
Year 1 Maths Number: Addition and subtraction - introduction to number sentences
Four powerpoints to introduce the concept of number sentences in KS1. They help to teach how to read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals signs. Also included is a set of number cards plus add, subtract and equals symbols.

Year 1 Maths Number: One step addition problems
A set of powerpoints with different activities and problems to solve.
Addition as combining 2 sets: visual representation of joining two sets along with the number sentences
Addition can be done in any order: Demonstrates adding two numbers with counters by adding the small amount to the larger amount, and the larger amount to the smaller amount. Shows how this is the same when adding using numerals, and that it is easier to add the smaller number to the bigger number.
Addition strategies: shows different ways that addition can be done, including counting on, using a number line, using fingers or counters etc.
Buying 2 things at the toy shop: Real-life situation of using addition when buying 2 objects.
Counting biscuits and missing numbers: Shows how 10 biscuits can be shared using addition sentences. It then introduces the concept of missing numbers, hiding biscuits and numerals with a reveal button.
Counting dominoes: shows that addition can be done in any order.
Counting on at the pet shop: Practical counting on activity
Counting on from the biggest number: Demonstrates with objects on a number line how it is easier to count on from the biggest number
Counting on the bus: practical addition activities
Counting on the double decker bus: practical addition using the top and bottom deck
Counting on with animals: Simple counting activity with animals
Counting on with pencils: activity where the children can write down the number sentence to work out the answer
The toy shop: introduces the concept of most and least, more than etc. in a practical context.

Year 1 Maths Number: One step subtraction problems
A set of powerpoints with different problems that involve subtraction.
Finding the difference – Strategies: ways of finding the difference between two numbers
Sale at the toy shop: practical subtraction problems
Subtraction strategies: shows different ways that addition can be done, including counting back, using a number line, using fingers etc.
Taking away in the toy box: simple taking away activities
Taking away on the bus: subtraction problems using people getting off a bus.

Year 1 Maths: Multiplication and division lessons and activity pack
LO: solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher.
Introduction to doubles: An explanation of doubles with visuals
Doubles: To 10 with visual cues
Sets of 2 rap: introduction to remembering multiplication facts
Grouping and sharing - twos: introduction to sharing objects between children so that they have 2 each.
Array: In twos to 10
Array: In twos to 20
Array: In fives to 50
Array: In tens to 50
Flip flap twos
Flip flap fives (2 versions)
Flip flap tens

Multiplications squares for display and small copies for children - for KS1 and KS2
A set of different multiplication squares to display on A4 plus a set of individual multiplication squares.

Huge Christmas pack - cards, colouring, display, activities and powerpoints
A bumper set of interactive whiteboard, display and printable crafts and activities, suitable for KS1 or lower KS2. The pack includes:
5 Little Reindeer
Can you solve the problems for Santa - 15 problem solving questions (Suitable for Y1, but you could adapt it for other years)
Christmas around the World - How Christmas is celebrated in 12 other countries
Christmas Carols - Words for Silent Night; The First Noel; We Three Kings; Away in a Manger
Christmas Songs - Words for Frosty the Snowman; Jingle Bells; Must be Santa; Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer; We wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Facts - Interesting facts about Christmas
Jingle Bells - The song
The Nativity Story
The Three Kings poem
Twinkle Twinkle
Winter Poetry
Who wants to be a millionaire Christmas quiz
The Three Wise Men / Christmas / The Nativity
A-Z LETTERING - Includes all upper and lower cases, numbers and punctuation.
Baubles / Christmas / Reindeer / Snowflake / Snowmen / Christmas Stockings.
Contains 27 words with accompanying pictures
A set of 12 different designs for the children to colour, paint or decorate.
Each card contains ‘Merry Christmas’ lettering, which can be coloured in; and a black and white image of either:
Three Wise men / Baby Jesus / Baubles / Bells / Reindeer / Santa / Star / Stocking / Tree /Tree and doves / Tree scene.
All you need to do is print them out and let the children choose a design
A range of Christmas activities to make and do
Christmas Alphabet / Christmas code breaker / Christmas tree poem / Christmas wordsearch - 3 different versions.
Santa list x3 versions / Santa beard list / Santa star list / Tree list
Santa letter 1 / Santa letter 2
Christmas border / Elves and lights border / Santa border / Star border / Stocking border
Christmas colouring - 13 various pictures / Nativity colouring - 12 pictures / Elves colouring - 7 pictures / Snowmen colouring - 6 pictures / Reindeer colouring - 7 pictures / Santa colouring - 10 pictures / Plus 7 assorted sheets with accompanying title to colour.

Year 1 Maths Reading and Writing numbers lesson, activity and display pack
This pack contains over 30 resources to teach the objectives for reading and writing numbers to 20 in Y1.
The set contains:
Number formation: Interactive activity which demonstrates correct numeral formation
Writing numbers in words to 10: pictures and written number names
Writing numbers in words 11-20: pictures and written number names
Numbers and number names to 10: pictures, numerals and written number names
Numbers and number names 11-20: pictures, numerals and written number names
Number flashcards x 3: To 20, to 50 and to 100. Each shows random numbers for children to recognise
Bingo: 3 versions; in digits, in written numbers and a blank version so the children can choose numbers to put in.
Coloured digits: for cutting and sticking activities
Number cards to 10: 2 versions, one in digits, one in words for matching games
Number bookmarks: Number characters to colour in; to 20
Large hollow numbers: for play dough activities, tracing, colouring in etc
4 x handwriting worksheets to practice writing digits
4 x worksheets to practice writing numbers to 20
Number formation display
Numbers in digits and words display
Numerals, words and counters display

Year 1 Maths: Fractions lessons, activities and display pack
This pack contains resources to teach the objectives for fractions in Y1.
It covers halves and quarters as equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.
It consists of powerpoint lessons, display, headings, worksheets and activities
The set contains:
Halves : Visual activity, showing how objects, shapes and quantities can be halved.
Quarters: Visual activity, showing how objects, shapes and quantities can be halved.
Dividing shapes into 2 worksheet
Dividing shapes into 4 worksheet
Shapes: large shapes to print out to cut or fold into halves and quarters
Halves and quarters b/w: To colour / cut
Halves and quarters coloured: To cut / use for display etc
Fractions Lettering (prints onto 3 A4 pages)
Halves and quarters posters: 13 A4 pages showing halves and quarters; plus an A4 heading.
Plus weblinks to fractions games and activities

Year 1 Maths Measurement: Capacity and volume
A powerpoint explaining what language to use for different types of capacity, eg full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter, and a capacity vocabulary display.