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Geography GCSE Knowledge organiser AQA Unit 2

Geography GCSE Knowledge organiser AQA Unit 2

A set of knowledge organisers covering the content for AQA GCSE Geography 9-1 Unit 2. They have very condensed notes that can be used for revision or to support teaching. Topics covered include: The urban world Urban change in the UK Sustainable urban development The development gap India: A Newly emerging economy The changing UK economy Resource management Energy management
Climate Change KS3 Knowledge Organiser

Climate Change KS3 Knowledge Organiser

This is a revision sheet which covers the key learning points for climate change. I use this with KS3. It can be used to help with exam revision or at the beginning of the module so they can stick it in their books and refer to it. Topics included: Greenhouse gas effect Natural and human causes Evidence for climate change Impacts of climate change Mitigation and adaptation strategies
Urbanisation knowledge organiser

Urbanisation knowledge organiser

This is a fun and colourful knowledge organsier that can be used for revision or to support teaching. It covers the critical content for a unit on urbanisation, particularly good for KS3 although I have used to support teaching in KS4 lessons occasionally when basic knowlegde needs revisiting. It would also work well with retrieval practice activities! The information is concise and summarised, and covers the following topics: Key definitions Global trends of urbanisation Push and pull factors Megacities HIC, LIC, NEE cities and their growth Environmental impacts of cities Sustainable strategies in cities I hope you enjoy.
Renewable energy

Renewable energy

This resource covers the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels, as well as renewable sources of energy. It fits with the AQA Geography Paper 1 Section A: The challenge of natural hazards (climate change). I have used with KS3 and KS4. It includes a categorising task, a table task and a plenary task (all of which could be copied to a word document and printed if needed.
Coastal erosion and management at Holderness

Coastal erosion and management at Holderness

This resource has worked well with KS3 and KS4. It covers the coastal erosion at the Holderness coastline. it covers the rate of erosion, the need for protection, and the advantages and disadvantages of management. The activities include: Drawing a sketch of the erosion and labelling it (starter) Describing the location of Holderness in detail Watching a video of erosion at Holderness Categorising the advantages and disadvantages of management at Holderness Writing a long structured answer where they evaluate the impact of managment at holderness. The tasks are differentiated, and for the final writing task there is a helpful bookmark structure sheet.
Changing Economic World: Nigeria Lesson Series

Changing Economic World: Nigeria Lesson Series

Series of 9 complete lessons following the specification for AQA GCSE Geography on ‘Case Study of an LIC or NEE’. The Case study is Nigeria. I have used these lessons with Year 10. All printables are included within the slides for easy printing! I hope you enjoy.
The Brandt Line

The Brandt Line

This lesson is all about the Brandt Line and whether it still applies. Each task is clearly explained and has a challenge with it - to stretch your students. This lesson introduces different classifications of countries as LIC, NEE and HIC at the start. The main activity involves the students shading a map based on GNI per capita for countries around the world. Then the students use this map to discuss if the Brant Line still applies today or not. The plenary involves sentences that the students can copy and complete to explain what they have learnt. I hope you find it useful and that your students enjoy it.
The problem with measures of development

The problem with measures of development

This lesson recaps knowledge on the measures of development, and then encourages students to think about the limits of these measures. Starter: a game based on measures of development Activity 1: a gap fill on measures of development Activity 2: oracy task thinking about the usefulness of these measures Activity 3:Map and video introducing the problem of using life expectancy as a measure Main activity: Students shade a map of london boroughs to show life expectancy. This can be used to discuss how an average can hide extremes. Plenary: Mathematical task where students are quized on range, mean, median and mode of the data they are using
Will Future English Lesson (ESL, TEFL)

Will Future English Lesson (ESL, TEFL)

In this lesson the students create horoscopes for celebrities using the ‘will future’ tense in english. Firstly the students fill in a horoscope for each month, choosing their level of difficulty from three different versions of the worksheet. Then students roll the dice to find the future outcomes for different celebrities, followed by writing that up as a horoscope. The class must then guess who eachothers horoscope is about. Resources included: Powerpoint presentation Differentiated horoscope worksheet Celebrity horoscope worksheet
Geography Christmas Quiz

Geography Christmas Quiz

This is a quiz suitable for KS3 Geography lessons, possibly KS2. The rounds are as follows: Face, Place, Flag Santa Grid Reference Christmas letters World Map General Knowledge Reindeer Compass Directions For round 2 and round 5 I used a map from Digimaps but I cannot share it, so you will need to make your own OS map and paste it behind the images for these rounds. Any map with grid references on will do. Then you can change the answers for round 5.