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Edexcel 9-1 History Resources and Ks3 History Latin Ks3 Classics Ks3
Whole Class Feedback KS3 PPT

Whole Class Feedback KS3 PPT

Generic and editable ppt for WHOLE CLASS FEEDBACK This is for Battle of Hastings and has a sample essay but can be easily adaptable for other types of assessments.
Nazi Germany Propaganda Source Q

Nazi Germany Propaganda Source Q

Nazi Germany Propaganda Source Question for Edexcel 9-1 a) How useful are sources and A and B for suggesting about the methods Nazis use to control people in Germany after 1933? (8) b) Explain how did the Nazis manage to keep in control of Germany between the years 1933 and 1945? (12)
Treaty of Versaille Source Question

Treaty of Versaille Source Question

Treaty of Versaille Source Exam Practice for Edexcel 9-1 Nazi Germany a) Read Source C. What does source C suggest about Versailles Treaty and Germany? (4) b) How useful is source A and B for understanding Nazi Methods of gaining support? Explain your answer using source C and your own knowledge. (8) c) Explain why was the Nazi Party so successful in elections between September 1930 and December 1932? (12)
DORA and its impact

DORA and its impact

Defence of the Realm Act - in the first world war ( liberals reforms unit) DORA ppt Table Info workshet
Reichstag Fire Source Question

Reichstag Fire Source Question

Reichstag Fire Source Question for Edexcel 9-1 Nazi Germany a) Read sources A and B How useful are these sources for explaining the different views of the Reichstag Fire’s origins? b) Explain why was Hitler able to make himself dictator of Germany between January 1933 and August 1934?
Remembrance Assembly

Remembrance Assembly

100 years Remembrance assembly attached with video links attached and details of local heroes. This was a 20 minute assembly given on 100 years anniversay but can be tweaked easily for any Remembrance day assembly. It is easy to follow slide by slide, including poems, clips and personal accounts.
Nazi Germany Young Peopl

Nazi Germany Young Peopl

Nazi Germany Activity on Young people to suit Edexcel 9-1 Source skills Can be used as Revision or activity in class. Questions are : a) How useful are sources A and B to suggest about the methods Nazis used to indoctrinate young people after 1933? (8) b) How useful are Sources C and D to suggest how popular the Hitler youth was amongst the young people of Germany. (8) c) Explain why did the Nazis manage to keep in control of Germany between the years 1933 and 1945? (12)
Women's role in WW2

Women's role in WW2

Carousel Activity looking at Women’s role in WW2 Worksheet attached with answers Starter is Woman slapping Hitler which we return to at end to see what students can add to to show what roles they had. sources are in packs on tables and students go around with grid. For Extension i put post its on tables and students can 'beat the inference ’ and try and come up with a more detailed inference than the group before.
Spanish Armada Lesson KS3

Spanish Armada Lesson KS3

What were the causes of the Spanish Armada/ Who was to blame PPt and card sort to categorise the different causes / themes of the S /A. Observed Lesson deemed outstanding.