At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define opportunity cost and give examples of opportunity cost in
different contexts. explain the influence of opportunity cost on decision
making by consumers, workers, producers and governments when
allocating their resources.
Define the Production possibility curve diagrams (PPC), draw and
interpret appropriate diagrams. Points under, on and beyond a PPC
describe the significance of the location of production points. Describe
movements along a PPC and opportunity cost. Shifts in a PPC - The causes
and consequences of shifts in a PPC in terms of an economy’s growth.
Class Activities. ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ with ‘Answers.’
The resource is for Economics IGCSE. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:Identify and explain causes of price changes - Changing market conditions as causes of price changes. Identify and explain consequences of price changes - Demand and supply diagrams to be used to illustrate these changes in market conditions and their consequences for equilibrium price and sales. ‘Class Activities’ and Solutions.
Prepared for Economics IGCSE. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:Describe specialisation at a national level - The basis for specialisation at national level in broad terms of: superior resource allocation and/or cheaper production methods. Identify and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of specialisation at a national level - For consumers, firms and the economy.
Class Activities with Answers.
The resource is made for IGCSE Economics.
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to :Define Globalization. Identify the role of multinational companies MNCs and the costs and benefits to their host and home countries. Identify and explain the benefits of free trade - the benefits for consumers, producers and the economy in a variety of countries. Methods of protection - tariffs, import quotas, subsidies and embargoes. Reasons for protection - Including infant industry, declining industry, strategic industry and avoidance of dumping. Consequences of protection - Effectiveness of protection and its impact on the home country and its trading partners.
‘Debate topic.’ ‘Class Activities’ with ‘Answers.’
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Define absolute and relative poverty The difference between the two
terms. The causes of poverty The causes of poverty including
unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies to alleviate poverty
and redistribute income
Identify and evaluate differences in economic development between
countries. Causes and impacts of differences in income; productivity;
population growth; size of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors;
saving and investment; education; and healthcare.
‘Class Activity’ ‘Multiple Choice Questions’
with Answers
This Resource is made IGCSE Economics. At the end of the lesson, students should be able to
Define price elasticity of supply (PES).
Calculate PES using the formula and interpreting the significance of the result.
Draw and interpret supply curve diagrams to show different PES.
Determinants of PES - the key influences on whether supply is elastic or inelastic.
Significance of PES - the implications for decision making by consumers, producers and government. ‘Class Activities.’
At the end the lesson, Students should be able: to;
Identify and explain the purpose and nature of business activity
Explain concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunity cost.• Importance of specialisation. • Purpose of business activity• The concept of adding value and how added value can be increased.
Class Activities with Answers
This resource explains the concepts of production possibility curve , scarcity and opportunity cost in economics. It demonstrates the difference between government and private spending,choices and diminishing returns.Contains class activities , diagrams , graphs and illustrations and questions for assessment
The resource is made for Economics IGCSE. It explains why market fail and Social Cost Benefits.The resows shows the meaning od Pareto efficiency, how government can control market failure, consequences of market failure and merits of free market system. I explains private social cost benefit, externalites, cost benefit analysis, argument in favour of private spending,characteristics of public goods, resource conservation and using resources.
This is an instructional material on Trade Protectionism. It explains what it means, arguments are presented on it pros and con and how government involve in trade protectionism. The resource gives examples of trade protection, its consequences and more. Contains interactive questions and answers.
This resource is a worksheet on Economics. It explains the nature of economics problems. Prepared for class activity on the topic, with emphasis on differences between economic goods and fre goods. Contains activity on matching.
This resource explains what inflation and deflation means. It describes how to measure inflation and deflation, types of inflation and how to measure. It explains how to measure RPI and CPI. It explains the causes of inflation, presents graphic illustrations and diagrams, graphs and others to make it easy to understand. Contains interactive questions and answers. Prepared for IGCSE Economics.
This resource explains Specialization in Economics. It shows the importance of specialization and the advantages , disadvantages . Contains interactive questions.
This resource explains the meaning of Trade Unions and the methods they use. It explains the roles of trade unions and their advantages, disadvantages in government activities.
This resource explains different choices, decisions and factors that determines business locations.It explains various factors that that are considered in the localization of manufacturing industry. Prepared for Business Studies IGCSE. Contains case study on business location. It also looks at international factors/ reasons that are considered in overseas business location.
This resource explains what monopoly means. The resource also uses examples to describe how monopoly is created in Economics. The resource is prepared for Economics students. It uses illustrations to explain the topic. It explains the advantage and disadvantage of monopoly, the characteristics and what constitute Perfect Market.
This resource is prepared for teachers foe Economics Lesson on Firm’s Plan and Revenue Objectives. Contains Lesson Objectives and step by step methods of lesson delivery.
This resource explains the meaning of Monetary policy in Economics. The resource is prepared for IGCSE Economics and Business Studies . It contains illustrations and interactive questions. It explains Monetary supply measures and uses of monetary measures.etc.
This resource is a power point lesson on organizational structure and the role of management. It explains the meaning of organizational structure, the importance, the span of control and command. It explains coordination and importance of delegation. I t shows the roles of line managers and staff managers and organization chart.