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PPT - To know how a food chain works and what producer, predator and prey mean.

PPT - To know how a food chain works and what producer, predator and prey mean.

This ppt builds up children’s understanding of food chains through the use of small steps. Children will start by demonstrating their understanding of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Children will then move onto discuss the link to prior science units such as light and electricity to allow them to build on previous learning. Children will discuss the type of energy that is involved in the food chain and how this is essential to animals survival. Children will then move onto learn about producers and consumers and then further build on this by developing an understanding of of prey and predator. Throughout the slides there are opportunities for common misconceptions to be addressed, children to be actively engaged with their learning through discussions and thinking points and finally the core concepts are built up slowly and repetition is used to deepen understanding.