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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
What Was Britain Like in 1500?

What Was Britain Like in 1500?

This resource explains how Britain was like in 1500. It shows the social issues and economic changes that took place during the period.The lesson explains the different classes that existed in the period.
Hitler's Consolidation of Powers and Nazi Control in Germany 1933-145

Hitler's Consolidation of Powers and Nazi Control in Germany 1933-145

The resource is a power point Resource on how the Nazi controlled the German People. It explains the methods of control and how Hitler consolidated his power from 1933-1934.It explains other factors /events that happened before 1933, as reasons why he was able to consolidate his powers.Prepared for IGCSE History.
The October Revolution of 1905, in Russia.

The October Revolution of 1905, in Russia.

This resource explains the short and long term causes of the October revolution in Russia, in 1905. The resource explains different causes and why the revolution created a new system, like the formation of Duma. The resource looks at the background of the Russian economy and system, the autocratic regime, and other social factors as the causes of the revolution.
Militarism and Arms Race as Causes of World War1

Militarism and Arms Race as Causes of World War1

The resource explains Militarism and arms race as cause of World War One .It explains the Western and Central Powers in the engagement of militarism and how it escalated the war. The resource gives the meaning of militarism, its implication in the cause of war and compares it with arms race.
Mahatma Gandhi , his non violence campaign and the independence of India

Mahatma Gandhi , his non violence campaign and the independence of India

This resource explains how Gandhi achieved the Independence of India , using non-violence campaign. The resource shows how he secured the independence of India through his non- violent resistance. The resource shows his effort and strategies he used from his earliest periods and his political participation in India. It covers his philosophy, morality and views on religion and how it shaped his personality and self rule.
How the Depression of 1929  Contributed to Hitler's r Rise  to  Power

How the Depression of 1929 Contributed to Hitler's r Rise to Power

The resource is a power point lesson on why and how the depression contributed to Hitler’s rise in power, in the Weimar Germany.The resource contains interactive slides and activities on reasons the depression paved way for the Nazi Party.It presents other arguments and question and answer technique on the impact of depression and the rise of Hitler.


This resource is activity based lesson on the, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Morocco Crises, the Schliefen Plan and the neutrality of Belgium and Italy as the Cause of World War 1. The resource explains German aggression and the British response to the aggressive German invasion in Morocco. The resource explains the Balkan problems , The Bosnia crises , the rise of the Black hands and the Killing of Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria, and the issuance of ultimatum to Serbia. Contains activities and illustrations, long and short term and immediate causes of W W 1.
Fredreich Ebert and the Birth of Weimar  Republic from 199-1923

Fredreich Ebert and the Birth of Weimar Republic from 199-1923

The resource is made for History IGCSE. The contains activities and assignments. It focuses on the birth of Weimar Republic. It also explains the roles played by Friedreich Ebert as the First President of the new republic.It explains the numerous challenges he faced during the periods and how he handled the problems.
Gustav Stresemann and the government of  Weimar  Republic

Gustav Stresemann and the government of Weimar Republic

This resource explains the successes of Gustav Stresemann between 1923 -1929. It shows his successes during his time as a Chancellor of the new founded Weimar Republic. The resource explains the domestic and foreign policies , politics and economic strategies he used to bring Weimar Republic to golden age.
The Causes of  French Revolution

The Causes of French Revolution

This lesson explains the different causes of the French Revolution. It explains the major events such as the Tennis Court Oath , The feudal and Estate system The Directory, after the revolution. It contains activities and sources for easy teaching and assessment.Prepared for History Lesson.