All resources

International Women's Day
A PowerPoint reviewing the importance of the day alongside history of the day and a research task on influential women.

Gender roles and sexism
A lesson exploring where gender roles come from and how they appear in the media.

Institutionalised Racism - RE
A lesson looking at the Stephen Lawrence case and the implications of the case on institutionalised racism. The lesson also looks at the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter and discusses different religious views on equality.

Anne Frank
Lesson on Anne Frank, originally made for an RE lesson but may be useful for History/English too!

Original Sin
A simple lesson looking at the concept of Original Sin, in a manner appropriate to KS3/low ability KS4.

Christian and Humanist view on life after death
A PowerPoint suitable for students in KS3 and KS4 reviewing simple aspects of Christian and Humanist views on the afterlife.

How does God reveal himself - Revelation
KS3 lesson on Revelation, originally taught to Year 7 according to new Catholic framework but suitable for any KS3/lower ability KS4.

Designed as an introduction to utilitarianism for a KS4/KS5 class. Ideal for Catholic school ‘General RE’ or equivalent.

Sikhism Overview
A lesson on Sikhism - designed as an introduction to Sikhism or an overview for units of work looking at many world religions.

Christmas Carols
Lesson looking at traditional Christmas carols and creating their own Christmas carol. A fun but structured Christmas lesson!

Modern day prophets and prophetic activism
Lesson suitable for KS3 and KS4 students on what a prophet is and whether prophets exist in the modern day.

Evauluating life after death and near death experiences
A lesson on key life after death teachings and arguments for and against. Appropriate for KS3 and KS4 students.

St Paul on the resurrection of Jesus
Lesson suitable for KS3 and KS4 on the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of St Paul.

What are the sacraments and why are they important to Catholics?
Lesson originally created for Edexcel Catholic Christianity GCSE.