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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
George Peter Murdock's View on Nuclear Family

George Peter Murdock's View on Nuclear Family

This resource is prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS/A-Level Sociology. It explains .George Peter Murdock’s View on Nuclear Family. It present argument for and against the view. Contains quiz on family and how and why Family is universal or otherwise.
Max Weber's Theory on  Society

Max Weber's Theory on Society

This resource explains the views of Max Weber on society.The resource shows the divergent views of Max Weber , with other theorists such as Karl Marx , and Duckheim on society. The resource looks at Weber’s view on religion, rationalisation Science etc as they shape the society. Prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS/ A-Level
Understanding the Concept in Kingship

Understanding the Concept in Kingship

This resource is made for sociology AS and A/Level . it explains concepts in kingship such as matrifocal and patrifocal decent/ residences., and neo-lineal classifications, some other crucial phenomena are also explored under the institution of marriage such as dowry, divorce  and rules of  endogamy  and exogamy  in marriage are explain in this resource. polygny and polyandry etc are explained.
The overall contribution of feminism in general to an understanding of the family

The overall contribution of feminism in general to an understanding of the family

This resource is prepared for AS and A/Level Sociology. It explains different forms of feminism—radical, Marxist, and liberal and their approaches to family and house hold.It explains the different perspectives and criticisms of the perspectives. It views it from the perspective of gender socialization to legal changes in occupation and dominance from family to society. prepared for a quick revision guide.
Globalisation and Crime

Globalisation and Crime

This resource explains how globalisation has increased and made crime difficult It explains the impact of globalisation on crime and how it has become difficult for police to prosecute crime due to the complexities of crimes associated with globalisation. The resource explains differing views/ perspectives- pessimist, postmordernist views on global crime.The resource show whether globalisation causes crime, deviance etc. it explains what are global crime are and more. Prepared for AS and A Level Sociology on globalisation
Modernization as Development Theory for economic Growth

Modernization as Development Theory for economic Growth

The resource is prepared for AS and A2 Sociology on Modernization Theory.It explains the Role of UN Agencies such as IMF and World Banks as agents of development, using modernization and Neo-liberal theories. The resource shows the post WW 2 O and the new economic order and capitalism as wester ideas and how it can help the developing nation to achieve economic growth.
Research Design and Procedures, determinants of research in Sociology

Research Design and Procedures, determinants of research in Sociology

The resource explains Research Design. prepared for IGCSE and A/Level Sociology. It explains various steps/ procedures on research design It lists the major advantages and disadvantages of surveys, experiments, and observational studies.etc, the major methods that sociologists use to gather the information they analyze in their research. Explains terms used in research
Research Methods in sociology

Research Methods in sociology

This resource explains the Theoretical Factors that shape research include the positivism vs interpretivism debate, issues of sampling, and collecting and analyses sociological data. The resource shows- the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods, sampling techniques, their strengths and differences, including pilot study, generalizations etc,
Emile Durkheim's  and Talcott Parsons  View on Religion

Emile Durkheim's and Talcott Parsons View on Religion

This resource explains Durkheim’s View on Religion.It show the concept of Totem, in religion, functions of religion as expressed by Emile Durkheim. It explains other functions of religion- social control, social integration, social solidarity etc. Prepared for A/L Sociology.
Theory and Methods: Issues and debates in Sociological research.

Theory and Methods: Issues and debates in Sociological research.

The research explains debates in sociology, a key one being that between positivist and interpretivist theorists, it explains mixed research methods and qualitative, quantitative, interpretative, positivism. it explains data, secondary research , primary research collecting and analysing sociological data. Prepared for IGCSE ,AS and A/Level Sociology.
Moral Panic in  Mass Media

Moral Panic in Mass Media

The resource explains Moral Panic in mass media It shows the meaning examples of moral panic and why mass media create moral panic.The resource explains Stanley Cohen Moral Panic and Folk Devil concepts.The resource explains Hypodermic Syringe theory of media and how it creates panic.
Theories of Mass   Media: the four different theories used in mass media

Theories of Mass Media: the four different theories used in mass media

This resource is Prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS, on mass media .It explains the four different theories used in mass media Factors that influence gate keeping theory Explains Receptiveness and Alertness Factors that influence gate keeping.It looks at other issues in mass media,such as Mass Media and the evolution of technology.