Experienced History teacher, GCSE Examiner, SLE and Curriculum Leader from an inner city school, with outstanding lessons and resources to share. Some free, some aren't. All money goes to buy my students pens, highlighters or a treat!
Experienced History teacher, GCSE Examiner, SLE and Curriculum Leader from an inner city school, with outstanding lessons and resources to share. Some free, some aren't. All money goes to buy my students pens, highlighters or a treat!
This independent lesson with resources allows students to investigate the biggest killer in the Industrial period. It is resourced and gives them the opportunities to act like detectives whilst you facilitate your classroom. They must use the evidence which is included in the PPT pack to determine their opinion, making inferences and judgments like police officers and lawyers.
I have collated 50 sources together for students to practise making inferences from. This is a piece of guided revision that means students can work through independently. It starts with basics and what sources are, taking them through how to make inferences. This has been done during lockdown for distance learning but I chose to do this as a booklet so I could use it as a revision guide or homework for students year up on year. You could also add this to work booklets for students to use. Therefore, the price reflects the use you will be able to get out of the booklet and the time which I put into the booklet.
I have deleted some school specific information from the booklet, including icons, class codes for homework so there are a couple of gaps in the booklet.
Please have a look at my other items specific to the Edexcel Exam Board including Germany Utility, Germany Interpretations, Cold War, and Anglo Saxons & Normans.
I am an examiner for Germany and a TL for Anglo-Saxons & Normans so I have put my experience and knowledge into the booklets to share for good practice.
Thanks to colleagues and teachers on History Twitter Network who I have asked Qs to.
This is a phenomenal package
A dual coded powerpoint of every event in the GCSE History Superpower Relations & Cold War 1943-91 Edexcel specification.
There are 26 slides of revision in this package. Please see images for break down.
The PPT is editable so you can replace icons to tell your own narrative/story if there are facts you love to make clear to your classes.
The topics have been broken down on the specification in the following order:
Cold War conferences, 1943-45
War of Words, 1946
Containment & Soviet Expansion
Berlin Blockade & Airlift
HUngarian Uprising
Berlin Crisis, 58-61
Cuban Revolution & Bay of PIgs
Cuban MIssile Crisis
Detente, 1970s
Czechoslovakia, 1968
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Second Cold War
End of Cold War
Each slide is animated so you can either:
tell the story of the Cold War through icons
Reveal each icon individually
Use a clicker to reveal icons
I use this PowerPoint in the following ways:
I print it out A5 in an amazing booklet of revision and give it to students (see images)
There are 10 low stakes knowledge questions to help students retain long term facts.
There are example exam Qs for each topic
This is a great plenary, revision lesson or could be used a home learning.
It’s a great way to explicitly teach about memory and using dual coding as a technique to make meaning of information.
There are over 50 example exam Qs per topic on this PPT
There are over 100 recall knowledge Qs overall on this PPT
This took a long time to make so the price reflects it, but I promise you will not be disappointed.
Based on the Edexcel spec this is great activity for an overview or revision. It lasts about 30-40 minutes depending on the level and ability of the class. Just print and cut out and you’re good to go. It’s one of those resources that once you have, you can use over and over again.
Used for an assembly for Black History Month detailing the life of Mancunian boxer Len Johnson. There is a lot of information in the notes section for anyone who is not familiar with him. I have used in lessons as well especially with motivating challenging and disadvantaged students.
Fantastic resource for revision. Students LOVE this mindful strategy matching up their questions and answers in a competition against others in the class. There are 40 tiles that need printing and cuttting out that covers Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Specification. Definitely takes 30-40 minutes to complete. All money raised goes to buy pens and resources for my classroom.
The Cold War Crises revision booklet with information, activities and recall questions. This can be used as:
A workbook
Revision material
Guided revision or home learning
A resource for a missed lesson
Information for new teacher
There are three booklets ranging the events of:
Space Race
Arms Race
Berlin Ultimatum, 4 Summits and Berlin Wall
Cuban Revolution, Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis
The booklets follow the GCSE Spec for Superpower International Relations in the Cold War.
The cover image is an example of the activities but it is taken from the Origins of the Cold War booklets which are also available to buy in my shop
I call this the Risky 50 - there are 4 subsections:
Modern (incorporating the Western Front)
Each time period has 50 recall questions that students should know to be successful in their GCSE Medicine Exam. In total, there are 200 knowledge Qs. These can easily be adapted for other specifications but this has been designed for the Edexcel GCSE Specification.
The questions are for that fingertip knowledge we want students to have to be successful in this paper.
I like to give this to students as a revision/recall task or for home learning. It’s great to test if they have been revising. I have also set it as a cover task for students to complete independently and in groups. It’s very versatile.
An origins of the Cold War revision booklet with information, activities and recall questions. This can be used as:
A workbook
Revision material
Guided revision or home learning
A resource for a missed lesson
Information for new teacher
There are three booklets ranging the events of:
Cold War Conferences
Secret Telegrams
Soviet Expansion
Berlin Blockade and Airlift
Hungarian Uprising
The booklets follow the GCSE Spec for Superpower International Relations in the Cold War
I call this the Risky 50 - there are 3 subsections:
Anglo-Saxon Society and 1066
Securing the Kingdom: 1066 – 1087
Norman England: 1066-88
Each time period has 50 recall questions that students should know to be successful in their GCSE Anglo-Saxons & Normans. In total, there are 150 knowledge Qs. These can easily be adapted for other specifications but this has been designed for the Edexcel GCSE Specification.
The questions are for that fingertip knowledge we want students to have to be successful in this paper.
I like to give this to students as a revision/recall task or for home learning. It’s great to test if they have been revising. I have also set it as a cover task for students to complete independently and in groups. It’s very versatile.