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Gcmem's Shop

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If you believe you can't you are right, but YOU CAN if YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN. All students have the ability to learn if they are engaged.




If you believe you can't you are right, but YOU CAN if YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN. All students have the ability to learn if they are engaged.
Recipe for a Viking

Recipe for a Viking

A fun and creative way for students to use and consolidate their knowledge of the Vikings by creating a 'recipe' to make a Viking. Great as a Friday afternoon activity when students tend to get a bit ratty!
Camera Angles in Film

Camera Angles in Film

Tutorial and revision information related to some of the common camera angles used in film and their purpose/meaning they convey. Useful and relevant for all Stage 4 and 5 English classes when studying film with a range of films being useful including 'Charllie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'Rabbit Proof Fence'.


Causes of Tornadoes information and worksheet suitable for Year 7 as part of their 'Four Spheres; Atmosphere" study and also suitable for Year 9 as part of "Natural Disasters"
Palindromes and Anagrams

Palindromes and Anagrams

A fun activity/English language activity suitable as an end of lesson activity in English 7-10- worksheet & information.
9 History Overview: British Empire, Colonisation, Imperialism, Nationalism

9 History Overview: British Empire, Colonisation, Imperialism, Nationalism

Part of the 9 History Overview- a variety of lesson activities including drawing of student's own abstract world map, thinking, cause and effect etc. Focuses on key student skills and concepts with a student reflection at the end. Quality activities that translate to real-life skills (what we are really aiming for as teachers), but provided without fee in the interests of student learning and teacher collegiality.
Letters to the Editor tips

Letters to the Editor tips

In addition, to the usual information taught about 'Letters to the Editor' the attached are a few ideas to aid students when composing their own LTE- initially created to go with 'Lockie Leonard', but can be applied to a range of LTE tasks.
Roman Mosaics hands-on History Activity and Tutorial Ancient Rome

Roman Mosaics hands-on History Activity and Tutorial Ancient Rome

An end of year activity I put together from an amalgam of online resources and my own additions . Great as an end of year History/craft activity/ hands-on history activity where students learn about Roman mosaics, engage in related thinking and discussion and then make their own using paper. Simple material required- white paper plus a variety of other coloured papers. I have used it with great success with Yr 7 but it would also work for younger students and students up to Year 9 .
World Heritage Sites Worksheet

World Heritage Sites Worksheet

Work sheet for Year 7 Geography World Heritage sites topic. Intended to be used with a textbook (this was made with Geofocus 1 pages 42-51 in mind), but other school texts could be used and the sheet adapted as needed.
Role of the Pharoah in Ancient Egypt

Role of the Pharoah in Ancient Egypt

Tutorial for senior students of Ancient History relating to site study Deir el Medina, Historical Period- New Kingdom Egypt to the Death of Thutmose IV and Personality in their Times- Hatshepsut and other New Kingdom pharoahs such as Tutenkhamun, Thutmose and Ahkenaeten.
Vikings Thinking Hat Empathy Task

Vikings Thinking Hat Empathy Task

Vikings topic - 6 thinking hats + 1 empathy , critical & creative thinking task with bonus literacy & critical thinking activity word jumble & cartoon analysis/response. Answers included. Credit also to TES user Rebeccajaneward whose different thinking hats worksheet at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/6-thinking-hats-worksheet-11511946 inspired/helped with this idea. I do not own the images used/all credit to original creaters whoever they are- they came from Creative Commons- used for educational non-profit purpose only. I hope this saves others some time.
Revision Year 7 History

Revision Year 7 History

Quick revision sheets (11 separate revision activities) for Year 7 History. Designed to be used as a settling and quick revision activity at the beginning of lessons, but could also be used as a homework activity and exam revision (or even exam questions). Relates to the Ancient World Overview, Investigating the Ancient Past and Mediterranean World: Egypt topics.
Create your own Word Search student activity

Create your own Word Search student activity

There wasn't a more specific topic to categorise this in so it's under the closest option. A "create your own word-search" activity template for students of any subject to use as a revision tool to review topic specific words. Suitable for all subjects and all year groups.
Key instruction words - writing and speaking

Key instruction words - writing and speaking

Based on the Board of Studies key word definitions, these are posters for classroom displays to explain the meaning of key instructional words for communication tasks (written and spoken). Suited to ALL subject areas (especially HSIE and English) for Years 7-12. Designed to enhance literacy and writing skills as well as spoken communication skills.
Pompeii (movie) questions Ancient Romans

Pompeii (movie) questions Ancient Romans

Questions/activities to be used in conjunction with the movie 'Pompeii' (2014)- nice as an end of year activity to complement studies of Ancient Romans. Intended for 7 History (with appropriate parental permission for the movie), but could be adapted for other year groups. This works best as an adjunct to more comprehensive study of ancient Rome preceding this movie.
How were the pyramids built?  Great Pyramid Giza

How were the pyramids built? Great Pyramid Giza

Worksheet with a link to a related video that explores a very plausible theory about how the Great Pyramid of Giza might have been built and examines the related evidence. https://youtu.be/d83mn1yxCHc (52 minutes) “The Great Pyramid of Egypt New Evidence.” NOTE- link current at time of posting but if you Google this name you will still find the video if the link moves.