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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Saddam Hussien  and the methods  he used to rise to power

Saddam Hussien and the methods he used to rise to power

This resource explains the birth family background of Saddam Hussein.It shows the methods used by Saddam Hussein to rise to power in Iraq. The resource explains different methods he used to consolidate power.It makes a comparison with Hitler and the methods Hitler used.Prepared for IGCSE CORE CONTENT HISTORY.
Marriage: Social Change and Diversity

Marriage: Social Change and Diversity

the resource explains marriage and social changes that occur regarding marriage. It shows how diversity affects family.It brings in other variables such as marriage , divorce , and different forms of family and how secularization, civil laws and life style change the structure of marriage. Prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS Level.
Government and Economic Influences of Business

Government and Economic Influences of Business

This resource explains:business activity has a direct effect on society… there are some benefits and some undesirable effects…The impact of business activity on society: Advantages, and the disadvantages.How the benefits of business activity be encouraged whilst controlling or outlawing the undesirable effects.It shows Government public sector and the economy etc.Prepared for KS4 and contains activities and illustrations, tests and guide to teach the topics.
Differences in Economic Development between Countries

Differences in Economic Development between Countries

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:This resource is made for Economics IGCSE. Define absolute and relative poverty The difference between the two terms. The causes of poverty The causes of poverty including unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies to alleviate poverty and redistribute income.Structured Questions provided with Answers at the end of the presentation.
Theories of Mass   Media: the four different theories used in mass media

Theories of Mass Media: the four different theories used in mass media

This resource is Prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS, on mass media .It explains the four different theories used in mass media Factors that influence gate keeping theory Explains Receptiveness and Alertness Factors that influence gate keeping.It looks at other issues in mass media,such as Mass Media and the evolution of technology.
Lesson Plan on Geography and environmental Management for KS3

Lesson Plan on Geography and environmental Management for KS3

Lesson Plan on KS3 Geography and Environmental Management . Shows a step by step procedure on lesson: Describe the internal and external structure of the earth *Define the term rock *List and explain the types of rocks. *Explain the uses of rocks *Describe the methods used in extracting rocks…
Lesson Plan for Geography KS3

Lesson Plan for Geography KS3

This resource provides a step to step procedure on lesson delivery on the following: Images of a country:Limestone landscape of England., York Dales Lime stone, how it is being changed, Can the earth cope?ecosystems, population and resources, How does vegetations adapt to its environment., population,the sea as a natural resource , and Crime and the Local Community mapping. Up to 4 weeks lesson plan.
Moral Panic in  Mass Media

Moral Panic in Mass Media

The resource explains Moral Panic in mass media It shows the meaning examples of moral panic and why mass media create moral panic.The resource explains Stanley Cohen Moral Panic and Folk Devil concepts.The resource explains Hypodermic Syringe theory of media and how it creates panic.
Theory and Methods: Issues and debates in Sociological research.

Theory and Methods: Issues and debates in Sociological research.

The research explains debates in sociology, a key one being that between positivist and interpretivist theorists, it explains mixed research methods and qualitative, quantitative, interpretative, positivism. it explains data, secondary research , primary research collecting and analysing sociological data. Prepared for IGCSE ,AS and A/Level Sociology.


This resource is made for KS3 Business Studies lesson to explain the following: Meaning of micro and macro economics Examples of activities under each Economic agents The effects of their( economic agents) activities on the economy