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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
"Que font-ils ?" (What are they doing? Describe the activity - French worksheet)

"Que font-ils ?" (What are they doing? Describe the activity - French worksheet)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students express themselves in French by describing what the characters are doing. It contains a two-page table with characters doing activities on the left. Below, words are written. They will help students write complete sentences: on the right, they must describe what each character is doing. This is a funny way to write short and useful sentences in French. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) with 16 sentences to write. Its PDF equivalent A complete answer sheet (2 pages)
La personnalité des gens : adjectifs utiles (Personality - French worksheet)

La personnalité des gens : adjectifs utiles (Personality - French worksheet)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students improve their vocabulary in French, by learning several adjectives used to describe the personality of a person. You will get used to words like: honnête, altruiste, impulsif, sympa, perfectionniste, drôle, orgueilleux, patient, généreux, timide, maladroit, désagréable, optimiste, généreux, peureux, prudent, enfantin, dangereux, sensible, malhonnête… What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX), and its PDF equivalent, containing: An exercise with gaps to fill from the words of the list, Another exercise where you have to circle the right word between two, for each of the sentences. An exhaustive answer sheet.
French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

French Interrogative Pronouns - Worksheet (22 sentences with gaps to fill + answers)

Interrogative pronouns, primarily used for asking questions, are very important in French. In this worksheet, you will find 22 sentences where the students need to find the appropriate interrogative pronoun (qui, que, où, comment, quoi, quand, combien, à qui) for each gap. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF A complete answer sheet
Crossword puzzle (mots croisés) on the masculine and feminine form in French

Crossword puzzle (mots croisés) on the masculine and feminine form in French

This worksheet contains a crossword puzzle (mots croisés) on the topic of masculine and feminine in French (masculin et féminin). It was made by myself, a French teacher living in France. It is a funny way to teach the feminine form of some words, which can be quite difficult in French. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page printable and modifiable DOCX and a printable PDF An answer sheet to help you correct this exercise. I hope you will enjoy this worksheet :)
Masculin et féminin - Phrases à transformer (French basics)

Masculin et féminin - Phrases à transformer (French basics)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students practice the masculine and feminine form in French. The sentences in masculine form have to be transformed into the feminine. There are 16 sentences to be transformed this way. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF An exhaustive answer sheet
Singulier et pluriel - Transformer les phrases (French plural form)

Singulier et pluriel - Transformer les phrases (French plural form)

This easy, no-prep activity will help your students practice the plural form in French. The sentences in singular have to be transformed into the plural form. There are 20 sentences to be transformed this way. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF An exhaustive answer sheet
Mots croisés sur le singulier et le pluriel, en français

Mots croisés sur le singulier et le pluriel, en français

This worksheet contains a crossword puzzle (mots croisés) on the topic of singular and plural in French (singulier et pluriel). It is a funny way to teach the plural of some words, which can be quite puzzling for non French speakers (like : horse/horses which becomes cheval/chevaux). The document contains an answer sheet so it will be easy to correct this exercise. Check out my other exercises on my page! I hope you will enjoy this worksheet.
Les auxiliaires ÊTRE et AVOIR / French auxiliaries ÊTRE and AVOIR

Les auxiliaires ÊTRE et AVOIR / French auxiliaries ÊTRE and AVOIR

In this exercise, you’ll be able to study the French verbs ÊTRE (to be) and AVOIR (to have). This sheet has been made by myself, a 30-year-old French teacher for strangers and migrants near Paris. I spent most of my life in France and I’m happy to share my knowledge. The exercise sheet goes along with an answer sheet. It can be modifiable (DOCX) or not (PDF)
French basics: ÊTRE et AVOIR, ALLER, singulier et pluriel, masculin et féminin

French basics: ÊTRE et AVOIR, ALLER, singulier et pluriel, masculin et féminin

7 Resources
In this bundle, you will find 7 worksheets (with answer sheets) to help you practice some French basics: basic verbs like: ÊTRE (to be) AVOIR (to have) ALLER (to go) the singular and plural form: several exercises and a crossword puzzle the masculine and the feminine form: some exercises and, once again, a crossword puzzle (a little more complicated than the previous one) Overall, I think it can be used for 5 hours with your students. Every document is modifiable (docx) but can also be directly printed (pdf)
Writing - Imagine your planet (English / ESL)

Writing - Imagine your planet (English / ESL)

In this easy, no-prep activity, the students will imagine what “their” planet would look like. It is an interesting activity to be linked with space-based topics. This activity can also help them improve their writing skills and develop their imagination. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page printable pdf and a modifiable docx A blank circle where the student can draw “his” or “her” planet. Empty space to write the name of the planet, describe it and give details about its inhabitants A blank rectangle to draw a creature of this planet.
[French FFL B2-C1] Bisphénol : un danger invisible (dangers of bisphenol)

[French FFL B2-C1] Bisphénol : un danger invisible (dangers of bisphenol)

Voici un texte et des exercices (5 pages A4) sur le thème du bisphénol, une substance chimique présente dans le plastique et qui est dangereuse pour la santé. Vous trouverez les parties suivantes : Un texte qui traite de l’utilisation des bisphénols dans divers produits courants, et des effets néfastes que cela peut avoir sur la santé. Il mentionne aussi l’interdiction du bisphénol A (BPA) dans les contenants pour bébés (depuis 2010), mais précise que le BPA est encore présent dans de nombreux produits commercialisés, et que les substituts au BPA ne sont pas exempts de tout danger. Exercice de vocabulaire où il faudra trouver la définition de 15 mots du texte, à partir d’une liste proposée. 3 exercices de compréhension écrite : 4 questions type QCM 1 question avec rédaction 4 questions VRAI/FAUX avec justification Identification des zones du corps exposées aux dangers du BPA (à noter près de l’image d’un corps). Exercice de conjugaison : réécrire un paragraphe au présent Exercice d’expression écrite avec trois sujets au choix. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX. Un corrigé complet est inclus (3 pages). ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… English version: *Here is a worksheet (5 pages) for French learners (B2-C1) on the subject of Bisphenol, a chemical substance present in plastic and which is dangerous to health. You will find the following parts: A text that discusses the use of bisphenols in various common products, and the harmful effects this can have on health. It also mentions the ban in the European Union on Bisphenol A (BPA) for baby containers (as of 2010), but points out that BPA is still present in many products on the market, and that BPA substitutes are not without danger. Vocabulary exercise where you will have to find the definition of 15 words in the text, from a list. 3 reading comprehension exercises: 4 MCQ type questions 1 question with writing 4 TRUE/FALSE questions with justification Identification of the areas of the body exposed to the dangers of BPA (to be noted near the image of a body). Conjugation exercise: rewrite a paragraph in the present tense Writing exercise with three topics to choose from. The document can be downloaded in PDF format. A complete answer key is included (3 pages).*
(French A1) Vocabulary: clothes (les vêtements)

(French A1) Vocabulary: clothes (les vêtements)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF and DOCX format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write under the appropriate image The theme here is: clothes (Les vêtements). Word list: des gants – un pantalon (jean) – un bonnet – des chaussettes – des bottes – une casquette – un chapeau – une écharpe – un pull à col roulé – un T-shirt – un manteau – une ceinture. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French written expression & drawing] Crée ton pays ! (Create your country!)

[French written expression & drawing] Crée ton pays ! (Create your country!)

Dans cet exercice de français, vous dessinerez la carte d’un pays fictif, puis présenterez ce pays en écrivant les informations clés (nom, drapeau, capitale, population, langue parlée, culture, plats, devise, relief, avantages et désavantages, religion…) Cet exercice permet de travailler l’imagination, le dessin et l’expression écrite. Convient aux enfants comme aux adultes. Disponible en PDF et en DOCX. English version: In this FFL worksheet, you will draw the map of a fictitious country, then present this country by writing the key information (name, flag, capital, population, spoken language, culture, dishes, currency, relief, advantages and disadvantages, religion…) This exercise allows you to work on your imagination & written expression, and to draw. Suitable for children and adults. Available in PDF and DOCX.
[French FFL A2-B1] – Le savoir-vivre en France (good manners in France)

[French FFL A2-B1] – Le savoir-vivre en France (good manners in France)

Ce document de 3 pages A4 comporte un texte sur les règles de savoir-vivre en France ainsi que deux exercices (compréhension écrite et expression orale/écrite). Le texte parle de l’étiquette en France, en expliquant les bonnes manières et les habitudes à adopter pour être bien vu en société. Il met l’accent sur : l’importance de la courtoisie et des formules de politesse, la distance dans la communication avec les inconnus, les coutumes à table , les codes vestimentaires et comportements à adopter, les règles explicites et tacites pour facilite l’intégration sociale. Le texte souligne aussi qu’il faut éviter les comportements impolis ou agressifs, comme parler fort en public, jeter des déchets dans la rue ou fumer dans les endroits publics. L’exercice de compréhension comporte 7 questions, tandis que l’exercice d’expression comporte les deux sujets suivants : Dans votre pays, y a-t-il des règles de savoir-vivre similaires ou différentes de celles en France ? Donnez des exemples. Quelles sont les choses qui vous ont surpris après votre arrivée en France ? L’exercice est adapté aux apprenants adultes de niveau FLE A2, B1 voire B2. Il nécessite d’être pédagogue pour bien expliquer les règles de société en France. Un corrigé est inclus. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX. ENGLISH VERSION: This 3-pages document includes a text on the rules of etiquette in France and two exercises (reading comprehension and oral/written expression). The text talks about etiquette in France, explaining the good manners and habits to adopt in order to be well seen in society. It emphasizes : the importance of courtesy and politeness the distance in communication with strangers, customs at the table, dress codes and behavior, explicit and tacit rules to facilitate social integration. The text also emphasizes the need to avoid impolite or aggressive behavior, such as speaking loudly in public, throwing garbage in the street or smoking in public places. The comprehension exercise has 7 questions, while the expression exercise has the following two topics: In your country, are there rules of etiquette that are similar or different from those in France? Give examples. What are the things that surprised you after your arrival in France? The exercise is adapted to adult learners at the FFL A2, B1 or B2 level. It requires pedagogy to explain the rules of society in France. An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
[French crosswords] mots croisés : oiseaux (9 mots)

[French crosswords] mots croisés : oiseaux (9 mots)

Mots croisés sur le thème des oiseaux. 9 noms d’oiseaux : bernache - colvert - corneille - cygne - merle - mésange - moineau - perruche - pie - pigeon - rouge-gorge - tourterelle Pour CP et CE1 + FLE A1 English: Fun crossword on the theme of birds. 9 bird names: Canadian goose - mallard - crow - swan - blackbird - titmouse - sparrow - parakeet - magpie - pigeon - robin - turtle-dove. For 1st and 2nd grade + FFL A1
[French] Écriture cursive + exercices : jours de la semaine (Days of the week)

[French] Écriture cursive + exercices : jours de la semaine (Days of the week)

Here is a fun activity inspired by my own second grade classes. The theme is: The seven days of the week. I have adapted and enriched the worksheet that was handed out to me when I was a child. This worksheet will help students consolidate their knowledge of the days of the week, and to find their way through time. It can be useful for French learners (level A1.1 / A1) The document can be downloaded in PDF format.
(French A1) Vocabulary: the face (le visage)

(French A1) Vocabulary: the face (le visage)

In this fun activity sheet (downloadable in PDF and DOCX format) your students will have to choose the right word from the list and write them down. The theme here is: the face (Le visage). You will find the following words: la bouche, les lèvres, la langue, les dents, le visage, les cheveux, l’oreille, le nez, l’œil, le menton, le sourcil, le cou, les cils, la joue, le front, la barbe, la moustache, la fossette, les rides, les taches de rousseur. This exercise is well suited for children of level CP-CE1 (Year 2, year 3) or for adults (i. e. level A1.1 minimum).
[French A2 B1] Astuces pour faciliter le quotidien et vivre mieux (lifehacks)

[French A2 B1] Astuces pour faciliter le quotidien et vivre mieux (lifehacks)

Ce texte FLE évoque 10 astuces pour faciliter le quotidien, et comporte plusieurs exercices. Il permettra de : Connaître des astuces méconnues pour optimiser son mode de vie, Améliorer son vocabulaire et son orthographe, S’exprimer en français à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur un sujet concret. Corrigé inclus. Téléchargeable en PDF et en DOCX. English version: This FLE text evokes 10 tips to make everyday life easier, and includes several exercises. This topic is suitable for learners at A2 level and above. Ideal for B1 or B2. It will enable you to : Learn little-known tips for optimizing your lifestyle, Improve vocabulary and spelling, Express themselves in French, orally and in writing, on a concrete subject. Answers included. Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.