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Social Studies: Ancient World Cultures and History Worksheets

Social Studies: Ancient World Cultures and History Worksheets

Social Studies Ancient Cultures, History Crossword Puzzles, Match the Words, Unscramble the letters for Middle School 13 crossword puzzles, 135 key terms Topics included: Africas , Americas, China ,Christianity, Egypt, Greece, India History, First Societies, Hebrews, Mesopotamia, Rising Empires, Roman Empire
High School Science: Earth Word Search Puzzles

High School Science: Earth Word Search Puzzles

High School Science: Earth Word Search Puzzles with answer key 14 WORD SEARCH PUZZLES PLUS ANSWER KEY INCLUDES 89 KEY TERMS such as absolute time, acceleration ,acid rain, active coast, aquifer, asthenosphere, atoll ,atomic, mass, bathyal zone, Big Bang Theory, biosphere, catalyst TOPICS : GEOLOGIC HISTORY, ROCKS AND MINERALS,GEOSPHERE, MATTER, MOTION, OCEAN, PLATE TECTONICS,AND OTHERS
Biology: 37 Word Search Puzzles with Answer Key

Biology: 37 Word Search Puzzles with Answer Key

High School Science: Biology Word Search Puzzles , Grades 6 to 8 37 word search puzzles with answer key TOPICS : Anatomy, Body Systems, Cell Biology, Evolution, Genetics, DNA, Ecology, Taxonomy and others Includes 261 key terms such as:abiotic, acid, acid rain, active site, adaptation, aerobic, aggregation, allele, alveolus, anaerobic, analogous, aquifer, asymmetrical, atom, ATP, autosome, autotroph, body cavity, body plan, bone marrow, brain, brain stem, capillary, carbohydrates
Chemistry Word Search Puzzles

Chemistry Word Search Puzzles

High School Science Chemistry Word Search Puzzles 19 word search puzzles with answer key Topics: atoms, compounds, chemical properties,Electronegativity and Radioactivity, Solutions, Periodic Table, others 141 key terms included, such as: absolute zero, acid, actual yield, alkali metal, anhydrous, anion, aqueous, atom, atomic mass, atomic number, atomic radius, atomic theory, base, boiling point, buffer, buoyancy, catalyst, cation, chemical bonds, chemical formula, chemical symbol, chemistry, others
Physics Word Search Puzzles

Physics Word Search Puzzles

High School Physics Word Search Puzzles 8 word search puzzles with answer key includes 58 key terms such as : acceleration, accuracy, alpha particle, amplitude, beta particle, capacitor, centrifugal, chain reaction, compression, conductor, crest, decibel, density, diffraction, displacement, drag, eddies, efficiency TOPICS : Matter, mechanics, objects in movement, Newton’s Law and others
High School Science: Ecology Word Search

High School Science: Ecology Word Search

High School Science: Ecology Word Search 29 Word Search Puzzles with answer key TOPICS : ecosystems, energy, Environmental Science, Biochemical Impact, Climate, Population, Waste Management, Natural Resource Management, others 182 key terms included such as: abiotic, acid shock, adaptation, aesthenosphere, age structure, agriculture, air pollution, altitude, aquaculture, aquifer, arable land, atmosphere, bacteria, barrier island, benthic zone, benthos, biodegradable, biodiversity, biomass, biomass fuel, biome, biosphere, biotic, canopy, carbon cycle, CFCs, chaparral, climate, climax community
Integrated Science Word Search Puzzles

Integrated Science Word Search Puzzles

High School Integrated Science Word Search Puzzles 9 word search puzzles with answer key includes 67 key terms such as : acceleration, accuracy, acid, aqueous, atom, atomic number, base, bias, biosphere, catalyst, chemical bond, circuit, compound, concentration, conductors, control, covalent bond, current density TOPICS : ENERGY, MOTION, MATTER, LIFE SCIENCE, SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY AND OTHERS
Social Studies:  United States of America Word Search Puzzles

Social Studies: United States of America Word Search Puzzles

Third Grade Social Studies: United Stated of America : 12 Word Search puzzles with answer key Topics included: AMERICA, CULTURE, COMMUNITY, MONEY, PATRIOTISM, LAND AND RESOURCES, ECONOMY, IMMIGRATION, RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 112 Key words included: adapt, ambassador, ancestor, assembly, assembly line, bank, barter, budget, canal, capitol, ceremony, charity, citizen, climate, clothing, coast, colony, community, competition, consumer, council, county, culture, democracy, diversity, earn, economy, election, entrepreneur, environment, erosion, ethnic group, explorer, export, factory and others (see photos for list of words included)
Easter Worksheets for Kinder to First Grade

Easter Worksheets for Kinder to First Grade

Easter Worksheets with answer key Kindergarten to First Grade, 40 worksheets plus answer key Contents: Easter word hunt counting numbers to 20 tracing numbers what comes before and after? arranging numbers odd and even numbers match the shadows count and graph what comes next? addition and subtraction coloring activity writing words writing about Easter
United States of America and Its Neighbors Word Search Puzzles for Fourth Grade

United States of America and Its Neighbors Word Search Puzzles for Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Social Studies: United States of America and Its Neighbors 13 Word Search Puzzles with Answer Key 122 key terms and places included Topics include: LANDFORMS, REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS, STATES, NEIGHBORING REGIONS and others Some key words included : Africa ,agriculture, Alabama, Alaska, alliance, Arctic, arid, Arizona, Arkansas Asia, badlands, bayou, boundary, boycott, California, Canada, Caribbean, Chicago, citizen, civil rights, climate, coal, coastal plain,coastline, Colorado, Connecticut, constitution, cotton, culture and others.
Social Studies Word Search Puzzles for Fifth Grade

Social Studies Word Search Puzzles for Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade Social Studies Word Search Puzzles 20 puzzles, 190 key terms and places TOPICS : INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, CIVIL RIGHTS, GEOGRAPHY, ECONOMICS, WORLD WAR, OTHERS 190 key words included such as: abolitionist, accord, agricultural, alliance, Allies, ally, amendment, annexation, armada, armistice, arms race, artisan, assassination, assembly line, astrolabe, atomic bomb, axis powers, baby boom, banish, barter, boom town, boycott, Cabinet, campaign, cape, capital, capitalist, captives, cash crops, ceasefire, central powers, cession, charter, citizen, citizenship, civil rights, Civil War, claim, clan and others.