Here is a four-page document 100% in French, in landscape format, with a FFL exercise. Your learners will have to answer a variety of questions (24 in total), most of them quite simple and basic, others a bit more complex.
The idea is to get your learners to write and also to “break the ice”; these questions are ways to open discussion and can allow you to discuss on related topics. Below each question, you will find two lines: the learner can write their answer on the first line, then the teacher can correct the sentence and ask to rewrite the sentence below, taking into account the corrections made.
Here is the list of questions:
What is your name?
How old are you?
What city do you live in?
What country are you from?
Where were you born?
Where did you grow up?
Do you have children?
What is your favorite food?
What kind of cell phone do you have?
Is there a supermarket near your home?
Do you practice a sport? If yes, which one?
What is your mother tongue?
What is your favorite hobby?
What was your first job?
Can you share any advice your parents or grandparents gave you?
What were your favorite subjects in school?
If you could make one wish come true, what would you choose?
What is your favorite place?
What was the best day of your life?
What is your favorite animal?
Where would you like to live and why?
Do you go to bed early or late?
At what time of day are you most fit?
Can you tell us about a beautiful childhood memory?
The document can be downloaded in PDF format. It is adapted to level A1 minimum, preferably A2 or B1.
Here is a worksheet containing a lesson and an exercise on place prepositions. On the first page, you will find a summary lesson, and on the next page, a training exercise with 43 blank spaces in 20 sentences to fill in. This exercise is suitable for children in 3rd, 4th & 5th grade (CE1, CE2, CM1), and for A1+, A2, B1 French learners. This worksheet is downloadable in PDF format and an answer key is included.
This printable document contains a text and exercises dedicated to the subject of walking. After the reading, you will find a first exercise: from the proposed list, you will have to find the definition of 13 words (une calèche, systématiquement, bénéfique, s’aérer, vagabonder, surprenant, inspiration, embouteillage, conscient, la société, sans doute, une initiative, à coup sûr). Then, you will find 4 questions of comprehension (MCQ). Finally, in a third exercise, 3 essay questions are proposed: “How much time do you walk during a normal day? Is it enough?”; “What physical activities do you do?”; “Do you have a driver’s license? Do you use the car often?”
This exercise is suitable for learners at A2 (Year 4-Year 6 = CE2-CM1 equivalent) or even B1 level. It can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is also included.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
This document features a text that outlines 10 key organs of the human body: lungs, heart, liver, stomach, small and large intestine, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and thyroid (les poumons, le cœur, le foie, l’estomac, l’intestin grêle et le gros intestin, la rate, le pancréas, les reins, la vessie et la thyroïde). The role of each of these organs is summarized.
Below the text, you will find a picture of the human body and you will have to write the name of the corresponding organ at the end of each arrow.
This activity is particularly useful because it allows you to:
Learn more about the human body and the role of some of its organs
Work on reading comprehension
Deduce the location of each organ from the information given
Enrich your vocabulary related to the human body and its functioning
This work can be used for elementary school children, in 2nd grade (CE1 in France; it can also be used with CE2 or CM1). For adults, it corresponds to level French A2 (or even B1 to enrich the vocabulary).
The document can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is attached to the exercise.
Here is a crossword puzzle that will allow you to review and teach vocabulary related to emotions, feelings and sensations. From the information given, you will have to find 15 mystery words and write them in the grid. The words to write are: affamé, assoiffé, débordé, serein, susceptible, fâché, contrarié, reconnaissant, mécontent, gentil, inquiet, malheureux, arrogant, fatigué, honteux (hungry, thirsty, overwhelmed, serene, susceptible, angry, upset, grateful, displeased, kind, worried, unhappy, arrogant, tired, ashamed)
This game is intended for children in 2nd grade (CE1 in France, A2 level for adult French learners). It exists in two versions: a difficult version (without clues) and an easier version (letters are already included in the grid). The document can be downloaded in PDF format and contains an answer key.
This page includes a matching game, where you have to write the number in the right box. At the top of the page, you have a summary of the dangers to underwater wildlife, with a number for each. These threats to aquatic animals are: garbage thrown into nature, masks, highly polluting factories, intensive fishing, plastic, pollution from ships (discharges, oil spills…), dangerous chemicals, cigarettes and cigarette butts, discharge of polluted water.
This activity is very useful because it is both entertaining and edifying: it is a good opportunity to make children aware of the problem of pollution and the importance of human actions in the degradation of the environment.
This exercise is intended for children from 6 years old, as well as for adults (A1 French level). You can download it in PDF format.
Here is an exercise for elementary school children, which introduces several strange sea animals. On this 1st page, you will find the following creatures: the platypus, the pig-nosed turtle, the blue sea dragon, the diodon, the sea dragon, the catfish and the lionfish. On the 2nd page, you will find two more creatures (the glass catfish and the axolotl) as well as a crossword and an imagination exercise. The document is downloadable in PDF format.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Sharks (Les requins).
You will find the following animals: grand requin blanc, requin-marteau, requin-citron, requin-léopard, requin-zèbre, requin à pointes noires, requin-scie à long nez, requin-lutin, requin-renard
You will find 2 pages and an explanation text, to help you find the right words.
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Here are some crosswords that will be useful for children (or adults) who are learning to read and write. You will find animals from the savannah and crossword puzzles.
Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and fill in the boxes.
This exercise is suitable for children aged 6 and over. It can also be used with adults (A1 level). This exercise can be downloaded in PDF format.
Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various images and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place.
These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format.
The subject here is the syllable OI. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Insects (les insectes).
You will find the following animals: un bourdon - une coccinelle - une guêpe - une libellule - un moustique - un papillon – une punaise - une sauterelle
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Feathered animals of the farm (Les animaux à plumes de la ferme).
You will find the following animals: un canard colvert - un caneton - une caille - une poule - un coq - un poussin - une oie - un dindon
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Tropical birds (Les oiseaux tropicaux).
You will find the following animals: un ara - un cacatoès - un colibri - un flamant rose - un ibis rouge - des inséparables - une perruche - un toucan
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
Do you want to improve your French skills? This book will help you do this: you will find around 50 exercises, with detailed answers.
The advantages of this book:
The exercises are written by a experienced teacher in French as a foreign language (FLE), who got Master’s degrees from French universities (University Sorbonne Paris I, Paris II and Paris V - 2010, 2011 and 2012);
The activities are numerous: grammar, conjugation, written comprehension, writing notices, letters, recommendations, maps (geography of Europe and France), crosswords, monument study, dialogues, choosing a telephone package, weather forecast, studying road safety instructions, replying to a job offer, writing a complaint letter related to a defective product…;
We study everyday spoken French, with common and familiar words used by people on a daily basis (the author has been living in France since childhood, so he knows what he’s talking about!);
The exercises are practical, adapted to daily life;
A lot of them are corrected in detail;
You will also be able to correct sentences containing mistakes made by learners, in order to help you avoid common errors;
You will find the answers right after the exercises: no need to go to the end of the book! (but you will still have to turn the page!).
This workbook is intended for beginners and intermediates who already have a basic knowledge of French (level A2 and B1, or even B2 wishing to deepen their knowledge of the French language).
Here are some crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various objects and crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place.
These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format.
The subject here is the letters d and t. The purpose of the exercise is to avoid the frequent confusion between these two letters
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
With the book “J’apprends à lire et à écrire le français” (app. 105 pages), you will help illiterate people to learn French.
This book was designed after my experience as a teacher of French as a foreign language (FLE). I experienced the learning difficulties of an audience that suffered from not being able to read French well. The approach adopted is intended to be progressive, in particular by evoking words from everyday life.
We first insist on the recognition of simple and then complex syllables. Then, many copying exercises allow the learner to get used to the drawing and writing. Often, word prints are present so that the student is not left without a reference point.
Then come word and sentence recognition exercises. It will be a matter of making the right choice and, sometimes, filling in empty spaces.
Finally, comprehension exercises at the end of the book will help the learner to practice concrete applications of what he or she has learned (in particular with the study of the verbs ÊTRE -to be- and AVOIR -to have).
This book is ideal for people who have not yet mastered the basics of reading and writing French. It is aimed at adults and young adults (newcomers, A1.1 and A1), as well as children who need reinforcement of their skills (CP, CE1 = 1st, 2nd grade). He will provide a definite help to pass the DILF (Diplôme Initial de Langue Française).
We hope you will enjoy our work!
Here is a fun activity inspired by my own second grade classes. The theme is: The seven days of the week.
I have adapted and enriched the worksheet that was handed out to me when I was a child. This worksheet will help students consolidate their knowledge of the days of the week, and to find their way through time.
It can be useful for French learners (level A1.1 / A1)
The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Forest animals (Les animaux de la forêt).
You will find the following animals: une biche - un cerf - une chouette - un hérisson - un hibou - un lièvre - un loup - un renard - un sanglier
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: Farm animals (Les animaux d’Afrique).
You will find the following animals: *un âne - un chat - un cheval - une chèvre - un chien - un cochon - un lapin - un mouton - une poule - une vache *
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: African animals (Les animaux d’Afrique).
You will find the following animals: éléphant - léopard (panthère) - lion - messager sagittaire - potamochère roux - rhinocéros - singe vervet - zèbre.
This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!