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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Why the occur  and what to do about them

Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Why the occur and what to do about them

The Resource is Prepared for Geography KS3 At the end of the lesson the students should be able to : (i) Define the term earthquakes (ii) Explain the causes of earthquakes (iii) Give examples of earthquakes (iv) Explain the effects and impacts of earthquakes (v) Examine the case study on an earthquake in an LEDC and MEDC
Orgins and Migration of the Fulanis in West Africa

Orgins and Migration of the Fulanis in West Africa

This resource explains the origins of the Fulanis in West Africa. It shows their co-habitation with the Hausa’s and how they are different with the Hausa ethnic group.The resource explains the dominance and Islamization of of other groups by the Fulani ethnic groups. It explains the culture, religion and occupation of the Fulani ethnic group in Nigeria,
Lesson Plan for Geography KS3

Lesson Plan for Geography KS3

This resource provides a step to step procedure on lesson delivery on the following: Images of a country:Limestone landscape of England., York Dales Lime stone, how it is being changed, Can the earth cope?ecosystems, population and resources, How does vegetations adapt to its environment., population,the sea as a natural resource , and Crime and the Local Community mapping. Up to 4 weeks lesson plan.
Lesson Plan on Geography and environmental Management for KS3

Lesson Plan on Geography and environmental Management for KS3

Lesson Plan on KS3 Geography and Environmental Management . Shows a step by step procedure on lesson: Describe the internal and external structure of the earth *Define the term rock *List and explain the types of rocks. *Explain the uses of rocks *Describe the methods used in extracting rocks…
Coasts: Case study- tourism in Studland Bay Nature Reserve

Coasts: Case study- tourism in Studland Bay Nature Reserve

The resource is prepared for IGCSE and AQA Examinations on Geography. It Demonstrates an understanding of the work of the sea and wind in eroding, transporting and depositing Describe and explain the formation of the landforms associated with these processes Describe coral reefs and mangrove swamps and the conditions required for their development Demonstrate an understanding that coasts present hazards and offer opportunities for people Explain what can be done to manage the impacts of coastal erosion Case studies: The opportunities presented by an area or areas of coastline, the associated hazards and their management. Contains illustrations and photographs.
Rivers: hydrological characteristics and processes

Rivers: hydrological characteristics and processes

Explain the main hydrological characteristics and processes which operate within rivers and drainage basins. Demonstrate an understanding of the work of a river in eroding, transporting and depositing,Describe and explain the formation of the landforms associated with these processes. Demonstrate an understanding that rivers present hazards and offer opportunities for people Explain what can be done to manage the impacts of river flooding. Case studies: The opportunities presented by a river or rivers, the associated hazards and their management.Prepared for Geography KS3.
Energy: Types, renewable and non renewable energy and sources

Energy: Types, renewable and non renewable energy and sources

This resource is made for Geography KS3. It discuses Energy and focuses on types of energy and the following: Explain renewable and non renewable resources. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of resource. Define the term sustainable energy sources. Explain why is the demand for resources increasing Explain how can the Earth’s resources be protected. Contains illustrations and photographs.
World Population: Density and structure in LEDCs and MEDCs

World Population: Density and structure in LEDCs and MEDCs

The resource is made for Geography KS3.It explains the concept of population, such as types structure, density and the factors that affect population density. The resource uses illustrations, maps and photographs to show world population density…It shows the structure and density of major urban centers…and the density of LEDCsand MEDCs and aging populationand its impact.
Brazil: Geography, resources, people, history and level of development

Brazil: Geography, resources, people, history and level of development

The resource is prepared for Geography KS3.It explains the geography, history and development of Brazil. It shows a brief history of the country, its people resources, location and level of development. The resource shows explains the level of population, it major occupations and development. Contains photographs and illustrations.