Here are examples of writing assessments for Key Stage 3. They reflect the 40 and 90 word writing tasks.
They include a marking section for targets and feedback that can be personalised to each student with a highlighter.
The GCSE mark scheme is also included at the bottom. (The mark scheme reflects the current GCSE)
This can be adapted for any language and any targets. For examples of how I use them, please head to my Instagram page!
AQA GCSE MFL speaking feedback sheets. Essentially the markscheme for the Speaking Exam condensed onto a few pages.
One for Foundation and one for Higher.
Easily adapted, but great printed onto A5, with sections highlighted, WWW/EBI/NYM feedback given and stapled into books.
QR codes on a powerpoint slide with links to Quizlet, Memrise and Word reference.
Easily editable with the link in the comment section - just copy your own links then snipping tool the code over.
I have also embedded the link to the code image, so that students can use this on a computer. Otherwise, this will be stuck in their books for them to use their phones.
Thinking quilt to encourage metacognitive thinking regarding tenses and meaning.
Students need to translate the verbs and then colour them according to key.
Resource is fully adaptable and great for homeworks.
European Day of Languages is Monday 26th September.
Here is an assembly to advertise and promote languages and jigsaw piece display template.
It is all fully adaptable (bar the headings as they’re a funky font)
A lesson and a film study mat to go alongside the Petit Prince film. Provides insight into Antoine de Saint Exupéry as well as looking into characters and quotes.
QR codes on a powerpoint slide with links to Quizlet, Memrise and Word reference.
Easily editable with the link in the comment section - just copy your own links then snipping tool the code over.
I have also embedded the link to the code image, so that students can use this on a computer. Otherwise, this will be stuck in their books for them to use their phones.
AQA GCSE Spanish writing feedback sheets. Essentially the markscheme for Paper 4 condensed onto one page. Easily adapted, but great printed onto A5, with sections highlighted, WWW/EBI/NYM feedback given and stapled into books.