key-Words, a small number of additional words relating to this topic have been included. note - here you have an extra version of the crossword, as I was experimenting with different systems. I preferred the one which I then felt required enlarging, but have kept all the versions for you convenience.
Government plans to cut Health and Safety

Government plans to cut Health and Safety

Excellent article on cuts to Health and Safety due to a desire to please the companies which fund political parties (saving firms money required for improving safety standards) with serious consequences for employees. Rates of death/injury at work will increase causing huge financial costs to the taxpayer and immeasurable suffering for many individuals and families. We need a campaign like we had for the forest sell-off to reverse this evil policy. The article raises important questions and is clear enough to use with KS3 upwards. Stimulate some great discussion/higher level thinking.
choices, friends, gangs, consequences a true story

choices, friends, gangs, consequences a true story

My friend's two sons call me Grandma and I have known them for more than ten years, This is an account of the way the older son got into big trouble a few years ago. He is now in prison as a result. Get your students to work out all the different places where he made choices - which could have changed the course of that very sad evening, in which he was responsible for the death of his friend. I have now added another 'chapter&' three years on. I hope that by reflecting on this true story, they may be able to make wisher choices themselves. It might even save someone&';s life.
RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

I have copied the article from Independent and the letter from The Telegraph mentioned in a recent thread, adding some of the best submissions etc. I've highlighted important bits. Do keep up the pressure and forward these to Mr Gove, to your MP to chase Mr Gove with + anyone you know who may be willing to do the same, I think this time is really critical and a lot of people will be like me, up to the neck with other duties, so its hard to fit in the time. Good Luck and happy summer
'God's Colours' + 'All Shall Be Well' with Lyrics

'God's Colours' + 'All Shall Be Well' with Lyrics

My sister Jill Blackadder is a teacher in the Shetland Islands. She has been writing songs since childhood. They are spiritual and inspiring. You can contact Jill to obtain sheet music and the CD by emailing her directly - 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, 'God's Colours&' is particularly popular, relates to Community Cohesion and RE good for all ages. All Shall Be Well is a more solemn meditation on life - all profits from CD sales go to charity. please give feedback and rating if you use this
A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

This is my account of what happened when we moved to London and my son (then aged 9) suffered some bullying. (He is now 31 and a professional actor. You may have seen him in the photos and video referred to on Siddhartha becomes the Buddha.) I wrote this years ago and found it when doing a computer search for Krishna - in relation to my recent Hinduism Day. I think it could encourage some good discussion on many aspects of RE, PSHE and Citizenship. I have now also uploaded the 'parent' file - Sunlight and Shadow parts 2 and 3
articles -  Villages in India -- progress + change

articles - Villages in India -- progress + change

These articles cover many aspects of village life - including local democracy, provision of water, education and opportunities for women, caste problems etc. Useful in any international work, citizenship, community cohesion and Religious Education topics with KS3 KS4, GCSE etc.
Hindu Festivals

Hindu Festivals

This is the calendar from different sources with some words of caution and information about Navaratri, often called DurgaPuja. I will add to this resource when I get time and then prepare some similar overviews of festivals for the other religions. This is in response to a request for information so my aim here is to offer enough to give the enquirer a start with Hinduism and then they can use it as a 'pattern to follow' when researching the other festivals.