'Aeneas lacks any human emotions'
The following essay scored 22/30 marks and was written in response to the question:‘Aeneas lacks any ordinary human emotions’’. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification
Writing frame/essay plan also included
OCR Classical Civilisation Homeric World (Mycenae, Literature and Culture) Checklist
Revision checklist for OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation: ‘Mycenae’ covering all four topics studied as part of Paper 2.
Dido: Quote Sheet
A selection of quotes for Virgil’s Aeneid, focusing on Dido. The quotes are supported with interpretations of Dido’s character - designed for AS/A-Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’
Aeneas: Quote Sheet
A selection of quotes for Virgil’s Aeneid, focusing on Aeneas. The quotes are broken down into appropriate aspects of Aeneas’ character - designed for AS/A-Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’
Athene's role in the Odyssey is essential for the success of the epic
The following essay scored 26/30 marks and was written in response to the question:‘’Athene’s role in the Odyssey is essential for the success of the epic’’. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification
(NB - Not written under timed conditions)
Homer's Odyssey (OCR Classical Civilisations 9-1) Revision
This booklet provides an overview of Homer’s Odyssey for the GCSE OCR Specification for the ‘Homeric World’ paper.
It covers:
Literary Techniques and Composition
Character of Odysseus
Portrayal of Key Characters
There is a glossary of key terms, a summary of key characters and an exam overview.
There are also accompanying essay plans (fill-in) and summary sheets.
Imperial Image Revision Checklists
New specification check list, all units covered. Useful revision tool for students studying the AS/A-Level specification for ‘Imperial Image’ (OCR)
Imperial Image Folder Dividers
Folder dividers broken down into each of the five topic areas for OCR’s AS/A-Level specification for ‘Imperial Image.’ It is broken down into the relevant themes, with a list of both prescribed and additional sources.
Explain how far you think Augustus relied on other men to achieve a positive Imperial Image
The following essay scored 26/30 marks and was written in response to the question: ‘Explain how far you think Augustus relied on other men to achieve a positive Imperial Image of himself.’’ It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘Imperial Image’ specification
The skill it took to build Mycenaean tombs should be admired more than the contents inside
The following essay was writing in response to the statement:The skill it took to build Mycenaean tombs should be admired more than the contents inside. It was written as part of a mock examination for the GCSE OCR specification for Mycenae (Literature and Culture) and achieved the full fifteen marks.
It can be used as a source of revision to help exemplify how to answer longer essay-based questions or used when responding to feedback.
Greek Religion: Visual and Literary Sources Grid (OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations)
A breakdown of all prescribed (and non-prescribed) visual and literary sources into topic sections (see below) for the OCR A-Level Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘Greek Religion,’ intended for the use of A-Level students.
The topics included are:
Nature of the Olympian Gods
Personal Experience of the Divine
Religion and Society
Places of Worship
Rituals and Priests
Religion and Philosophy
This document is intended to highlight the sources which would be most relevant to include in essay questions, particularly the short-essay and extended response.
Greek Religion Revision Bundle
Designed for A-Level students studying OCR’s specification for ‘Greek Religion.’ This bundle contains:
Revision guide, covering the whole course
Revision Quizzes (Designed to help with knowledge retrieval)
Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')
The following answers scored 9 out of 10 marks and is focused on a passage taken from Book 2 of Virgil’s Aeneid. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification.
‘’It is impossible to sympathise with the Suitors; they are all just a bunch of villains’’
The following essay scored 25/30 marks and was written in response to the question:‘’It is impossible to sympathise with the Suitors; they are all just a bunch of villains’’. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification
Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')
The following answers scored 9 out of 10 marks and is focused on a passage taken towards the end of Book 2 of Virgil’s Aeneid. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification.
'Explain what picture of warfare is created by Virgil in the fall of Troy in Book 2''
The following essay scored 17/20 marks and was written in response to the question: ‘Explain what picture of warfare is created by Virgil in the fall of Troy in Book 2.’’ It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification
Aeneas: Character Overview
A short-summary detailing Aeneas’ characterisation in Virgil’s Aeneid. Designed for the OCR A-Level specification for ‘World of the Hero’
Aeneas as a Greek Hero and a Post-Homeric (Roman Hero)
Aeneas as a leader
Aeneas as a lover
Aeneas as a family man
Aeneas’ role in Rome’s Imperial Destiny
OCR Classical Civilisation Roman City Life (9-1) Revision Guide
Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the Homeric World (J199/22), covering Roman City Life.
The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:Roman City Life. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources. The 24-page long document provides revision notes for:
Roman Housing
The Roman Home and Family
Roman Society
Leisure and Entertainment
At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)
Myth and Religion: Prescribed Literary Sources Annotated Booklet
Designed for GCSE students studying OCR’s specification for ‘Myth and Religion.’ The document contains fully-annotated notes on all prescribed literary sources
Virgil's Aeneid: Modern Scholarship (OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations)
The following document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’ and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate sections, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. This can be used to accompany the text, for students to incoorporate scholarship into their own answers or to simply annotate.
Sections include;
Literary techniques and composition
Structure and plot of the epic
Language of the epic, including the use of:
Homeric influence
*** Characterisation and Themes**
Concepts, values and behaviour of a Greek and Roman hero
Characterisation of major and minor characters (including Aeneas and Dido)
The role of Aeneas in Rome’s Imperial Destiny
Portrayal of War
Portrayal of Different Nations
The Social, Cultural and Religious Context
Moral values implicit in the Aeneid, including pietas and its contrast with furor
Importance of Fate and Destiny
Role of the immortals (and relationship between mortals and immortals)
Family and Friendship
Relationships between men and women, parents and children
Part played by women in the epic and their position in society
Historical and Political Background
The word document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Virgil’s Aeneid and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate books, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. There is an opportunity for students to give their own perception of the view and come to the conclusion as to whether they agree or disagree with them.