After the government set out the 2016 exemplification materials for writing, like many year 5/6 teachers I panicked slightly!
I have produced some short units of work which work around the above age related exemplification materials set out by the government. One of the units of work is for explanation texts!
First children look at the effectiveness of different explanations, and the children learn to develop their own explanations. Children learn how to use colons and semi colons to mark boundary’s between clauses in their writing. They then write an explanation text about chickens! (Linked with science week!) We had an incubator in school with four chick eggs in. Throughout the week they hatched which helped to keep the children engaged!
The pieces of writing they produced were excellent! All of my children hit the standard of children writing at the expected standard.
In this pack I have included only the medium term plan, which is 7 days worth of planning differentiated into 3 group. I've also included 4 powerpoints. The other resources I used were from twinkl and are easy to find.