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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x




Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Alfred the Great

Alfred the Great

Alfred the great presentation with activities Discusses the fights between the Alfred and Guthrum and what happened. Explains why Alfred was given the nickname Alfred the great. Includes two activities -Activity 1 - colour and label a map of Danelaw and Alfred’s land. Activity 2 - Write a paragraph about Alfred the great
Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

This includes a full lesson Includes the two kings Athelstan and Constantine and the what happened between England and Scotland at this time. Also where the Vikings went and how Athelstan had to pay them off. includes map to show what it looked like at the time. Then goes into Athelstan’s grandson - Aethelred and how he ruled England Discusses the St Brice’s Day massacre Followed by four activities - an short explanation/ true and false/ finishing sentences and answering a question.
Six lessons on the Vikings

Six lessons on the Vikings

These are available as individual lessons if you do not want them all - please see my shop The order in which they need to be taught are 1.Who were the Vikings? 2.Norse beliefs 3.Lindisfarne 4.Alfred the Great 5.Athelstan and Constantine 6.Edward the confessor and his death in 1066 The individual lessons have a breadkdown in the resources description if you need to know what is included in each lesson
Discovering the Ancient Egyptians lesson 1

Discovering the Ancient Egyptians lesson 1

This is the first lesson about Ancient Egypt - It introduces the Egyptians and include a timeline of key events. It discusses how Egypt used to be split and how these were united. It explains the difference between the three kingdoms and what happened at them times. Lastly it talks about how Cleopatra was the final pharoah and who took over after her. This includes three activities that are linked to the slides, i normally print out the powerpoint for the class then they have all the information needed for the lesson. Activities include. - true or false Putting events in order Writing a short explanation as to why they think Egypt should have united or split. There are more lesson to follow this so please check out my shop
Who were the Vikings?

Who were the Vikings?

Full lesson on the Vikings and who they were. Slide 1/2/3 - map of where the Vikings came from, how they came over, map of the route taken and why they came. slide 4 - farming and fighting Activity 1 - draw the routes of the Vikings on a map Activity 2 - complete sentences using key words given Activity 3 - Write an explanation about why the Vikings would settle in Britain Activity 4 - Write a letter to a family member back home explaining what Britain is like
Edward the confessor and his death in 1066

Edward the confessor and his death in 1066

This powerpoint talks through what happened after Aethelred died. Discusses Edward the confessor and what he was like as a person. Has list of three successors after Edward and why they thought they should have the crown Explains what happened when Edward died and who got the crown and what they other two successors did explains what the bayeux tapestry is activity 1 - list the successors and why they think they deserved the crown activity 2 - write the events that happened after the new King of England was crowned


This powerpoint is a whole lesson. slide 1 - the Vikings first voyage to England and where they landed and what happened. slide 2 - planned mission to Lindisfarne and why slide 3 - what the monks thought about it slide 4 - what happened at Lindisfarne Followed by 4 activities for the children to complete. I used this powerpoint and had it printed for the children so they could go back and answer the questions. The activities are true/ false statements - where they have to prove their answers (answers on the last slide) Write a description from the monks point of view Draw a picture and write a description of what the Vikings may have stolen Write a view of Lindisfarne from a Viking I wouldn’t always use all four activities, just depends on how quickly your children work. Or i would give my highers more slides to complete.
Norse beliefs

Norse beliefs

Full lesson on Norse beliefs Sets out the nine worlds that the Vikings believe in and their names. Discusses four of the gods and what they were famous for. Share story of Thor and the stolen hammer and there a questions on the slide to answer while they are following and listening - answers are included on another slide. What happens in the afterlife Followed by 3 activities for the children to complete:- True or false and they have to prove why The Gods sentences with missing words for them to fill in. Write an explanation as to why you would want to go to Valhalla if you were a Viking. this is followed by the answers to the true/false and god’s sentences
Ancient Egyptian Gods lesson 3

Ancient Egyptian Gods lesson 3

Ancient Egyptian Gods - discusses the early god Atum and what the Egyptians believed about him. It includes 7 of the Gods in more detail and looks at their symbol and what their function was. Gods it discusses is Ra Osiris Horus Thoth Anubis Isis Set Three activities included - a mix and match with gods and functions. looking at a picture and explaining which God they think it is speech from people from Ancient egypt and present day. Children have to decide who would say the statement and why.
Uncovering Ancient Egypt and meeting the Pharaohs lesson 2

Uncovering Ancient Egypt and meeting the Pharaohs lesson 2

This lesson includes the discussion of tombs and where they have been found (valley of the kings and Abu Simbel temple). Discusses Egyptologists and looks at the two most famous (Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon) - looks at who they found ( tutankhamun) and about the curse that is believed to have killed Carnavon. Meeting the pharaohs - Looks at what pharaohs are believed to be descendents from (sun god Ra) 9 include pic Looks at what pharoahs wore and what they carried around with them and what this symbolises. Looks at the roles and reponsibilities of pharaohs and the royal vizier. Three activities included - 1. an explanation of why pharaohs were important. 2. True or false statements - children prove them with evidence from the power point 3. draw a picture of you as a pharaoh - what are you wearing/carrying. Explain why these items are important.
Egyptian Priests and temples lesson 4

Egyptian Priests and temples lesson 4

Priests and temples lesson Discusses the houses for the gods and how priests looked after these. Includes sacred statues/ temple at Karnak/ the difference between high and low priests/ rituals and shrines three activities to complete - true or false - children have to find evidence from the text to prove whether it is true or false. Activity 2 - explain why Karnak is so important using evidence from the text. Activity 3 - what different jobs did the priests do depending on their ranking
Anglo Saxon law

Anglo Saxon law

This is a whole lesson in one powerpoint. I normally print of the powerpoint so the children can refer to it during the lesson and to answer the questions. discusses the laws that were in place at the time and what would happen if you broke the law and the punishments you would get.
Anglo Saxon women and children's lives

Anglo Saxon women and children's lives

This is a powerpoint with activities. I would print the powerpoint for the children to refer to and help with answering the questions. This goes through what life was like for women and children in the Anglo-Saxon times. includes about women - jobs for the women/royal women/marrying and nuns includes about children - work for children/ typical day/ clothing/ toys/church 4 activities: true or false about women comparing your typical day to an anglo saxon child Choose a toy and describe it explain if you would like to be a child in the Anglo-Saxon times
Anglo Saxon unit

Anglo Saxon unit

5 lessons around the Anglo Saxons includes: Life of the women and children Religion Law Daily life Settlement Each powerpoint has information and then activities at the end. These can be purchased individually as well. please look at individual lessons for what is included within each powerpoint
Year 6 Anderson Shelter DT project

Year 6 Anderson Shelter DT project

This is a full terms worth of lessons. Session 1 - Background on Anderson shelters. Session 2 - To practise making joints (using artstraws). Session 3 - Evaluate previous shelters and create a prototype. Session 4 - Start making an Anderson shelter - frame of the shelter. Session 5 - Carry on making an Anderson shelter - frame/ door. Session 6 - Put on final touches to the Anderson shelter - paper to cover the frame to represent turf - could add art straws to represent corrugated steel. Session 7 - Evaluate your shelter. There is one powerpoint that has all of the lessons on. There are you tube video links and step by step through each lesson
Unit of work on the Egyptians

Unit of work on the Egyptians

This is a whole unit of work that is enough for 1 lesson each week for 7 weeks, with an extra activity included. These are available as individual lessons if you wish only one section. Please check out each individual lesson to find out what is included in each lesson . All lessons include a powerpoint with the key information and activities to follow. The activities have been made from the powerpoint so all of the answers are there to find. I normally print of the powerpoint for the children to help them find the info that is needed.
Neil Armstrong KS1

Neil Armstrong KS1

Included is 2 lessons on Neil Armstrong Lesson 1 - key vocab, main key facts, who is Neil Armstrong?, young Neil and how he became an astrounaut, project Apollo. Task is to order the key events in his life so far. Lesson 2 - quick recap of previous lesson, key vocab, walking on the moon, return to earth, after Apollo 11. Task is a comprehension
The discovery of Tutankhamun

The discovery of Tutankhamun

This powerpoint is for KS2 it goes through the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. It starts by discussing who he is and why he is famous. It introduces Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon and the dates at each point of the excavation. It goes through each part of the tomb and what was found in each part, it has a map of each section. This could be used as a stimulus for a topic session or for a writing session.
Escape from Pompeii weekly plan

Escape from Pompeii weekly plan

Included in this resource you will receive:- Weekly plan of what to do each day Success criteria for each lesson Comprehension activity linked to the book 'escape from Pompeii with three levels (bronze, silver, gold) Key word slides of difficult words that they may come across in the book (these include the word/ meaning of the word/ picture/ linked words) Story plan (which could be used for a big write the following week) draft story of the story plan Grammar powerpoint on adverbs to help with the story Postcard example.
Nelson Mandela information powerpoint

Nelson Mandela information powerpoint

This powerpoint includes vocabulary slides of key words that i would expect the children to know. It talks about his early life, the problems in south Africa (aparteid) and why he ended up in prison. Includes invictus poem that Mandela found comfort in while in prison - i am going to learn this with my children. Discusses his nobel peace prize and then his death - dates used Children create factfile a out Nelson Mandela