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Making Inferences with Taylor Swift

Making Inferences with Taylor Swift

A PPT I made to introduce my students to what inferences are. There are tasks to make inferences based on a photograph, and then from song lyrics - one for each era. Debut and Fearless I have designed with question prompts for whole class examples, and then each other era to be printed individually for small group work. The final task is a writing task based on a photograph encouraging students to show not tell. Could also be the basis for a nice annotated class display.
Taylor Swift Classroom Rules

Taylor Swift Classroom Rules

A PPT for an introduction or reminder of classroom rules. Could also be printed as one page slides for a classroom display. Each slide features a relevant picture of Taylor, a classroom rule, and a relevant lyric. 13 classroom rules total.
Coraline Activity Booklet Workbook Worksheets Homework

Coraline Activity Booklet Workbook Worksheets Homework

A 37-page activity booklet which can be used for class tasks, independent study or homework. There are some pre-reading questions to discuss, then activities done chapter by chapter following the book including a creative writing task for each chapter. There are After Reading activities and While You’re Waiting Tasks. Tasks are designed to check comprehension and understanding, encourage PEEZL and develop writing skills, figurative writing techniques, build and develop vocabulary range and knowledge, as well as games to be fun and engaging. There are links to literacy skills. Answers are not included but are all taken from the Coraline novel. Students can use this to help them find the answers.
How to Write a PEEZL paragraph

How to Write a PEEZL paragraph

A useful information sheet which walks students through how to write a PEEZL paragraph, then giving an example paragraph and sentence starters. There is then an activity for students to identify the correct parts of a paragraph to sort to make a PEEZL paragraph. This should help students to feel more confident creating their own PEEZL paragraphs.
Presentation Skills and Giving a TED Talk

Presentation Skills and Giving a TED Talk

An engaging PPT to help students identify good presentation skills. There are some slides at the end to help students think of an idea for creating their own TED Talk. This lesson was given after the students had already watched and understood a TED Talk.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Business

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Business

An engaging PPT designed to cover 6 x 1 hour lessons with a group of international students being taught subject support to assist them with their Business skills. Notes and answers have been added to the slides to help T where necessary. The lessons include a variety of speaking, writing, and grammar tasks using a variety of independent, pair and group work. The lessons are designed to get students understanding critical thining and how to think critically about different things and develop their problem solving skills teaching them to think ‘outside the box’. The grammar focus for these lessons is on the first conditional. There is a final project for the students to apply their learning.
Taylor Swift Literacy Classroom Display

Taylor Swift Literacy Classroom Display

Classroom bunting with examples of compound sentence, simile, subordinate clause, complex sentence, metaphor, conjunction, personification, rhetorical question, alliteration, assonance, oxymoron. An example is given of each feature from a taylor swift lyric, with one from each album. Ideal for KS2/3/4 classroom displays.
Chinese New Year Quiz

Chinese New Year Quiz

10 questions about Chinese New Year for students to research/race to find the answers to. Answers not included but easily available on the internet.