A short three-lesson scheme of work on managing change and mindset. This lesson can be taught to a class or given as independent study work. It is fully editable.
A number of templates that can be handed out as knowledge checks/exit passes for a variety of topics. My favourite is explain to an alien. This pack also includes:
Diamond 9
Draw & write
Picture prompts
Zones of relevance
These four booklets form a scheme of work that can be used to inform the Active Citizenship element of the AQA GCSE Citizenship course. They can also be used as part of PSHE or to introduce the concept of Human Rights. The scheme covers:
What are Human Rights?
Human Rights case study: Period Poverty
Human Rights case study: Camp Delta (Guantanamo Bay)
Other Human Rights abuses (Blood Diamonds, Flint MI)
Included in this bundle of lessons is a scheme of work covering the Civil War, restoration, and the interregnum period. It contains nine fully resourced and differentiated lessons. The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - What Caused the Civil War?
Lesson 2 - The Declaration of War
Lesson 3 - How did Parliament Win?
Lesson 4 - Killing the King
Lesson 5 - The New Commonwealth
Lesson 6 - Cromwell in Ireland
Lesson 7 - Cromwell’s Statue + Remembrance
Lesson 8 - Charles II - The New King (of Bling)
Lesson 9 - The Glorious Revolution
Included in this bundle are three fully resourced lessons on Thomas Becket and Henry II. They are as follows:
Lesson 1 - The Murder of Thomas Becket
Lesson 2 - Who Killed Thomas Becket?
Lesson 3 - Who Killed Thomas Becket? (Source Analysis Skills)
These lessons are differentiated within. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Included are two careers schemes of work and several stand-alone lessons linked to employability. These will support your school in hitting the Gatsby benchmarks.
The first scheme included is an introduction to careers, covering several core topics including teamwork and communication.
The second is an NCFE scheme of work that allows pupils to achieve an NCFE certificate in employability. This covers topics such as creative thinking, adaptability and risk assessment.
There are also several individual lessons that can be used as evidence for AQA unit awards, or can be taught just to be taught. These lessons are:
“Curiosity in Learning”
“Resilience in Learning”
“Creativity in Learning”
“Building a CV”
“Entering the World of Work”
“Leading a Group”
These can be taught together or separately. Together these lessons could span a handful of terms.
I have also included the scheme of work document.
Included in this pack are three booklets, one focussing on Autism and communication challenges, the other on Asperger’s syndrome, and the third on ASD more broadly. These can also be used to evidence AQA unit awards.
This lesson focuses on use of sharps and safe disposal of sharps. It is presented as a booklet, is fully editable, and can be used to evidence an AQA unit award.
This is quite a long booklet focussing on the drugs education elements of PSHE. This booklet contains activities for pupils to complete and can be taught in a lesson or assigned as independent work. It is fully editable. It can also evidence an AQA unit award.
Here is a booklet focusing on how vaccines work, what microbes are, and what our body’s natural defences are to bacteria and viruses. This can be used to evidence an AQA unit award. It is fully editable.
Here are four art project booklets, that can be taught to groups, assigned as individual works, and - if you wish - used to evidence AQA unit awards. The four art projects included are:
Illustrating in the style of Quentin Blake
Producing Pop Art
Pastel Drawing
The Solar System
Comic Books
All include research tasks, and the Quentin Blake unit links to reading Roald Dahl books, so is very good for cross curricular links, DEAR and ERIC.
These booklets are fully editable.
A two project bundle on fear, each of which links to an AQA unit award. Units included are
Fear Project 1 - understanding human emotion
Fear Project 2 - cognitive schema
A 45-minute revision lesson on the Homestead Act. You needn’t use exercise books.
This lesson recaps some outcomes of the Homestead Act and asks pupils to write an 8-mark exam answer. There is a partial model answer included to critique, mark, comment on, and provide an outline/structure.
I designed this lesson for an interview. Feel free to adapt/edit/use in any way you like.
Here are two schemes of work on LGBTQ+, resources adapted from various LGBTQ+ charities and educators. Offered here for free and set out in two booklets.
When teaching the LGBTQ+ voices it is important to also stress the positive changes and the people who fought for those changes. It is always best not to teach about oppression in isolation.