
The Aristotelian Triad - Poster - English Language, Paper 2, Section B - Pathos, Ethos and Logos
A colourful, informative poster depicting The Aristotelian Triad (Pathos, Ethos and Logos) which is good to use in English Language, Paper 2, Section B
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Butterfly Effect (Chaos Theory) - Contextual Links to An Inspector Calls AQA GCSE English Literature
A unit of work about the butterfly effect and chaos theory
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Difficult Vocabulary (2)
A selection of 150 different words with definitions, word types and examples

Difficult Vocabulary (1)
A selection of 150 different words with definitions, word types and examples

TOP BAND Response! - Macbeth - Attitudes of Macbeth and Banquo towards the Supernatural
TOP BAND Response (1000 words) for Macbeth - GCSE AQA English Literature
Starting with this moment in the play, explore how Shakespeare presents the attitudes of Macbeth and Banquo towards the supernatural.
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TOP BAND Response! - An Inspector Calls - How does Priestley present selfishness and its effects
TOP BAND Response (900 words) for An Inspector Calls - GCSE AQA English Literature
How does Priestley present selfishness and its effects in An Inspector Calls?
Write about:
• Examples of selfish behaviour in the play
• How Priestley present selfishness and its effects
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Two posters for English Language, Paper 2, Section B - Forms of non-fiction writing and AO5 & AO6 MS
Two colourful, informative posters for English Language, Paper 2, Section B -
Forms of non-fiction writing - Letter, Article, Speech, Leaflet & Essay
AO5 & AO6 markscheme and creative devices
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TOP BAND Response! - A Christmas Carol - Explore how Fred is used to discuss Friendship/Family
TOP BAND Response for A Christmas Carol - GCSE AQA English Literature
Explore how Dickens uses Fred to discuss ideas about friendship and family.
Write about:
how Dickens presents Fred in general
how Dickens uses Fred to discuss ideas about friendship and family in the novel as a whole
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FULL MARK Response! - A Christmas Carol - Explore how Dickens presents the theme of Christmas
Full Mark Response for A Christmas Carol - GCSE AQA English Literature.
‘Explore how Dickens presents the theme of Christmas within the novella.’
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TOP BAND Response! - Macbeth - ‘Lady Macbeth is a female character he changes during the play.’
TOP BAND Response (1200 words) for Macbeth - GCSE AQA English Literature
‘Lady Macbeth is a female character he changes during the play.’
Starting with this moment in the play, explore how far you agree with this view.
Write about:
• how Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth in this extract
• how far Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a female character who changes in the play as a whole
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Walking Away by Cecil Day-Lewis - Love and Relationships Revision: GCSE AQA English Literature
The complete guide to Walking Away from the Love and Relationships Anthology
Each poem contains:
Literal Meaning
In-depth Analysis
Analysis of Form
Analysis of Rhyme Scheme
Analysis of Poetic Metre
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Mother Any Distance by Simon Armitage - Love and Relationships Revision: GCSE AQA English Literature
The complete guide to Mother Any Distance from the Love and Relationships Anthology
Each poem contains:
Literal Meaning
In-depth Analysis
Analysis of Form
Analysis of Rhyme Scheme
Analysis of Poetic Metre
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Follower by Seamus Heaney - Love and Relationships Revision: GCSE AQA English Literature
The complete guide to Follower from the Love and Relationships Anthology
Each poem contains:
Literal Meaning
In-depth Analysis
Analysis of Form
Analysis of Rhyme Scheme
Analysis of Poetic Metre
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Before You Were Mine by Carol Ann Duffy - Love and Relationships Revision: GCSE AQA English Lit
The complete guide to Before You Were Mine from the Love and Relationships Anthology
Each poem contains:
Literal Meaning
In-depth Analysis
Analysis of Form
Analysis of Rhyme Scheme
Analysis of Poetic Metre
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Climbing my Grandfather by Andrew Waterhouse - Love and Relationships Revision: GCSE AQA English Lit
The complete guide to Climbing my Grandfather from the Love and Relationships Anthology
Each poem contains:
Literal Meaning
In-depth Analysis
Analysis of Form
Analysis of Rhyme Scheme
Analysis of Poetic Metre
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Eden Rock by Charles Causley - Love and Relationships Revision: GCSE AQA English Literature
The complete guide to Eden Rock from the Love and Relationships Anthology
Each poem contains:
Literal Meaning
In-depth Analysis
Analysis of Form
Analysis of Rhyme Scheme
Analysis of Poetic Metre
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3 TOP BAND Responses - English Language, Paper 2, Section B - Leaflet, Letter and Speech
3 top band responses for English Language, Paper 2, Section B:
Write the text of a speech for a debate at your school or college in which you persuade young people to take more responsibility for protecting the environment.
Write the text for a leaflet aimed at people attending a safari park that advises them how to ensure they do not damage the ecosystems they visit.
Write a letter to your head teacher arguing your point of view on Year 11 prom
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Complete FULL MARK response to English Language Paper 1 - Section A and B
A complete full mark response to English Language Paper 1, Q1-5.
Read again the first part of the source, from lines 1 to 5. List four things about the motor-van from this part of the source.
Look in detail at this extract, from lines 6 to 12 of the source: How does the writer use language here to describe the Hartop family? You could include the writer’s choice of: words and phrases, language features and techniques and/or sentence forms.
You now need to think about the whole of the source. This text is from the beginning of a short story. How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? You could write about: what the writer focuses your attention on at the beginning of the source; how and why the writer changes this focus as the source develops; and/or any other structural features that interest you.
Focus this part of your answer on the second part of the source, from line 34 to the end. A student said, ‘This part of the story, where Alice is sent back along the road to find what has fallen from the roof and returns with the chrysanthemums, shows how hard and cruel Hartop is, so that all of our sympathy is with Alice.’ To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: consider whether Alice is treated cruelly by her father; evaluate how the writer creates sympathy for Alice; and/or support your response with references to the text.
Your school or college is asking students to contribute some creative writing for its website. Describe a market place as suggested by this picture.