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Erinimrie27's Shop

I provide handmade resources for mainstream and SEND teachers and parents. I can make custom communication boards if requested.

I provide handmade resources for mainstream and SEND teachers and parents. I can make custom communication boards if requested.
Converting fractions to percentages Y6

Converting fractions to percentages Y6

This is a perfect lesson for Y6. It shows how to convert fractions into %. There are lots of examples throughout the lesson. As a teacher you will have to ensure they know to convert the fraction into hundredths first before then converting into percentages. There is also resources to print and stick into workbooks.
Multiply decimals by 10,100 and 1000-KS2

Multiply decimals by 10,100 and 1000-KS2

This is a full lesson looking at multiplying decimals by 10,100 and 1000. This is perfect for Year 6 in preparation for SATs. There is a full lesson and a word document with questions to print off for the class. There is past SATs questions and other practice questions.
Subordinating Conjunctions - KS2

Subordinating Conjunctions - KS2

This is a short 20-30 minute lesson to help with your class with their SPaG knowledge. This is suitable for any class in KS2 but specifically Year 6. This focuses on the anagram ISAWAWABUB to help to remember all the subordinating conjunctions. There is a 20 minute powerpoint with gap fills and sentences that need the subordinating conjunction underlining. Finally there is a worksheet with past SATs questions from TestBase.
Geography Display pack

Geography Display pack

Contains biomes, continents and physical geographical features with definitions. Can be laminated and cut and used in activities of display boards.
Communication Board bundle

Communication Board bundle

10 Resources
All of my 11 communication boards. All available as separate. This is a bundle at a lower combined price. Covers food, drink, travel, personal needs and road safety. Hope this helps lots of people. You would be saving 52% if you bought this bundle then all of them separately.
Modal Verbs -KS2

Modal Verbs -KS2

This is a 20 minute lesson to help your class understand modal verbs. There is a short ppt lesson along with a word document of previous SATs questions that asked about modal verbs. This perfect for year 6 in preparation for SATs.
Coordinating Conjunctions - KS2

Coordinating Conjunctions - KS2

This is a short lesson looking at coordinating conjunctions in sentences. It anagram FANBOYS as a way to remember them all. The lesson would last around 20- 30 minutes. There is also an additional worksheet of all the past SATs questions that ask about coordinating conjunctions.
Commas in  a list - KS2

Commas in a list - KS2

A quick PPT to help students in KS2 with their SPaG. This lesson would last about 30 minutes and show children how to use commas in a list correctly. There is also a worksheet where they need to add commas in the correct place in the list.
Core Board Communication Aid

Core Board Communication Aid

Pictorial communication board to help aid communication with adults and children with additional communication needs. Core board includes the most used words and basics to help you day to day. Can be printed and laminated for durability.
Colours Communication Board

Colours Communication Board

Pictorial Communication board to aid communication needs when using colours. Could be used at home or at school when doing arts and crafts or describing something. All colours including black and white
Travel Communication Aid/Board

Travel Communication Aid/Board

Communication Board to help aid communication during visits to other places when out of the house. This can be used for verbal and pre -verbal children to help with transitions.