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Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base

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Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities. We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!




Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities. We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!


GCSE Sociology Teachers Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sociologygcse/ JOIN US! :D This download features a FREE DEMO LESSON to promote our professionally designed GCSE Sociology Units. It focusses on the prison system as a means of social control and contributes towards the Social Stratification (Power & Authority) sections of the specification. It was chosen not because it is the best: but to serve typical representation of the quality you can expect from an average lesson. This lesson is suitable for AQA or WJEC/EDUQAS. You can buy 20 lesson bundles of lessons for each unit of the new specifications: AQA -Family [https://goo.gl/VXm3Da] -Education [https://goo.gl/HCd2TE] -Crime & Deviance [https://goo.gl/kNhHx1] -Social Stratification [https://goo.gl/bYFm31] WJEC / EDUQAS -Family [https://goo.gl/GTaYXq] -Education [https://goo.gl/khpWEX] -Crime & Deviance [https://goo.gl/opdDXp] -Social Stratification [https://goo.gl/LP6HtU] For AQA we also offer: -Complete ICT Suite Lesson Pack (for all topics) [https://goo.gl/Nxh6Vu]* -PLCs [AQA], Learning Mats/Displays & Other Tools [https://goo.gl/aFWJpK] -Learning Mats [https://goo.gl/PNzRH6]* *Also useful for WJEC/EDUQAS Please express gratitude by leaving a positive review or 5-star rating once you have downloaded this resource.
Key-Word Lists [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] Education, Families, Crime & Deviance, Social Strafic...

Key-Word Lists [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] Education, Families, Crime & Deviance, Social Strafic...

Professionally designed for the new AQA Sociology GCSE specification (8192) taught from September 2017. Bundles of complete teaching materials for the new specification are available from June 2017. This download is offered freely. I will also be releasing revision sessions, booklets and key-word glossaries. This download includes 4 key-word lists taken from the specification: from each section of the specification. Hope it saves you some time! :) Check out my other stuff: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?q=godwin86%20sociology%20aqa
RESEARCH METHODS [Personal Learning Checklist, DIRT, AfL] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

RESEARCH METHODS [Personal Learning Checklist, DIRT, AfL] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

This download is for AQA Sociology GCSE (the new specification, 2017 onwards). It refers to the topic of RESEARCH METHODS (equivalent downloads for the other 4 sections are available in our shop or in a bundle) It is a: -Personal Learning Checklist -DIRT Worksheet -Key-word review task For the RESEARCH METHODS section of the course. The worksheets ask students to: -Indicate Red/Amber/Green for all topics on the specification. -Indicate a confidence rating out of 10 for all topics on the specification. -State their target and current grade -Ask the teacher one question -State their exam technique target -State their revision focus -Tell the teacher what they can do to help the student reach their target -Highlight key-words the student is unsure about -State 10 key-words they will research the meaning of before the next lesson. It is therefore the perfect worksheet to structure a DIRT, progress review or revision lesson with in relation to the RESEARCH METHODS topic of AQA GCSE Sociology (2017 onwards).
AQA GCSE Sociology [ 8192 ] - Scheme of Work for New Specification

AQA GCSE Sociology [ 8192 ] - Scheme of Work for New Specification

This download outlines a term-by-term and week-by-week teaching schedule for the new AQA Sociology GCSE (2017 onwards). It has 7 sides, the first outlines how 2 years of teaching should be divided, the remaining pages suggest topics of teaching on a week-by-week basis. I have designed resources for EVERY ASPECT of this course, just visit this URL to see them and save yourself a lot of time: https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?q=GCSE Sociology GODWIN86
EDUCATION [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words, DIRT, AfL] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

EDUCATION [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words, DIRT, AfL] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

This download is for AQA Sociology GCSE (the new specification, 2017 onwards). It refers to the topic of EDUCATION (equivalent downloads for the other 3 sections are available in our shop or in a bundle) It is a: -Personal Learning Checklist -DIRT Worksheet -Complete list of key-words -Key-word review Worksheet For the EDUCATION section of the course. The worksheets ask students to: -Indicate Red/Amber/Green for all topics on the specification. -Indicate a confidence rating out of 10 for all topics on the specification. -State their target and current grade -Ask the teacher one question -State their exam technique target -State their revision focus -Tell the teacher what they can do to help the student reach their target -Highlight key-words the student is unsure about -Indicate the total number of key-words the student is unsure about -State 10 key-words they will research the meaning of before the next lesson. It is therefore the perfect worksheet to structure a DIRT, progress review or revision lesson with in relation to the EDUCATION topic of AQA GCSE Sociology (2017 onwards).
Globalisation, Green Crime, Media - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Globalisation, Green Crime, Media - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Designed for teachers using the new AQA Sociology specification at KS5. Save significant amounts of money by buying these revision sessions in bundles! This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets. The topic of this revision session is: ‘Globalisation and crime in contemporary society; the media and crime; green crime; human rights and state crimes’. This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86] godwin86@gmail.com
FAMILY [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words Review, DIRT, AfL] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

FAMILY [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words Review, DIRT, AfL] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

This download is for AQA Sociology GCSE (the new specification, 2017 onwards). It refers to the topic of FAMILY (equivalent downloads for the other 3 sections are availalbe in our shop or in a bundle) It is a: -Personal Learning Checklist -DIRT Worksheet -Complete list of key-words -Key-word review Worksheet For the FAMILY section of the course. The worksheets ask students to: -Indicate Red/Amber/Green for all topics on the specification. -Indicate a confidence rating out of 10 for all topics on the specification. -State their target and current grade -Ask the teacher one question -State their exam technique target -State their revision focus -Tell the teacher what they can do to help the student reach their target -Highlight key-words the student is unsure about -Indicate the total number of key-words the student is unsure about -State 10 key-words they will research the meaning of before the next lesson. It is therefore the perfect worksheet to structure a DIRT, progress review or revision lesson with in relation to the FAMILY topic of AQA GCSE Sociology (2017 onwards).
CRIME & DEVIANCE [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words, DIRT] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

CRIME & DEVIANCE [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words, DIRT] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

This download is for AQA Sociology GCSE (the new specification, 2017 onwards). It refers to the topic of CRIME & DEVIANCE (equivalent downloads for the other 3 sections are available in our shop or in a bundle) It is a: -Personal Learning Checklist -DIRT Worksheet -Complete list of key-words -Key-word review Worksheet For the CRIME & DEVIANCE section of the course. The worksheets ask students to: -Indicate Red/Amber/Green for all topics on the specification. -Indicate a confidence rating out of 10 for all topics on the specification. -State their target and current grade -Ask the teacher one question -State their exam technique target -State their revision focus -Tell the teacher what they can do to help the student reach their target -Highlight key-words the student is unsure about -Indicate the total number of key-words the student is unsure about -State 10 key-words they will research the meaning of before the next lesson. It is therefore the perfect worksheet to structure a DIRT, progress review or revision lesson with in relation to the CRIME & DEVIANCE section of AQA GCSE Sociology (2017 onwards).
12 Mark Question Feedback Sheet - AQA GCSE Sociology [ 8192 ] - PEER SELF MAF Assessment DIRT Target

12 Mark Question Feedback Sheet - AQA GCSE Sociology [ 8192 ] - PEER SELF MAF Assessment DIRT Target

This download is designed for the new AQA Sociology GCSE course [ 8192 ]. This download is for a double-sided 12-mark question MAF worksheet. -The worksheet is suitable for self, peer or teacher assessment. -It clearly states the AOs and Levels as detailed in the specification -It features a tick-box list of targets for each AO -It emphasises strengths as well as areas for improvement -Allowing multiple forms of feedback -Designed to save-time and keep things as simple as possible -Features a ‘Student Response’ for DIRT and student-teacher dialogue. -Target-setting The download comprises an editable Word file. Please note: at the request of AQA I have changed the grade-descriptors into my own words so as not to impinge on their intellectual property - please review these changes yourself! Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
The Intuition & Deduction Thesis - (AQA Philosophy)- Revision Session AS / A2 - Descartes

The Intuition & Deduction Thesis - (AQA Philosophy)- Revision Session AS / A2 - Descartes

Designed for teachers using the new AQA Philosophy specification (teaching from 2017 onwards). This revision session covers the ‘Intuition & Deduction Thesis’ section of the specification [Descartes’ Rationalism]. The topic is a part of the Epistemology component of the AS course. This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets. All resources are editable. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning -During extra-curricular time (KS5 Philosophy Clubs) This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86]
Social Order & Control - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Social Order & Control - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Designed for teachers using the new AQA Sociology specification at KS5. Save significant amounts of money by buying these revision sessions in bundles! This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets. The topic of this revision session is: ‘Crime, deviance, social order and social control’. This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86] godwin86@gmail.com
SOCIAL STRATIFICATION [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words, DIRT] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

SOCIAL STRATIFICATION [Personal Learning Checklist, Key-words, DIRT] AQA Sociology GCSE (New Spec)

This download is for AQA Sociology GCSE (the new specification, 2017 onwards). It refers to the topic of SOCIAL STRATIFICATION (equivalent downloads for the other 3 sections are available in our shop or in a bundle) It is a: -Personal Learning Checklist -DIRT Worksheet -Complete list of key-words -Key-word review Worksheet For the SOCIAL STRATIFICATION section of the course. The worksheets ask students to: -Indicate Red/Amber/Green for all topics on the specification. -Indicate a confidence rating out of 10 for all topics on the specification. -State their target and current grade -Ask the teacher one question -State their exam technique target -State their revision focus -Tell the teacher what they can do to help the student reach their target -Highlight key-words the student is unsure about -Indicate the total number of key-words the student is unsure about -State 10 key-words they will research the meaning of before the next lesson. It is therefore the perfect worksheet to structure a DIRT, progress review or revision lesson with in relation to the SOCIAL STRATIFICATION topic of AQA GCSE Sociology (2017 onwards).
Controlling Crime - Crime  & Deviance - Revision Session - ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Controlling Crime - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session - ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Designed for teachers using the new AQA Sociology specification at KS5. Save significant amounts of money by buying these revision sessions in bundles! This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets. The topic of this revision session is: ‘Crime control, surveillance, prevention and punishment, victims, and the role of the criminal justice system and other agencies.’ This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86] godwin86@gmail.com
AQA Sociology (A2) 20 Mark Feedback Sheet (New Specification) (DIRT, Target Setting, Corrections)

AQA Sociology (A2) 20 Mark Feedback Sheet (New Specification) (DIRT, Target Setting, Corrections)

Based on the new AQA Sociology specification and mark-schemes. This is a double-sided feedback sheet for A2-Level 20 mark answers. It can be use for self, peer or teacher assessment and includes target and correction setting. It is designed for 'tick-box' assessing so as to save the teacher time, with additional space for the student or teacher to write specific targets. As a Word document, it is easily customisable: if your class frequently struggle with one issue you can update the target setting box and it will save you having to write the same targets again and again.
Differential Educational Achievement - Education - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Differential Educational Achievement - Education - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

The topic of this revision session is: ‘Differential educational achievement of social groups by social class, gender and ethnicity in contemporary society’. It is designed for teachers using the new AQA Sociology specification at KS5. Save significant amounts of money by buying these revision sessions in bundles! This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets [which are a great way to structure group discussions and practice exam planning technique]. This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86] godwin86@gmail.com
Social Distribution of Crime - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Social Distribution of Crime - Crime & Deviance - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 KS5 )

Designed for teachers using the new AQA Sociology specification at KS5. Save significant amounts of money by buying these revision sessions in bundles! This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets. The topic of this revision session is: ‘The social distribution of crime and deviance by ethnicity, gender and social class, including recent patterns and trends in crime’. This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86] godwin86@gmail.com
Dimensions of Inequality - Social Stratification - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 )

Dimensions of Inequality - Social Stratification - Revision Session ( AQA Sociology AS A2 )

The topic of this revision session is: ‘Dimensions of inequality: class, status and power; differences in life-chances by social class, gender, ethnicity, age and disability’. It is designed for teachers using the new AQA Sociology specification at KS5. Save significant amounts of money by buying these revision sessions in bundles! This download contains one of a series of revision sessions that use a variety of mind-mapping, discussion and debate tasks to cover a section of the specification. It includes a fully animated revision session PowerPoint and a set of ‘silent debate’ A3 worksheets [which are a great way to structure group discussions and practice exam planning technique]. This revision session features: -A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics) -A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper) -A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach] -Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric. -A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question. The revision sessions can be used in a number of ways: -As revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams -Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning This session can be purchased individually or as part of various bundles depending on your needs. Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson. Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86] godwin86@gmail.com