Our shop is now bilingual! We already have over 6000 English resources. All of the resources you see in English will eventually be available in Spanish. Keep checking Back and Remember to Have Fun!
Our shop is now bilingual! We already have over 6000 English resources. All of the resources you see in English will eventually be available in Spanish. Keep checking Back and Remember to Have Fun!
Past Simple Tense with Irregular Verbs Legal Size Text Board Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students will roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled. They will use the target language to perform the tasks on the spaces that they land on, whether it be answer a question or fill in the missing word.
How to Score It:
If the student is correct, he/she may remain on their spot. If the student is incorrect, he/she must return to their previous spot and roll again. The student that reaches the finish square first or is closest to it when time is up wins!
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can
use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Game Update Information:
This game has been reformatted to legal size paper and an answer key, instructions, dice and marker cutouts have been added. If you have already purchased the game, and want the updated version, go to your purchases and try to redownload the game again. If this doesn’t work, email your proof of purchase to: admin@eslfungames.com, and a free copy of the updated game will be emailed to you.
Linking Words and Connectors Legal Size Text Board Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students will roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled. They will use the target language to perform the tasks on the spaces that they land on, whether it be answer a question or fill in the missing word.
How to Score It:
If the student is correct, he/she may remain on their spot. If the student is incorrect, he/she must return to their previous spot and roll again. The student that reaches the finish square first or is closest to it when time is up wins!
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can
use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Game Update Information:
This game has been reformatted to legal size paper and an answer key, instructions, dice and marker cutouts have been added. If you have already purchased the game, and want the updated version, go to your purchases and try to redownload the game again. If this doesn’t work, email your proof of purchase to: admin@eslfungames.com, and a free copy of the updated game will be emailed to you.
Past Simple Tense with Irregular Verbs Legal Size Text Chutes and Ladders Game-ESL Fun Games!
How to Play It:
Play the English Chutes and Ladders like a regular board game except students begin at the bottom of the game and move upwards.
If a student lands on a space with a ladder they may climb up to the space where the ladder ends. If they land on a Chute they must slide down to the space where the chute ends.
As students move around the board they will use the target language to perform the tasks on the spaces they land on, whether it be answer a question or fill in the missing word.
How to Score It:
If students give the correct answer they can remain on their spot until their next turn. If students give the incorrect answer they must go back to their previous spot and wait until their next turn to try again. Have Students spell the words for an extra challenge! Note: Incorrect answers do not count with ladders.
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All chutes and ladders board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Game Update Information:
This game has been reformatted to legal size paper and an answer key, instructions, dice and marker cutouts have been added. If you have already purchased the game, and want the updated version, go to your purchases and try to redownload the game again. If this doesn’t work, email your proof of purchase to: admin@eslfungames.com, and a free copy of the updated game will be emailed to you.
Body Parts Alphabetical Order II-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Body Parts Alphabetical Order II.
This is a 1 page alphabetical order worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of thirty words in a word bank at the bottom of the page.
How to Use It:
Students must write all the words in the correct alphabetical order on the lines provided.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Don’t forget to download our free “Animals Alphabetical Order II” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Animals Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Slideshow-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Animals Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Slideshow.
Each Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Slideshow can be played with 8 players or 8 teams. All games have one topic with 6 task categories; What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every game includes Regular Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, The Daily Double and Final Jeopardy, for a total of 61 different tasks with answers, automatic or manual scoring and a colored timer bar. All 126 slides are also animated with Jeopardy sounds!
How to Use It:
1st, Adjust the Countdown Timer to 30. This will give 30 seconds for the student to answer.
The game can be played with three individuals or three groups.
Students will take turns picking a category and dollar amount.
Click on the chosen box for the task or question.
Immediately click on the timer bar at the bottom. It will count for 30 seconds if you preset it to do so. This matches the amount of time the music plays. Of course, if you want to give students less time to answer you may do so. Just preset the timer for less seconds.
After the student answers, click on the arrow at the bottom right hand corner of the presentation. This will take you to the answer slide.
Next click the arrow at the bottom left hand corner of the presentation. This will take you back to the question where you can enter “correct” or “incorrect”. You must choose one or the other for the game to function properly. Clicking “correct” will add to their score and incorrect will deduct from their score. Click on “Board” to go back to the board for another task.
If you know the student is correct and don’t want to take time to move back and forth between the slides simply click “correct” on the task slide and the correct response will then be shown. Click on “Board” to go back to the board for another task. If the student gives the wrong answer, click “incorrect”. Click on the bottom right hand arrow to see the answer. The click on “Board” to return to the game.
To skip viewing the correct responses all together, check the box below
Click “Adj Scores” from the board to manually change scores if a mistake was made.
If time permits you can move on to Double Jeopardy after completing the first board by clicking “go double” in the upper right-hand corner of the board. Both boards have completely different tasks or questions. The final phase of the game is “Final Jeopardy” which can be played at the end of either or both boards.
Use our worksheets, board and card games as complimentary activities for the Jeopardy game.
Healthy Lifestyle-Nutrition Multiple Choice Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Healthy Lifestyle-Nutrition Multiple Choice Worksheet.
This is a two page multiple choice worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of thirty-five questions and four possible answers.
How to Use It:
Students will choose the best word provided, under each sentence, that answers the question.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the worksheet and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Health-Personal Hygiene Multiple Choice WS” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Future Simple Tense-Going To Crossword Puzzle-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Future Simple Tense-Going To Crossword Puzzle.
This is a two page crossword puzzle worksheet. Each puzzle has a total of thirty-five statements or questions used as clues to solve the puzzle.
How to Use It:
Students will use the across and down clues to write the correct words in a numbered grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Art Forms Crossword Puzzle” sample from our website to try one out.
Beach Activities-Things Crossword Puzzle-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Beach Activities-Things Crossword Puzzle.
This is a two page crossword puzzle worksheet. Each puzzle has a total of thirty-five statements or questions used as clues to solve the puzzle.
How to Use It:
Students will use the across and down clues to write the correct words in a numbered grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Art Forms Crossword Puzzle” sample from our website to try one out.
Jobs-Professions Crossword Puzzle-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Jobs-Professions Crossword Puzzle.
This is a two page crossword puzzle worksheet. Each puzzle has a total of thirty-five statements or questions used as clues to solve the puzzle.
How to Use It:
Students will use the across and down clues to write the correct words in a numbered grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Art Forms Crossword Puzzle” sample from our website to try one out.
People Descriptions Crossword Puzzle-ESL Fun Games
Try out our People Descriptions Crossword Puzzle.
This is a two page crossword puzzle worksheet. Each puzzle has a total of thirty-five statements or questions used as clues to solve the puzzle.
How to Use It:
Students will use the across and down clues to write the correct words in a numbered grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Art Forms Crossword Puzzle” sample from our website to try one out.
Sports Crossword Puzzle-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Sports Crossword Puzzle.
This is a two page crossword puzzle worksheet. Each puzzle has a total of thirty-five statements or questions used as clues to solve the puzzle.
How to Use It:
Students will use the across and down clues to write the correct words in a numbered grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use our board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complimentary activities for this worksheet.
Don’t forget to download our free “Art Forms Crossword Puzzle” sample from our website to try one out.
Computer Technology Missing One Word Worksheet-ESL Fun Games
Try out our Computer Technology Missing One Word Worksheet.
This is a 2 page missing word worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of 35 sentences with a missing word in each one. The worksheets also have a word bank at the bottom of the second page.
How to Use It:
Students will look at the word bank and use the words to fill in the missing words in the sentences on the lines provided.
These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page.
Use our board and card games, other worksheets, exams and PowerPoint games and presentations as complementary activities for this worksheet.
sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.comsample to try one out.
Dating and Marriage Spanish Fill In The Blanks Exam-Ernesto Clases Divertidas
This is a one-page fill in the blank exam. Each exam has a total of thirty-five sentences that have a missing word or phrase.
How to Use It:
Students will read sentences and fill in the missing words or phrases.
These exams can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the exam and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each exam includes an Answer Key, Scoring Sheet and Scoring Solution.
Use my printable games, worksheets, Jeopardy Games, PowerPoint Presentations, and other exams as complementary activities
for this exam.
This resource is part of a worksheet, game and exam bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to:
Body Parts Spanish Jeopardy Game-Ernesto Clases Divertidas
Each Spanish Jeopardy game can be played with 8 players or 8 teams. All games have one topic with 6 task categories: What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every game includes Regular Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, The Daily Double and Final Jeopardy, for a total of 61 different tasks with answers, automatic or manual scoring and a colored timer bar. All 126 slides are also animated with Jeopardy sounds!
This presentation only works with Microsoft PowerPoint software.
Troubleshooting: The first game board can be reset by clicking the “Reset” button in the upper left corner. To reset the Double Jeopardy board, go back to the instructions page and click “Reset” in the upper right corner. Make sure to save a working copy of this presentation before you make any moves on it. NEVER save the presentation upon exiting the game! Keep the original file in a safe place.
Use my board and card games, worksheets, exams and PowerPoint presentations as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to:
Holidays and Festivals Around the World Spanish Word Search Worksheet-Ernesto Clases Divertidas
This is a two-page word search worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of thirty-five fill in the blank statements and a word bank used as clues to find the target words on a grid.
How to Use It:
Students will use the target word bank to fill in the missing words in the sentence clues. Next, they must find and circle the target words on the grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in the class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use my board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complementary activities for this worksheet.
This resource is part of a worksheet, game and exam bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to:
Infinitives Spanish Word Search Worksheet-Ernesto Clases Divertidas
This is a two-page word search worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of thirty-five fill in the blank statements and a word bank used as clues to find the target words on a grid.
How to Use It:
Students will use the target word bank to fill in the missing words in the sentence clues. Next, they must find and circle the target words on the grid.
These puzzles can be printed and handed out to students in the class. They also work great for extra homework practice.
Save on printing costs by projecting the puzzle and having students write down the answers in their notebooks.
Each puzzle includes an Answer Key.
Use my board and card games or other worksheets and exams as complementary activities for this worksheet.
This resource is part of a worksheet, game and exam bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to:
Present Simple Tense with Verb Be Legal Size Photo Card Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students are dealt cards. The number of cards depends on how many students and how much time you have.
Deal an equal number of cards to each student. Students will say a target language word or a sentence that is represented by the photo on each card. If students are correct, they must put
the card face down in front of them and wait for their next turn. If students are incorrect they must put the card back in their playing stack and use the card again on a future turn.
How to Score It:
The student that has all of their cards face down in front of them first Wins!
Try having students spell the word represented by the photo for an extra challenge.
The teacher can decide how many turns a student must try to perform the task correctly, before giving the student the answer and allowing him/her to continue the game.
Each game includes 4 pages for a total of 36 cards.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 5.
All card games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want. This way they can be used as flash cards.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
There Is versus There Are Legal Size Photo Board Game-ESL Fun Games
How to Play It:
Students will roll the die and move the number of spaces rolled. They must say a target language word or a sentence that is represented by the photos on the spaces that they land on.
How to Score It:
If the student is correct, he/she may remain on their spot. If the student is incorrect, he/she must return to their previous spot and roll again. The student that reaches the finish square first or is closest to it when time is up wins!
Paper markers and dice pattern are included on page 2.
An answer key and instructions are included on page 3.
All board games are formatted to be printed on legal size paper. However, you can
use a pdf editor to take a snapshot of the game, paste it into a clean word document, and then stretch or shrink it to any size you want.
This resource is part of game bundle.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: admin@eslfungames.com
Comparative Adjectives Spanish PowerPoint Presentation-Ernesto Clases Divertidas
Each Spanish PowerPoint Slideshow has one topic with 6 task categories: What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every PowerPoint Slideshow has a total of 60 different tasks with answers. All 120 slides are also animated with sounds!
How to Use It:
Open the slideshow in PowerPoint. Click the mouse or the right arrow button on your keyboard to advance to the next slide. To move back a slide, click the left arrow button. Students can take turns performing the tasks on the slides or present the slideshow to the entire class as a fun classroom activity or topic warmer.
This presentation only works with Microsoft PowerPoint software.
Use my board and card games, worksheets, exams and Jeopardy games as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to:
Superlative Adjectives Spanish Jeopardy Game-Ernesto Clases Divertidas
Each Spanish Jeopardy game can be played with 8 players or 8 teams. All games have one topic with 6 task categories: What’s in the Photo? Answer the Question, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice and Spot the Error. Every game includes Regular Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, The Daily Double and Final Jeopardy, for a total of 61 different tasks with answers, automatic or manual scoring and a colored timer bar. All 126 slides are also animated with Jeopardy sounds!
This presentation only works with Microsoft PowerPoint software.
Troubleshooting: The first game board can be reset by clicking the “Reset” button in the upper left corner. To reset the Double Jeopardy board, go back to the instructions page and click “Reset” in the upper right corner. Make sure to save a working copy of this presentation before you make any moves on it. NEVER save the presentation upon exiting the game! Keep the original file in a safe place.
Use my board and card games, worksheets, exams and PowerPoint presentations as complementary activities for this worksheet.
Please send all compliments, critiques or special requests to: