Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base
Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
The Ultimate Revision Board Game is completely printable.
It includes 4 x A3 board (forming a giant game board) and work surfaces and 96 revision activity cards (printed on A4 pages to be trimmed accordingly).
Each game is for groups of 4-6, you will need dice and students will need a counter each to move around the board.
It is suitable for virtually any subject. When designed it was used for KS4 and KS5 Religious Studies, Sociology and Philosophy: it is ideal for teachers of humanities subjects in KS4 and KS5.
The download includes:
-A3 Game Board Sheets
-A4 8/sheet Printable Game Cards
-A set of pretty animated PowerPoint slides to integrate into your own resources
Positive reviews greatly appreciated! :)
This pack contains four different printable board games. 3 of the 4 games also include PPT files with instructions.
All are in Word format so easily customisable (by the teacher or student).
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Get two free resources when you buy our new revision board game.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This value-pack contains four P4C teaching resources.
We have carefully selected four of our best-selling Philosophy for Children (P4C) PSHE resources.
[Key-words: P4C, Philosophy, PSHE, Health, relationships, PSHE, Fun, Tutor Time, Form Time, Assesmblies, Ethics, Morality, Philosophical, Teaching Resources]
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
For any GCSE Science subject.
This download includes a generic (multi-subject) A3 double-sided DIRT worksheet.
DIRT stands for 'Dedicated Improvement Reflection Time' and the worksheet features a number of activities that encourage students to reflect on their work, their targets and how to improve.
The download also includes a 5-slide, fully-animated, PowerPoint presentation that can be integrated into your teaching materials or used as a session in itself. The Powerpoint features a number of activities for DIRT.
Both files are fully editable so that you can make any alterations or changes you might want to.
This download includes five A3 and five A4 worksheets for science teachers to use alongside videos/documentaries. They are essential tools for teachers of any science subject and can be used with students in KS3-5.
The worksheets allow you to enhance the learning value of videos and documentaries that you show to students. Simply choose one of the ten designs and play them a relevant series of short videos or a longer documentary: the worksheets will structure their learning and increase student productivity.
This download includes ten worksheets: five are A3 and five are A4, all work-sheets are double-sided and are designed to be printed in colour (though I’m sure black and white printing is also an option).
This download does not include either videos or links to videos: you pick them, let the worksheets do the rest!
Check-out some of my most popular resources:
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle includes a professionally designed Christmas quiz tailor-made for teachers of Science to use with their students. It includes a PowerPoint Quiz with 60 well-presented questions and three A4 Christmas crossword worksheets! Answer sheets are provided.
In the quiz, fifty of the questions are Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject-specific and deal either with GCSE terminology, KS4 exam specification contents, or “fun facts”.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson.
The bundle also includes a set of three A4 Christmas Crosswords (with answers).
The crossword worksheets are Christmas themed, all of the clues/answers are Christmas related. These are ‘Christmas Trivia’ crosswords dealing with Christmas-related general knowledge: they are, therefore, suitable for teachers/students of any subject.
This product is suitable for any age-group: differentiation should be achieved by changing team sizes.
The resource is fully editable.
Merry Christmas! <3
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Not for re-distribution.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This multi-use interactive philosophy lesson explores ‘Philosophy of Science’: the branch of philosophy that’s concerned with the nature, foundations, methods, and implications of science. The central questions of this study concern what qualifies as science, the reliability of scientific theories, and the ultimate purpose of science.
This download uses our innovative new format for philosophy education, you can download a FREE SAMPLE by clicking here. It is one of over fifty new philosophy & ethics teaching resources that uses this format. The resource cannot be edited.
This session is ideal for teachers who want to explore philosophy of science with students aged 8-16; we’ve carefully selected the most significant issues and questions relating to philosophy of science so that young learners can engage in fun philosophical discussions and debates. This session explores topics such as:
The nature of science
The ways in which scientists pursue knowledge
Strengths and weaknesses of the scientific method
The nature of pseudoscience and how to identify it
It outlines and explores different concepts from philosophers of science including empiricism and naturalism as well as the views of Aristotle, Bacon, Descartes, Duhem, Feyerabend and Cartwright (in the advanced reading section).
The big question asked in this session is “To what extent is science the most valid way to gain knowledge?”. Using a variety of engaging activities students will discuss and debate a wide range of other philosophical questions such as
What is science?
What is the difference between ‘scientific knowledge claims’ and other types of knowledge claim?
How can we tell the difference between pseudoscience and actual science?
To what extent is the materialist view (that only physical matter exists) accurate?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the scientific method of pursuing knowledge?
This session uses our unique format for philosophy teaching resources and features an integrated menu that allows teachers to select from a variety of starter, main, plenary, assessment and end-of-lesson reflection activities.
This resource is especially suitable for teachers of science who are looking to explore the nature of science and the scientific method more deeply with students and bring philosophy, philosophical thinking and critical thinking into their science lessons.
The file is a non-editable PowerPoint Show: no planning or preparation is required, just run the file and the intuitive menu system will make delivering a powerful philosophy session very easy!
This multi-use interactive philosophy lesson explores philosophical and ethical issues relating to space, space exploration and alien life.
This download uses our innovative new format for philosophy education, you can download a FREE SAMPLE by clicking here. It is one of over fifty new philosophy & ethics teaching resources that uses this format. The resource cannot be edited.
This session is ideal for teachers who want to explore philosophy in science lessons with students aged 8-16; we’ve carefully selected the most significant issues and questions relating to space and space exploration so that young learners can engage in fun philosophical discussions and debates. This session explores topics such as:
Cosmology: the nature and potential origins of space and the universe
Ethical issues such as:
The rights of native species when colonising planets
Artificial panspermia
The development of space-based weaponry
Extra-terrestrial life
One of the main philosophical debates explored by this instructional resource concerns ‘the fabric of space’: the debate between ‘Substantivalism’ (the view that space exists in addition to any material bodies situated within it) and the contrasting view ‘Relationalism’ which claims that there is no such thing as space; there are just material bodies, spatially related to one another. According to the relationalist view, what we call ‘space’ is literally just the empty nothingness between things that actually exist (atoms, planets, etc.).
The big question asked in this session is “Is colonising other planets actually a good idea?”. Using a variety of engaging activities students will discuss and debate a wide range of other philosophical and moral questions such as:
What is ‘space’ made of? (if anything)
In what ways might aliens be different to us in terms of how they communicate, think and feel?
If you reached the edge of space (the edge of the universe) and threw a rock over the edge: what would happen?
Students will also analyse and evaluate an eclectic mix of philosophical claims such as:
“If aliens exist, they’ll probably be hostile and unfriendly”
“The Universe had a beginning, and it will have an end”
“It’s more important to focus on fixing the environmental issues on our planet than exploring space”
This session uses our unique format for philosophy teaching resources and features an integrated menu that allows teachers to select from a variety of starter, main, plenary, assessment and end-of-lesson reflection activities.
The file is a non-editable PowerPoint Show: no planning or preparation is required, just run the file and the intuitive menu system will make delivering a powerful philosophy session very easy!
Get ‘Revisionopoly’ for FREE when you buy our new KS4 and KS5 revision board game! :D
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle includes a professionally designed Christmas quiz tailor-made for teachers of Physics to use with their students. It includes a PowerPoint Quiz with 60 well-presented questions and three A4 Christmas crossword worksheets! Answer sheets are provided.
In the quiz, fifty of the questions are Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject-specific and deal either with GCSE terminology, KS4 exam specification contents, or “fun facts”.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson.
The bundle also includes a set of three A4 Christmas Crosswords (with answers).
The crossword worksheets are Christmas themed, all of the clues/answers are Christmas related. These are ‘Christmas Trivia’ crosswords dealing with Christmas-related general knowledge: they are, therefore, suitable for teachers/students of any subject.
This product is suitable for any age-group: differentiation should be achieved by changing team sizes.
The resource is fully editable.
Merry Christmas! <3
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Not for re-distribution.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Media Studies teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Psychology teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This download includes five A3 and five A4 worksheets of varying design. They are an essential tool for teachers of any subject and can be used with students in KS3-5.
The worksheets allow you to enhance the learning value of videos and documentaries that you show to students. Simply choose one of the ten designs and play them a relevant series of short videos or a longer documentary: the worksheets will structure their learning and increase student productivity.
This download includes ten worksheets: 5 are A3 and 5 are A4, all work-sheets are double-sided and are designed to be printed in colour (though I’m sure black and white printing is also an option).
This download does not include either videos or links to videos: you pick them, let the worksheets do the rest!
Check-out some of my most popular resources:
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Sociology teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Economics teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Geography teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Food & Nutrition teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz and a debate-generating tool/activity for teachers of Design & Technology.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can be used individually and the debate generator is an especially useful tool that all teachers of the subject should have at hand.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Business Studies teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)