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ESL Fun Class & Ernesto Clases Divertidas

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Our shop is now bilingual! We already have over 6000 English resources. All of the resources you see in English will eventually be available in Spanish. Keep checking Back and Remember to Have Fun!




Our shop is now bilingual! We already have over 6000 English resources. All of the resources you see in English will eventually be available in Spanish. Keep checking Back and Remember to Have Fun!
Past Simple Tense Regular Verbs Board Game

Past Simple Tense Regular Verbs Board Game

This is a game to practice the past simple tense with regular verbs. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks with either a positive statement, negative statement or a Y/N or question word question. With the questions spaces, students will use the prompts in parenthesis Y/N, Who, What, When, Where, Why How or Which to form a question from the statement given. If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. The student that reaches the "finish" square first or is the farthest in the game when their time is up Wins! Visit our Website for Individual Game Previews, Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Slang at Work #1 Animated Board Game-Answer Key

Slang at Work #1 Animated Board Game-Answer Key

Our regular board games taken to a new level! Each game includes 6 movable character markers that students can click on to move the character around the board. Every character move includes a sound animation. Regular topic squares trigger a theme sound and every “take another turn” and “loose a turn” squares trigger a unique positive or negative sound bite. This animated // board game was designed to practice //. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks, use photos or written prompts to practice the target language. The student that reaches the "finish" square first, or is the farthest in the game when time is up, Wins! This game can also be played with groups. Just separate your class into however many groups are necessary and each group can take turns passing the mouse between individual students. (Note: Use caution when moving characters in the bottom left hand corner of the game board. These moves are close to the presentation menu. If a menu item is clicked accidentally, just click the “back arrow” to return to the game without exiting and needing to restart the game. Backward moves for characters are not enabled in this game.) Be sure to download our free “Present Simple Tense with Yes-No Questions Animated Board Game-Angry Birds” sample to try one out. Try out all 19 different animated themes with your student’s favorite animated film characters for hours of fun filled learning. Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com (*This game has a free answer key. As it is not possible to upload 2 documents to this site for the same product you must search for it and download it separately.
Phonics R Controlled Vowels ar-or-er-ir-ur Photo Card Game

Phonics R Controlled Vowels ar-or-er-ir-ur Photo Card Game

Phonics R Controlled Vowels ar-or-er-ir-ur Photo Card Game-ESL Fun Games Try out our Phonics R Controlled Vowels ar-or-er-ir-ur Photo Card Game. How to Play It: Students are dealt cards. The amount of cards depends on how many students and how much time you have. Students will take turns showing their cards to the group. They must fill in the blanks, use photos, written prompts or cues to form sentences in order to produce the target language. If students give the correct answer they will put their card face down in front of them. Play then moves to the next player. If students give an incorrect answer they must put the card on top of their pile and wait until their next turn to try and answer it again. The teacher can decide how many turns a student must try to perform the task correctly, before giving the student the answer and allowing him/her to continue. How to Score It: The student that has all of their cards face down in front of them first Wins! Notes: Each game includes 4 pages for a total of 36 cards. The cards also make great flash cards. Answer Key Included. Download and use our Play Money with the game to amp up the competition! Be sure to download our free “Adverbs Card Game” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Possessive Adjectives-Possessive Case Legal Size Photo Battleship Game

Possessive Adjectives-Possessive Case Legal Size Photo Battleship Game

Possessive Adjectives-Possessive Case Legal Size Text Battleship Game-ESL Fun Games How to Play It: English Battleship is a game for two players. Players try to guess the location of five ships their opponent has hidden on a grid. Players take turns calling out a row and column, attempting to name a square containing their opponent’s ships. The goal is to sink all of your opponent’s ships by correctly guessing their location. Each player gets a game sheet with two grids and five ships. There is one 5-length ship, one 4-length ship, two 3-length ships and one 2-length ship. Students secretly place their ships on the lower grid. Each ship must be placed horizontally or vertically (not diagonally) across grid spaces. Ships must not hang over the grid. Ships can touch each other but can’t be on the same space. Players take turns firing a shot to attack enemy ships. On a turn, students will call out a letter and a number of a row and column on the grid. Their opponent checks that space on their lower grid, and says miss if there are no ships there, or hit if they guessed a space that contained a ship. How to Score It: If a student “hits” an opponent’s ship, their opponent must say a target language word or a sentence that is represented by the photo on the space that they land on. If the student doesn’t succeed he/she must take the hit. If the student is correct his/her ship is safe for that turn. His/her opponent must try to get a correct answer on a future turn. Try having students write the word for an extra challenge. When a ship is hit, students will put a check mark on that ship on their lower grid at the location of the hit. Whenever a ship has all of its length spaces checked off they must announce to their opponent that he/she has sunk their ship. Students will mark their guesses on their upper grid, with an “X” for misses and a check mark for hits, to keep track. The first player to sink all of their opponent’s ships wins. Notes: The ships are included on page 2. An answer key and instructions are included on page 3. All battleship board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want. This resource is part of game bundle. Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Personal Hygiene-Grooming Matching Worksheet 1

Personal Hygiene-Grooming Matching Worksheet 1

Personal Hygiene-Grooming Matching Worksheet 1-ESL Fun Games-Fun! Try out our Personal Hygiene-Grooming Matching Worksheet 1. Description: Each worksheet has a total of twelve pairs of matching personal hygiene or grooming conditions and solutions. How to Use It:  Students will use the photos to match the pairs of personal hygiene or grooming conditions and solutions and write the words under each photo. These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. The worksheets also work great for extra homework practice. Notes: Each worksheet includes an Answer Key. Use our board and card games as complimentary activities for the worksheet sets.
Present Simple Tense with Yes-No Questions Animated Board Game-Angry Birds

Present Simple Tense with Yes-No Questions Animated Board Game-Angry Birds

Our regular board games taken to a new level! Each game includes 6 movable character markers that students can click on to move the character around the board. Every character move includes a sound animation. Regular topic squares trigger a theme sound and every “take another turn” and “loose a turn” squares trigger a unique positive or negative sound bite. This animated board game was designed to practice Present Simple Tense with Yes-No Questions. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks, use photos or written prompts to practice the target language. The student that reaches the "finish" square first, or is the farthest in the game when time is up, Wins! This game can also be played with groups. Just separate your class into however many groups are necessary and each group can take turns passing the mouse between individual students. (Note: Use caution when moving characters in the bottom left hand corner of the game board. These moves are close to the presentation menu. If a menu item is clicked accidentally, just click the “back arrow” to return to the game without exiting and needing to restart the game. Backward moves for characters are not enabled in this game.) Try out all 19 different animated themes with your student’s favorite animated film characters for hours of fun filled learning. Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Linking Words and Connectors Board Game

Linking Words and Connectors Board Game

This is a game to practice linking words and connectors. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks with a linking word or connector. If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. The student that reaches the "finish" square first or is the farthest in the game when their time is up Wins! Visit our Website for Individual Game Previews, Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Comparative Adjectives Chutes and Ladders Board Game

Comparative Adjectives Chutes and Ladders Board Game

This is a game to practice Comparative Adjectives. This version of English Chutes and Ladders is played like a regular board game except students begin at the bottom of the game and move upwards. If a student lands on a space with a ladder they may climb up to the space where the ladder ends. If they land on a Chute they must slide down to the space where the chute ends. As students move around the board they will fill in the blanks, use photos or written prompts to practice the target language. If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. (note: going back for a wrong answer does not apply to chutes). Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Cheaters and Dishonesty Animated Board Game-Answer Key

Cheaters and Dishonesty Animated Board Game-Answer Key

Our regular board games taken to a new level! Each game includes 6 movable character markers that students can click on to move the character around the board. Every character move includes a sound animation. Regular topic squares trigger a theme sound and every “take another turn” and “loose a turn” squares trigger a unique positive or negative sound bite. This animated board game was designed to practice Cheaters and Dishonesty. Students move around the board and fill in the blanks, use photos or written prompts to practice the target language. The student that reaches the "finish" square first, or is the farthest in the game when time is up, Wins! This game can also be played with groups. Just separate your class into however many groups are necessary and each group can take turns passing the mouse between individual students. (Note: Use caution when moving characters in the bottom left hand corner of the game board. These moves are close to the presentation menu. If a menu item is clicked accidentally, just click the “back arrow” to return to the game without exiting and needing to restart the game. Backward moves for characters are not enabled in this game.) Be sure to download our free “Present Simple Tense with Yes-No Questions Animated Board Game-Angry Birds” sample to try one out. Try out all 19 different animated themes with your student’s favorite animated film characters for hours of fun filled learning. Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com (*This game has a free answer key. As it is not possible to upload 2 documents to this site for the same product you must search for it and download it separately.
Prepositions of Place and Direction Battleship Board Game

Prepositions of Place and Direction Battleship Board Game

This is a game to practice Prepositions of Place and Direction. English Battleship is a game for two players where you try to guess the location of five ships your opponent has hidden on a grid. Players take turns calling out a row and column, attempting to name a square containing enemy ships. The game is played with two players. Each player gets a game sheet with two grids and five ships. There is one length 5 ship, one length 4 ship, two length 3 ships and one length 2 ship. The goal is to sink all of your opponent's ships by correctly guessing their location. Students secretly place their ships on the lower grid. Each ship must be placed horizontally or vertically (not diagonally) across grid spaces, and can't hang over the grid. Ships can touch each other, but can't both be on the same space. Players take turns firing a shot to attack enemy ships. On a turn, students will call out a letter and a number of a row and column on the grid. Their opponent checks that space on their lower grid, and says "miss" if there are no ships there, or "hit" if they guessed a space that contained a ship. Students will mark their guesses on their upper grid, with an “X” for misses and a check mark for hits, to keep track. When a ship is hit, students will put a check mark on that ship on their lower grid at the location of the hit. Whenever a ship has all of its’ length spaces checked off they must announce to their opponent that he/she has sunk their ship. The first player to sink all opposing ships wins. (ships are included on page 2) Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Infinitives of Purpose Combo Interactive Worksheets for Google Apps

Infinitives of Purpose Combo Interactive Worksheets for Google Apps

Infinitives of Purpose Combo Interactive Worksheets for Google Apps-ESL Fun Class! Description: This interactive grammar worksheet is made with Google Slides. It has four student pages in one document and the answer key in a second document. The student document includes a grammar structure and use page. This page explains positive statements, negative statements, contractions, yes/no questions, short answers, information questions and long answers. The other three pages include 10 photo questions, 10 multiple choice questions, 10 fill-in-the missing words questions, 10 correct or incorrect questions, 10 spot the error questions and 10 discussion questions for a total of 60 questions. How to Use It: Students will follow the directions and perform the tasks in each section. The worksheets work great for extra homework practice, extra credit or material for substitute teachers. These worksheets can also be printed and handed out to students in class. You can save on printing costs by posting the worksheet links on your platform and have students complete them with Google Docs or you can project the material in class and have students write down the answers in their notebooks. As the actual documents are on Google Drive you must have a Google account to use them. Your links to these documents will be on the PDF you download with your purchase. Just click on the links at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions to add a copy to your Google Drive. You can then share the worksheet link from your Google Drive with as many students as you wish. Notes: Be sure to download the sample page and zoom in to see all of the exercises clearly. We use the same target words and phrases on all of the resources created for one topic. This is done intentionally to reinforce the basic vocabulary and grammar structures for each topic. Therefore, you can use our worksheets, board and card games, exams and other Interactive PowerPoint games and presentations as complimentary activities for this game. Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Crime, Law Enforcement & Court Cards 4 Pages = 36 Cards

Crime, Law Enforcement & Court Cards 4 Pages = 36 Cards

This is a game to practice crime, law enforcement and court vocabulary. Students are dealt cards and fill in the blanks, use photos, written prompts or cues to form sentences in order to produce the target language. If students give the correct answer play goes to the next player. If students give an incorrect answer they must pick up their card and wait until their next turn to try and answer it again. The student that gets rid of all of their cards first Wins! (See English Card Game Rules for alternate playing method with money) Visit our Website for Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Prepositions of Place and Direction 6 Board Game Bundle

Prepositions of Place and Direction 6 Board Game Bundle

6 Resources
Use this board game bundle to practice Prepositions of Place and Direction grammar. Each bundle includes: 1 regular board game, 2 Battleship game cards and ships, 36 game or flash cards, 16 Tic-Tac-Toe or Bingo cards, one checkerboard game with checkers and a chutes and ladders board game for a total of 15 pages of fun! (see individual games for previews and game rules).
Modal Verbs of Regret Board Game

Modal Verbs of Regret Board Game

This is a game to practice modals of regret with wish. Students move around the board and finish the sentences with a modal of regret. If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. The student that reaches the square first or is the farthest in the game when their time is up Wins! Visit our Website for Individual Game Previews, Free Samples, Special Savings and Online English Classes: eslfungames.com
Personal Hygiene-Grooming PowerPoint

Personal Hygiene-Grooming PowerPoint

Personal Hygiene-Grooming PowerPoint-ESL Fun Games Try out our Personal Hygiene-Grooming PowerPoint. Description: Each Regular PowerPoint Slideshow has one topic with 6 task categories; What’s in the Photo?  Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error.  Every PowerPoint Slideshow has a total of 60 different tasks with answers.  All 120 slides are also animated with sounds! How to Use It:       Open the slideshow in PowerPoint.  Click the mouse or the right arrow button on your keyboard to advance to the next slide.  To move back a slide, click the left arrow button.  Students can take turns performing the tasks on the slides or present the slideshow to the entire class as a fun classroom activity or topic warmer. Notes: Use our worksheets, Jeopardy Game, Board and Card Games as complimentary activities for the PowerPoint Slideshow
Reflexive-Reciprocal Pronouns Sentence Match Worksheet

Reflexive-Reciprocal Pronouns Sentence Match Worksheet

Reflexive-Reciprocal Pronouns Sentence Match Worksheet-ESL Fun Games Try out our Reflexive-Reciprocal Pronouns Sentence Match Worksheet. Description: This is a two page sentence match worksheet.  Each worksheet has a total of thirty-five sentences split into two parts. How to Use It:  Students will match sentence halves on the worksheet. These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class.  They also work great for extra homework practice. Save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks. Notes: Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page. Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complementary activities for this worksheet. Don’t forget to download our free “Art Forms Sentence Match WS” sample from our website to try one out.
Origins-Nationalities PowerPoint Slideshow

Origins-Nationalities PowerPoint Slideshow

Origins-Nationalities PowerPoint Slideshow-ESL Fun Games Try out our Origins-Nationalities PowerPoint Slideshow. Description: Each Regular PowerPoint Slideshow has one topic with 6 task categories; What’s in the Photo?  Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error.  Every PowerPoint Slideshow has a total of 60 different tasks with answers.  All 120 slides are also animated with sounds! How to Use It: Open the slideshow in PowerPoint.  Click the mouse or the right arrow button on your keyboard to advance to the next slide.  To move back a slide, click the left arrow button.  Students can take turns performing the tasks on the slides or present the slideshow to the entire class as a fun classroom activity or topic warmer. Notes: Use our worksheets, Jeopardy Game, Board and Card Games as complimentary activities for the PowerPoint Slideshow
Natural Disasters and Emergency Interactive Worksheets for Google Apps

Natural Disasters and Emergency Interactive Worksheets for Google Apps

Natural Disasters and Emergency Interactive Worksheets for Google Apps-ESL Fun Class! Description: This interactive vocabulary worksheet is made with Google Slides. It has four student pages in one document and the answer key in a second document. The student document includes a vocabulary explanation page with a topic definition and thirty-five words with their definitions or descriptions. The other three pages include 10 photo questions, 10 multiple choice questions, 10 fill-in-the missing words questions, 10 correct or incorrect questions, 10 spot the error questions and 10 discussion questions for a total of 60 questions. How to Use It: Students will follow the directions and perform the tasks in each section. The worksheets work great for extra homework practice, extra credit or material for substitute teachers. These worksheets can also be printed and handed out to students in class. You can save on printing costs by posting the worksheet links on your platform and have students complete them with Google Docs or you can project the material in class and have students write down the answers in their notebooks. As the actual documents are on Google Drive you must have a Google account to use them. Your links to these documents will be on the PDF you download with your purchase. Just click on the links at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions to add a copy to your Google Drive. You can then share the worksheet link from your Google Drive with as many students as you wish. Notes: Be sure to download the sample page and zoom in to see all of the exercises clearly. We use the same target words and phrases on all of the resources created for one topic. This is done intentionally to reinforce the basic vocabulary and grammar structures for each topic. Therefore, you can use our worksheets, board and card games, exams and other Interactive PowerPoint games and presentations as complimentary activities for this game. Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com