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Music of South America - Important contextual information for Samba Em Preludio - GCSE Edexcel Music
A complete guide / visual display / poster with all of the contextual information you need to know about the genres of music of Samba Em Preludio by Esperanza Spalding: Cool Jazz, Samba and the fusion of the two: Bossa Nova
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Simon & Garfunkel Powerpoint - Exploration of Music in the '60s and '70s - GCSE Edexcel Music
Powerpoint about music in 1960s and 1970s, with a specific focus on the group Simon and Garfunkel

Samba Em Preludio - Revision questions & answers - GCSE Edexcel Music
Samba Em Preludio by Esperanza Spalding - Revision questions & answers for GCSE Edexcel Music.
Questions helping to revise various elements in the piece
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Star Wars - Edexcel GCSE Music - Revision Questions and Answers
A variety of questions and answers for help with revision about Star wars for GCSE Edexcel Music
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Full Mark essay comparing Handel and Bachs' Baroque Concerto Grossi - GCSE Edexcel Music
A complete full mark essay comparing Handel and Bachs’ Baroque Concerto Grossi for GCSE Edexcel Music
12/12 - Band 4 as marked by Teacher

GCSE Geography 8 mark Question - Environmental costs of developing unconventional oil and gas
8/8 answer to the following exam-style question.
‘Assess the environmental costs of developing unconventional oil and gas resources.’
GCSE Edexcel Geography - Forests Under Threat - Paper 3
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Two posters for English Language, Paper 2, Section B - Forms of non-fiction writing and AO5 & AO6 MS
Two colourful, informative posters for English Language, Paper 2, Section B -
Forms of non-fiction writing - Letter, Article, Speech, Leaflet & Essay
AO5 & AO6 markscheme and creative devices
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TOP BAND Response! - A Christmas Carol - Explore how Fred is used to discuss Friendship/Family
TOP BAND Response for A Christmas Carol - GCSE AQA English Literature
Explore how Dickens uses Fred to discuss ideas about friendship and family.
Write about:
how Dickens presents Fred in general
how Dickens uses Fred to discuss ideas about friendship and family in the novel as a whole
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Research: Sonata Form - Contextual Links to Edexcel GCSE Music - Beethoven Piano Sonata
An introduction to using tonality when composing and sonata form as a precursor to learning about Beethoven’s Piano Sonata.
Questions and Answers for revision also.
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Threats to the Taiga - GCSE Edexcel Geography - Acid Rain, Fires, Pests, Diseases, Logging & Mining
Fact file containing the 5 main threats to the Taiga biome (boreal forest) for the forests under threat topic of Edexcel GCSE Geography.
Acid Precipitation
Forests Fires
Diseases and pests
Mining - Minerals, Oil, Gas, Energy
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Taiga biome - Fact file - GCSE Edexcel Geography - Weather, Climate, Animals & Plants
Fact file about the Taiga biome (boreal forest) for the forests under threat topic of Edexcel GCSE Geography.
The Nutrient Cycle
Light Intensity
Plant Adaptations
Animals’ Adaptations
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5 X FULL MARK 4 markers (Practice Questions) - Edexcel GCSE Geography - Energy
5 practice questions for Energy topic - Edexcel GCSE Geography B. Full mark answers included
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4 X FULL MARK 4 markers (Practice Questions) - Edexcel GCSE Geography - UK Human - London
4 practice questions for UK human Edexcel GCSE Geography B. Full mark answers included
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Evaluate the impacts of regeneration on London (8 Marks)- Full Mark Essay - GCSE Edexcel Geography
Evaluate the positive and negative impacts of regeneration of the city (8 marks). Full mark essay for UK human case study on London
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Agroforestry & Ecotourism Fact Files - Edexcel GCSE Geography - Forests Under Threat
Everything you need to know about agroforestry and ecotourism for the Forests under Threat topic for Edexcel GCSE Geography.
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Full Mark essay comparing William's Star Wars and Morricone's Cinema Paradiso - GCSE Edexcel Music
A complete full mark essay comparing John William’s Star Wars and Ennio Morricone’s Cinema Paradiso for GCSE Edexcel Music
12/12 - Band 4 as marked by Teacher

Assess the factors affecting energy use variation 8 Marks- Full Mark Essay - GCSE Edexcel Geography
Assess the factors affecting variation in global energy use. Full mark essay for Energy topic - Component 3
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Sustainable management strategies - Forests under threat - GCSE Edexcel Geography
A table of sustainable management strategies for the Forests under threat topic of GCSE Edexcel Geography
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GCSE Geography Edexcel - Revision Mindmap - Costs and benefits of extracting oil & gas from Arctic
A Revision Mindmap detailing the costs and benefits of extracting oil & gas from the Arctic for GCSE Edexcel Geography
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Explain how economic growth, in India, has had a negative impact on the environment - GCSE Geography
4 Mark question from the GCSE Edexcel Specification