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Cause and Effect in History Subject Support

Cause and Effect in History Subject Support

Designed for international students to be able to discuss cause and effect in History. Ideal for Subject Support of CLIL classes, language level roughly B1-B2, although could be stretched or supported either side. Focuses on identfiying causes and effects and using linkers for cause and effect. Guides students to research and create their own paragraph describing causes and effects with some peer review guidance and an end debate task. This should be around 6 x 1 hour lessons, but could be made longer or shorter to suit. Remember to check the notes for useful links and information.
Hitler Key Events Timeline Sort

Hitler Key Events Timeline Sort

An activity for sorting key events in Hitler’s life into the correct order and then matching dates. Answer Key included. Created for a History CLIL class teaching timelines but would be useful for any class teaching about Hitler’s life or an introduction/overview of Hitler.
Understanding newspapers and bias

Understanding newspapers and bias

A PPT to support a one hour lesson taught on features of a newspaper and introducing the concept of bias. The lesson was a History CLIL lesson for international students studying about Hitler’s rise to power. The following lesson they created their own newspaper articles considering bias. Realia (in the form of real newspapers) was provided for the students to cut out and stick into their books examples of the features.
Eva Braun Klara Hitler Research Sheet

Eva Braun Klara Hitler Research Sheet

Ss write Hitler’s ideal qualities for a woman. Ss find information about Eva Braun. Ss discuss how well she fitted Hitler’s ideals. Ss find the same information about Hitler’s mother and consider how well she matches Hitler’s ideals. Ss write sentences comparing and contrasting with the opportunity to bring it together in a PEE paragraph. (Extra support on PEE would be required).
Facts and Opinions in History

Facts and Opinions in History

A PPT to guide students through understanding the difference between facts and opinions. Understanding the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary sources in History and using those skills to analyse a biography and create their own. The text I gave my students about Donald Trump was this one: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/donald-trump But any other text or adapted biography would work. This was three hours’ work for my class.