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Miss Gammack's Shop

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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x




Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
What is the Quran and why is it important to Muslims?

What is the Quran and why is it important to Muslims?

This is a full lesson Starts with a vocab slide on what will be included in the lesson Key questions that are covered - What is the Quran? What does the Quran do? How is the Quran part of everyday life? How is the Quran treated by Muslims? video of the washing ritual It then includes the story of God revealing the quran to Muhammad and a short clip of what it would hve been like in the hills where Muhammad was. work Think about important things in their life and compare it to the importance of things in a Muslim childs life challenge - thinking about the respect Muslims have for the Quran and what this teaches us about them
What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims

What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims

This is a 6 week pack of lessons. lesson 1 - to identify the meaning of the word sacred and to explaore why the Quran is important to Muslims. lesson 2 - To know what the Qur’an teaches about God and to reflect on your own ideas about God. lesson 3 - To know that the behaviour of Muslims is influenced by the Qur’an. lesson 4 - To study ways in which Muslim children learn about the Qur’an. lesson 5 - To be able to explain the significance of the Qur’an to Muslims today. lesson 6 - End of unit quiz
To learn about the significance of the last supper

To learn about the significance of the last supper

This powerpoint is part of a set about Easter so please look into my shop for more lessons. I will also put this in a unit of work with all six lessons. the story of the last supper and looking at what key parts mean looks at the leonardo da vinci artwork (discussion task) include John’s version - washing of the feet and why this was done. discusses Eucharist - what it is ansd why it happens There are a couple of links to videos to support what has been read. thre are then some questions to answer related to what they have read.
Judaism - the significance of prayer

Judaism - the significance of prayer

This is one full lesson on prayer. it includes:- importance of public worship formal and informal prayer what is worn during prayer what is the tefillin and what is it used for task - examples of prayers from the Torah and the children have to match up which type of situation the prayer would be read out. This is part of a unit od work so please check out my shop for the unit if you would like :)
Holy Communion

Holy Communion

This is a complete lesson it includes: key vocabulary different groups of the Christian religion - brief introduced Holy Communion and why Christians do it The last supper story video link to a cartoon version of the last supper three main Christian views of taking the bread and wine and what it actually means to them When children have their first Holy Communion and how white is worn to show purity True or false quiz - can either be done as a whole class or in books Task - create a poem about Holy communion It has sentence starters and key words to support
Hindus belief in the afterlife

Hindus belief in the afterlife

This is a complete lesson on what Hindus believe happens to them after they die. i have other afterlife lessons in my shop and a full unit of work if you are interested This lesson includes: Key vocab discusses reincarnation hindu life cycle Karma Moksha Task 1 - sort statements into three sections- what hindus beleive, what hindus do not believe and not relevent at all - relating to life after death Task 2 - create a diagram with explanations to. describe what happens when someone dies


This is a complete lesson on Hajj It includes - Key vocab what is a pilgrimage? map of where Saudi Arabia is and then zooms in on where Mecca is. Recap of the story of why Hajj started - brief (i did a full lesson on this the previous week) Why Muslims make the Hajj journey What Muslims wear Then it goes through each part of the Hajj - Mecca, Masjid al Haram, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Mina, back to Mecca – It explains what happens in each part. Task - To complete a flow chart of what happens during ajj
Walter Gropius - Bauhaus

Walter Gropius - Bauhaus

This is a powerpoint on the Bauhaus. We were concentrating on architecture and looking at the simpleness of this building. We linked this to 3D shapes and nets of cubes and cuboids. The children are then asked to create cuboids and make their own building as part of the lesson. links to art and maths.
comparing a seaside town to a rural town

comparing a seaside town to a rural town

This powerpoint compares Oldham and Llandudno but can be easily adapted to a different rural town to match your setting. After they have been through the powerpoint we had the children looking for similarities and differences between the two towns.
Impact of alcohol

Impact of alcohol

This powerpoint explains what happens when alcohol is drunk on different parts of the body. It discusses the negative effects on the body and also the positive. It has facts on ages alcohol can be drunk and when and how alcohol is made. After the powerpoint i gave the children a copy of the body and the children labelled the key parts and what the impact of alcohol is on each of these parts.
The rule of law

The rule of law

This powerpoint has key vocabulary that i want the children to learn by the end of the session. It discusses what law is and why we have laws in this country and this is linked to the school council. video to watch and then a discussion after
changing environments and its effect on elephants in Africa

changing environments and its effect on elephants in Africa

This powerpoint recognises that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. Starts of with a key vocabulary slide which i expect them to know by the end of the lesson section 2 - key facts section 3 - why should we protect elephants section 4 - what is endangering elephants in africa - discusses climate change, ivory trade and deforestation section 5 - what is being done to protect the elphants activity - children to write a short piece using all of this information - there is a slide with reminders on for them
Norse beliefs

Norse beliefs

Full lesson on Norse beliefs Sets out the nine worlds that the Vikings believe in and their names. Discusses four of the gods and what they were famous for. Share story of Thor and the stolen hammer and there a questions on the slide to answer while they are following and listening - answers are included on another slide. What happens in the afterlife Followed by 3 activities for the children to complete:- True or false and they have to prove why The Gods sentences with missing words for them to fill in. Write an explanation as to why you would want to go to Valhalla if you were a Viking. this is followed by the answers to the true/false and god’s sentences
Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

This includes a full lesson Includes the two kings Athelstan and Constantine and the what happened between England and Scotland at this time. Also where the Vikings went and how Athelstan had to pay them off. includes map to show what it looked like at the time. Then goes into Athelstan’s grandson - Aethelred and how he ruled England Discusses the St Brice’s Day massacre Followed by four activities - an short explanation/ true and false/ finishing sentences and answering a question.
Uncovering Ancient Egypt and meeting the Pharaohs lesson 2

Uncovering Ancient Egypt and meeting the Pharaohs lesson 2

This lesson includes the discussion of tombs and where they have been found (valley of the kings and Abu Simbel temple). Discusses Egyptologists and looks at the two most famous (Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon) - looks at who they found ( tutankhamun) and about the curse that is believed to have killed Carnavon. Meeting the pharaohs - Looks at what pharaohs are believed to be descendents from (sun god Ra) 9 include pic Looks at what pharoahs wore and what they carried around with them and what this symbolises. Looks at the roles and reponsibilities of pharaohs and the royal vizier. Three activities included - 1. an explanation of why pharaohs were important. 2. True or false statements - children prove them with evidence from the power point 3. draw a picture of you as a pharaoh - what are you wearing/carrying. Explain why these items are important.
Egyptian Priests and temples lesson 4

Egyptian Priests and temples lesson 4

Priests and temples lesson Discusses the houses for the gods and how priests looked after these. Includes sacred statues/ temple at Karnak/ the difference between high and low priests/ rituals and shrines three activities to complete - true or false - children have to find evidence from the text to prove whether it is true or false. Activity 2 - explain why Karnak is so important using evidence from the text. Activity 3 - what different jobs did the priests do depending on their ranking
Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

This is a whole lesson on the pyramids Talks about the first known pyramids and who/why it was built. Includes discussion about the pyramids of giza(who and why they were built including hieghts then compares this to more modern day structures) The great Sphinx and why treasures were taken down into tombs. How the pyramids were built and why they stopped building pyamids 5 activities 1.explain why pyramids are built 2.true or false using the text to prove answers. 3.match pharaoh to pyramid 4.putting statements in order for building a pyramid 5.explain why Egyptians were happy to help build the pyramids All of the info can be found in the powerpoint and i normally print the powerpoint out for the children to refer to.
Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Ancient Egyptian painting (Gods)

Discusses the types of paintings found at that time and where they were - in tombs and papyrus was used Gives a background about this. Goes into how the paintings had a profile and frontal view - has examples. Includes list of colours used and why they were used (what they represented) Looks at the symbols some of the gods, then has a variety of gods for the children to choose from for their drawings and the hieroglypihcs which need to be present in the picture Has an example of how to set out their sketch books as a practise of skills before they complete their painting. This would take either two lessons or one longer art session with the sketch book completed first and then their own picture created after either on brown paper or have another lesson creating their own papyrus to paint on.
Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

Has an explanation as to why sculptures were used in Egyptian times and has more detail on the famous sculptures Sphinx mask of Tutankhamun Ushabti figures Ka statue Then I would have a sketch book lesson - template is included as to how the children need to set it out. Within this they would choose which sculpture they want to create Overall outcome - the children use clay to create their own sculpture based on one of the famous sculptures
Medicine safety

Medicine safety

This lesson is a powerpoint and a task at the end. Include extension scenarios for discussion. By the end of the lesson children will know what medicine is and when they need to take it. They will have had a discussion about who should administer and how to keep medicines safe.