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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
[French] Exercice sur les émotions et sentiments (emotions & feelings). Compléter des phrases

[French] Exercice sur les émotions et sentiments (emotions & feelings). Compléter des phrases

Here is a French exercise on emotions and feelings, containing 2 worksheets (PDF) with a total of 20 sentences. You will have to complete each beginning of a sentence with the corresponding correct ending, among the proposed choice. Example: ‘‘Je suis content parce que le soleil brille’’. These two exercises are very interesting to enrich the vocabulary related to emotions and feelings. You will find the following words and expressions: heureux, triste, déçu, seul, déboussolé, contrarié, content, inquiet… (1st worksheet) ; épuisé, coupable, méfiant, concentré, en colère, déprimé, nostalgique (2nd worksheet). This printable is adapted to French levels A2-B1 (CE2-CM1). The document can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is included. French version: Voici un exercice de français sur les émotions et sentiments, contenant deux feuilles (PDF) avec un total 20 phrases. Vous devrez compléter chaque début de phrase avec la bonne fin correspondante, parmi le choix proposé. Exemple : ‘Je suis heureux car… le soleil brille aujourd’hui‘ Ces deux exercices sont très intéressants pour enrichir le vocabulaire tenant aux émotions et sentiments. Vous trouverez ainsi les mots et expressions suivants : heureux, triste, déçu, seul, déboussolé, contrarié, content, inquiet… (1ère feuille) ; épuisé, coupable, méfiant, concentré, en colère, déprimé, nostalgique… (2ème feuille) Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux de français A2-B1 (CE2-CM1). Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF. Un corrigé est inclus.
[French grammar A1] Prepositions (place)

[French grammar A1] Prepositions (place)

Cet exercice de grammaire comporte 10 images, avec 3 choix de prépositions de lieu à chaque fois. Il faut choisir la bonne préposition, et ensuite former une phrase décrivant l’image Ce travail est adapté aux apprenants de niveau A1, ainsi qu’aux élèves de niveau CP et CE1. Il est disponible en écriture cursive et scripte, et téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX (4 fichiers au total) English version below: This grammar exercise has 10 pictures, with 3 choices of prepositions of place each time. You have to choose the right preposition, and then form a sentence describing the picture. This work is suitable for A1 level learners, as well as for CP and CE1 level students. It is available in both cursive and scribal writing, and can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX (4 files).
[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

[French FFL A2 comprehension] French culture: truth or prejudice?

In these FFL worksheets (2 pages), you will find a text entitled “French culture: truth or prejudice?” for adults learners, level A2/B1. The text deals with the way of life of the French people, and addresses the prejudices that stick to them. The following questions are raised: Do the French like snails and frog legs? Do they really always eat cheese? Are they lazy? After this text, you will find five written comprehension questions, quite simple. Then comes a vocabulary exercise in MCQ: you will have to find the definition of the words hautain, rude, fainéant, démodé, viennoiserie and patrimoine. Finally, you will find a written expression subject: How do you find life in France? If you have never been there, how do you imagine it? This work is adapted to A2 level but can be used with B1 level learners to consolidate their knowledge of the French language. An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and editable DOCX.
[French, 130-page PDF] I'm learning French!: French exercises with detailed answers (A2, B1)

[French, 130-page PDF] I'm learning French!: French exercises with detailed answers (A2, B1)

Do you want to improve your French skills? This book will help you do this: you will find around 50 exercises, with detailed answers. The advantages of this book: The exercises are written by a experienced teacher in French as a foreign language (FLE), who got Master’s degrees from French universities (University Sorbonne Paris I, Paris II and Paris V - 2010, 2011 and 2012); The activities are numerous: grammar, conjugation, written comprehension, writing notices, letters, recommendations, maps (geography of Europe and France), crosswords, monument study, dialogues, choosing a telephone package, weather forecast, studying road safety instructions, replying to a job offer, writing a complaint letter related to a defective product…; We study everyday spoken French, with common and familiar words used by people on a daily basis (the author has been living in France since childhood, so he knows what he’s talking about!); The exercises are practical, adapted to daily life; A lot of them are corrected in detail; You will also be able to correct sentences containing mistakes made by learners, in order to help you avoid common errors; You will find the answers right after the exercises: no need to go to the end of the book! (but you will still have to turn the page!). This workbook is intended for beginners and intermediates who already have a basic knowledge of French (level A2 and B1, or even B2 wishing to deepen their knowledge of the French language).
[French] Business card: understand its information (carte de visite)

[French] Business card: understand its information (carte de visite)

Dans cet exercice pratique de FLE A1-A2 (1p. A4), il faudra restituer des informations à partir d’une carte de visite. Ici, c’est la carte de visite d’un électricien-dépanneur. Le document est téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX. Vous trouverez 10 questions : certaines sont des QCM, d’autres sont de la restitution d’informations. Enfin, un encart propose 3 activités possibles. Ce travail est destiné aux apprenants de niveau A1 et A2. Il peut être donné aussi à des écoliers (CE1, CE2 voire CM1). Vous pouvez l’adapter à votre façon, en téléchargeant le fichier Word proposé (DOCX). Vous pouvez aussi télécharger l’exercice directement en PDF. Vous trouverez 2 versions : 1 originale et 1 allégée English version below: In this worksheet for FFL A1-A2 (1 page), you have to give information from a business card. Here, it is the business card of an electrician. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX. You will find 10 questions: some are MCQ, others are information restitution. Finally, an insert proposes 3 possible activities. This work is intended for A1 and A2 level learners. It can also be given to schoolchildren (2nd, 3rd, 4th grade). You can adapt it to your needs by downloading the Word file (DOCX). You can also download the worksheet directly in PDF. You will find 2 versions: 1 original and 1 light
FRENCH (1st, 2nd grade, A1) Months of the year + Seasons. 4 exercises

FRENCH (1st, 2nd grade, A1) Months of the year + Seasons. 4 exercises

Here is a one-page worksheet with 4 small exercises on the theme of months and seasons (100 % in French). In the first exercise, you will have to number the 12 months of the year in chronological order. In the second exercise, you will have to write in order the twelve months of the year. In the third exercise, you will have to link each picture to the corresponding season and circle your favorite season. Finally, in the last exercise, you will have to answer the following questions: What month were you born? What month is it? What is your favorite season? In general, what do you do in the summer and in the winter? This worksheet is suitable for adults and children (French A1.1, A1, 1st grade and 2nd grade), and is a good introduction to learning to write the months and seasons. This document can be downloaded in PDF & DOCX format.
[French B1-B2] Conjugaison - Texte "méfaits de l'alcool"

[French B1-B2] Conjugaison - Texte "méfaits de l'alcool"

Voici un texte sur le thème de l’alcool, avec 17 verbes à conjuguer au présent, passé composé et imparfait. Ce texte parle des risques associés à la consommation, même légère, d’alcool. Une étude en 2020 a montré que la consommation légère à modérée d’alcool avait engendré près de 23 000 cas de cancer en 2017. Cet exercice est utile pour un public FLE B1-B2, afin de : Perfectionner la conjugaison Aborder des sujets sensibles (alcool, addictions…) Téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX. Corrigé inclus.
[French cursive handwriting] Insects and small animals

[French cursive handwriting] Insects and small animals

Voici une feuille d’exercice au format PDF sur le thème des insectes et petites bêtes. Elle est focalisée sur la lecture et l’écriture, et est à destination des niveaux CP, CE1, ainsi que FLE A1.1 et A1. 12 insectes et petites bêtes : papillon, coccinelle, guêpe, blatte (cafard), abeille, moustique, chenille, mouche, fourmi, libellule, araignée, sauterelle Écriture scripte et cursive 5 mots proposés à chaque fois L’enfant / apprenant devra lire les mots et entourer celui qui convient Nous avons utilisé plusieurs polices d’écriture pour familiariser l’élève aux différentes graphies 1 espace en dessous de chaque image, pour écrire le bon mot English version below: Here is a PDF exercise sheet on the theme of insects and small animals. It is focused on reading and writing, and is intended for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and FFL A1.1 and A1 levels. 12 insects and small animals: butterfly, ladybug, wasp, cockroach, bee, mosquito, caterpillar, fly, ant, dragonfly, spider, grasshopper Handwriting and script 5 words proposed each time The child/learner will have to read the words and circle the appropriate one We have used several fonts to familiarize the student with the different spellings 1 space below each image, to write the right word
Compréhension et expression écrite : la sécurité routière [road safety] (FLE A2-B1)

Compréhension et expression écrite : la sécurité routière [road safety] (FLE A2-B1)

This French worksheet is about road safety. You will learn about 10 things you need to know to drive safely: speed, car condition, sobriety, helmet, pedestrians, fatigue, priorities, seatbelts, short trips, telephone (vitesse, état des voitures, sobriété, casque, piétons, fatigue, priorités, ceinture, trajets courts, téléphone) You will find a first exercise of the multiple choice quiz (10 questions) and a second exercise of written expression with the following topic: “Are you a good driver? How do you drive?” An answer sheet is attached to this activity. This activity is suitable for adult French learners at level A2 (Pre-Intermediate). It is also suitable for level B1 (Intermediate). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our website “Exercices à imprimer” (lots of free exercises) and our Author page on Amazon (more than 15 books on various topics). FRENCH VERSION: Cette feuille d’exercices porte sur la sécurité routière. Vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur 10 éléments à connaître pour rouler en toute sécurité : vitesse, état des voitures, sobriété, casque, piétons, fatigue, priorités, ceinture, trajets courts, téléphone. Vous trouverez un premier exercice type QCM (10 questions) et un second exercice d’expression écrite avec le sujet suivant : “Êtes-vous un bon conducteur ? Comment roulez-vous ?” Un corrigé est joint à cette activité. Cette activité est réservée aux apprenants adultes de niveau A2 (Pré-intermédiaire / Faux-débutant). Il convient aussi au niveau B1 (Intermédiaire).
Common mistakes made in French - Lesson + correct 41 sentences (with answers)

Common mistakes made in French - Lesson + correct 41 sentences (with answers)

This 7-page worksheet will help your students** avoid common mistakes** made when learning French. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This document is a modifiable DOCX, and you can find the same document in PDF format. On the 1st page, you’ll find a lesson on 5 specific mistakes often made by French learners : (1) Not leaving a space between the last word and the following punctuation marks, (2) capital letters where there shouldn’t be, (3) mispelling “etc.”, (4) the “accent circonflexe”, (5) the difference between « c’est chaud » and « il fait chaud ». On pages 2, 3 and 4, you will find 41 sentences written in French, with at least one mistake in each. These were real mistakes made by some of my students. Your students will have to correct each sentence by writing the correct form below. On pages 5, 6 and 7, you will find the answers for these 41 sentences, with some more information given here and there. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Check our website Exercices à imprimer and our Author page on Amazon. Thank you!
Etude d'un message - Habitat et logement - "Dois-je déménager ?" (4 exercises+answers)

Etude d'un message - Habitat et logement - "Dois-je déménager ?" (4 exercises+answers)

This activity addresses the subject of housing. You can read a fictive message posted on an Internet forum. A person lives in a large and beautiful house, but has a problem: her work is far away, and she is thinking about moving. She would like to get some advice. This work allows you to use the vocabulary of housing and everyday life. The students will have to read a text and understand its meaning, and then develop a reflection based on it. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise) + its PDF equivalent. A complete answer sheet Details: First, there is a text with 12 blank spaces to fill in, from the list of words provided. Then, you have to find the meaning of 8 words, from the choices provided. The words are: souci, banlieue, chic, s’accumuler, galérer, spacieux, apprécier, internaute. Then comes an comprehension exercise, with 6 questions about the text (“true or false”). Finally, two questions of expression: (1) what would you advise the person to do? (2) Describe your accommodation. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
"La routine de Thierry" (Thierry's daily routine). Activities about daily life, 4 exercises+answers

"La routine de Thierry" (Thierry's daily routine). Activities about daily life, 4 exercises+answers

This illustrated activity will help students learn vocabulary related to daily routine and free time. They will have to read a text and understand its meaning, and then develop a reflection based on it. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise) A complete answer sheet Details: In the first exercise, Thierry explains his daily routine. You must fill in 12 empty spaces from the words in the list. In the second exercise, several French words are mentioned (from the text: work, society, concentrated, generally, attempt, banal, license…), and the meaning must be found from the proposed choice. In the third exercise, the student will be asked to answer questions about the text. Finally, in the fourth exercise, the learner will have to write on two topics: (1) is Thierry’s routine boring? and (2) what do you like to do in your spare time? We hope you will find this activity useful :)
French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

Interrogative pronouns, primarily used for asking questions, are very important in French. In this worksheet, you will find 22 sentences where the students need to find the appropriate interrogative pronoun (qui, que, où, comment, quoi, quand, combien, à qui) for each gap. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF A complete answer sheet
(French A1) Vocabulary: the face (le visage)

(French A1) Vocabulary: the face (le visage)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF and DOCX format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: the face (Le visage). You will find the following words: la bouche, les lèvres, la langue, les dents, le visage, les cheveux, l’oreille, le nez, l’œil, le menton, le sourcil, le cou, les cils, la joue, le front, la barbe, la moustache, la fossette, les rides, les taches de rousseur. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French written comprehension A2] Sarah est infirmière (Sarah is a nurse)

[French written comprehension A2] Sarah est infirmière (Sarah is a nurse)

Voici un document A4 avec un texte de compréhension écrite qui présente Sarah, une infirmière. Elle raconte son quotidien. En-dessous du texte de 12 lignes, vous trouverez 12 questions adaptées au niveau A1+ et A2. Adapté pour des élèves de niveau CE1 voire CE2 avec difficultés. Le document est téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX (pour modification). English version: Here is a worksheet with a reading comprehension text that presents Sarah, a nurse. She talks about her daily life. Below the 12-line text, you will find 12 questions adapted to A1+ and A2 level. Suitable for students with difficulties at 2nd or 3rd grade level. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX.
"La météo et les capitales" (Weather and capital cities), lesson + 4 exercises with crossword puzzle

"La météo et les capitales" (Weather and capital cities), lesson + 4 exercises with crossword puzzle

This activity (all in French) is about weather and capital cities. You will find a lesson and 4 various exercises (on 4 pages in total). There are a crossword puzzle and many illustrations to make the learning more appealing. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A four-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) with 4 exercises (including a writing exercise and a crossword puzzle). Its PDF equivalent A two-page answer sheet. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… First, you will find a lesson page, with a lot of vocabulary related to the weather, as well as expressions (examples: un temps de chien, il pleut des cordes, il fait moche…), In the first exercise, students will have to fill in a wind rose, with the directions to indicate (nord, sud, est, ouest, nord-est, etc.), In the second exercise, you will have to read a weather report from 20 cities around the world, and answer 10 questions (true or false), In the third exercise, a crossword puzzle must be filled in by finding the names of countries corresponding to capitals. Example: Nairobi is the capital of KENYA, Finally, in the last exercise, students will have to write a weather report in French, based on a map that is given. Students will be able to use the lesson to write their text. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
"La Tour Eiffel" - Comprehension & Writing in French about the Eiffel Tower

"La Tour Eiffel" - Comprehension & Writing in French about the Eiffel Tower

This text written in French is dedicated to the Eiffel Tower: it talks about its creation by Gustave Eiffel, its construction, the number of tourists who visit it, its height and its use. In this document (docx + pdf), you will find a comprehension exercise, with 6 questions to be answered. Then comes a writing question, the subject of which is: “Have you ever visited the Eiffel Tower? What did you think of it?” The answer sheet is accompanied by the answers to the questions and two examples of writing. We hope you’ll enjoy this worksheet! Don’t hesitate to have a look at our other worksheets or at our books. Thanks!
"Culture français : préjugés ou vérité ?" - Question prejudices about the French!

"Culture français : préjugés ou vérité ?" - Question prejudices about the French!

This activity will allow you to question prejudices about the French: do they really eat snails and frog legs? Are they so lazy and rude? This text, written by a Frenchman living near Paris, is accompanied by two exercises and an answer sheet. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 2 exercises (including a writing exercise). An answer sheet. Details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first exercise, students will be asked to answer 5 questions about the text. In the second exercise, they will have to find the definition of four words (haughty, harsh, lazy, old-fashioned), among the proposed choices. If you want more… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page (more than ten books on various topics). Thank you!
French activity about rest, sleep and dreams - 3 exercises + answers

French activity about rest, sleep and dreams - 3 exercises + answers

This activity (all in French) is about rest, sleep and dreams! Many new words and expressions to learn, some of them frequently used by French speakers! The worksheet consists of 3 different exercises. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 3 exercises (including a writing exercise), A complete answer sheet (2 pages) Details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first exercise, you will have to complete the empty spaces of the text (15 words from the list: baille, cauchemars, couche, dormir, endormi, endormir, fatigue, insomnies, lève, matinal, met au lit, oiseau de nuit, réveil, réveille, siestes) In the second exercise, you will have to find the meaning of 8 sentences related to sleep, among three possible choices. Example: “faire la grasse matinée”, “dormir à poings fermés”, “être dans les bras de Morphée”, “c’est une histoire à dormir debout”… Finally, in the last exercise, the learner will have to answer a question about his sleep: does he sleep a lot? On your back or on your side? Does he have a light sleep or a rather heavy sleep? The answers are complete and include examples for written expression. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). **Thank you! **
"L'informatique, les ordinateurs et internet" (French vocabulary: 16 sentences about informatics)

"L'informatique, les ordinateurs et internet" (French vocabulary: 16 sentences about informatics)

This worksheet (all in French) deals with the subject of informatics, computers and the Internet. This exercise will help you teach computer-related vocabulary. It contains words widely used by the French speakers, regarding this topic. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… You will find 16 sentences, each containing an empty space. Fill in the blank space with the words from the list on the left. The 16 words to be placed are: adresse e-mail, applications, blog, clavier, e-mails, ebooks, fibre (optique), identifier, Internet, lien (hypertexte), logiciel (ou programme), ordinateur portable, pièce jointe, supprimer, télécharger, YouTube. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + printable PDF) An answer sheet. If you’re interested… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Feel free to look at our exercise book in French (140 pages) and our Author page on Amazon (more than ten books on various topics). **Thank you! **