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AQA Language Paper 1 Sec A - WTM
Fully guided WTM for Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart. Can be used to teach, assess or revise AQA Language Paper 1 Section A. Has a couple of slides on Sec B (Q5).

AQA Language Paper 1 - Question 5
Revision lesson for Language Paper 1, Question 5 with a focus on description.

AQA Language Paper 2 Question 3 - The Nanny
Quick revision lesson for AQA Language Paper 2, Question 3 on a letter written by Charlotte Bronte. Will also work for Paper 1, Question 2.

AQA Language Paper 1 Question 2 - A Sound of Thunder
Quick revision lesson for AQA Language Paper 1, Question 2 on A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury Will also work for Paper 2, Question 3. WAGOLL included.

AQA Language P1 Q4 - Coraline
Quick revision lesson for AQA Language Paper 1, Question 4 on Coraline by Neil Gaiman. WAGOLL included.

Shakespeare's Tragedies: Order, Chaos, Disruption
A lesson on how Shakespeare considers order, chaos and disruption with a focus on Macbeth/Great Chain of Being/King James I. Planned for mixed ability Y9, but can be adapted for lower or higher school. Could work as revision for GCSE Macbeth.

Shakespeare's Tragedies: Violence (Macbeth)
A lesson on how violence is used in Shakespeare’s tragedies, with a focus on Macbeth. Planned for mixed ability Y9, but can be adapted for lower or higher school. Could work as revision for GCSE Macbeth.

Shakespeare's Tragedies: Weather (Tempest)
A lesson on how weather is used in Shakespeare’s tragedies. Planned for mixed ability Y9, but can be adapted for lower or higher school.

Shakespeare's Tragedies: Intro/Tragic Hero
A lesson on the concept of the tragic hero in Shakespeare’s tragedies. Planned for mixed ability Y9, but can be adapted for lower or higher school.

Romeo and Juliet Full Scheme (KS3)
A full scheme for Romeo and Juliet. Consists of 9 lessons, modeled around AQA Literature Paper 1 style analysis, but elements of Lang P1 Q4, too. Created for 9x 100 minute lessons, but can be adapted for other lesson lengths. Taught to Y8, but suitable for KS3 in general.

Word of the Week + Talking Points
A set of ‘Talking Points’ (debates) with a ‘Word of the Week’ attached to each one. This set contains 6 pre-made TPs + WOTWs (one has a video to help explain the concept of democracy). Great for tutor times.

AQA Power and Conflict - All poems on one sheet.
All AQA Power and Conflict poems over two slides. Can be printed double sided (A4/A3) or all poems on one side if printed A3 (just alter the print settings - two pages per sheet). Great for revision.
Where possible I have tried to keep the poem in its original format (length of lines, layout, etc). Only exception to this is COTLB.