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English, Dyslexia and SEN Support

Average Rating4.74
(based on 14 reviews)

These quality and successful resources use texts to model spelling, sentence construction and text construction. The methods used in the units have proved highly effective in supporting students to achieve success. The dyslexia resources utilise the HF Visual Spelling Strategy © to support dyslexic students. These students often struggle because the same methods to read and spell are used with mainstream students. The units provide some much need strategies to help dyslexic students!




These quality and successful resources use texts to model spelling, sentence construction and text construction. The methods used in the units have proved highly effective in supporting students to achieve success. The dyslexia resources utilise the HF Visual Spelling Strategy © to support dyslexic students. These students often struggle because the same methods to read and spell are used with mainstream students. The units provide some much need strategies to help dyslexic students!
EAL/ESL, Newly Arrived:  Learn Basic English

EAL/ESL, Newly Arrived: Learn Basic English

2 Resources
Help newly arrived EAL students learn basic English with this extensive bundle. Full of engaging visuals and activities, the pack is designed to teach basic vocabulary and sentence forms needed to communicate in the classroom. It has proved effective in helping EAL students make progress and have more confidence!
ESL/EAL, Newly Arrived Pack: Learning with Exercises, Pictures and Emojis

ESL/EAL, Newly Arrived Pack: Learning with Exercises, Pictures and Emojis

ESL Workbook Pack for Newly Arrived Students. This comprehensive ESL workbook bundle is designed to help newly arrived students build a strong foundation in English. Covering essential sentence structures, questions, vocabulary, and interactive activities, this bundle is an invaluable tool for schools to support ESL learners. Each workbook focuses on different aspects of language learning, providing a well-rounded approach to acquiring basic English skills. ESL Workbook: Simple Sentences and Questions This workbook focuses on building basic sentence structures and understanding question forms. Perfect for students who are just beginning to learn English, it covers a variety of sentence patterns and helps students develop confidence in constructing simple statements and questions. ESL Vocabulary Workbook for Newly Arrived Students With a fun and interactive approach, this workbook helps students learn essential vocabulary related to common life situations, including school, home, food, transport, and weather. Using emojis alongside vocabulary words, students can easily associate words with visuals, making the learning process engaging and memorable. ESL Vocabulary: Labeling Pictures Workbook This workbook is a perfect companion to learn new vocabulary. It contains a variety of labeling exercises designed to help students apply their vocabulary in context. The booklets are ideal to help newly arrived students learn basic English!
EAL/ESL Beginners Pack for Secondary School

EAL/ESL Beginners Pack for Secondary School

This extensive resource is designer to support newly arrived, EAL students who have very little basic English. It contains workbooks, picture prompts, model paragraphs and basic descriptions, as well as an EAL beginner pack. The beginner pack provides a sequence to teach newly arrived, EAL students, moving from letter sounds, to basic vocabulary and sentences. It is full of useful ideas. To compliment this resource picture prompts and some flashcards are included to provide a context for students to learn. These provide pictures of different settings EAL students will experience such as a classroom or living room. There are flashcards of the colours. Once students have acquired these basic skills, there are two courses to learn to write simple descriptions and recounts. Each of these courses contain scaffolds, key vocabulary and paragraphs. This pack containing four pdfs will ensure the right support for newly arrived, EAL students!
GCSE, English Language: Using Verbs to Analyse a Text - Students with Additional Needs

GCSE, English Language: Using Verbs to Analyse a Text - Students with Additional Needs

This booklet is designed to improve the use of verbs for analysing language - it is aimed at GCSE students with additional needs such as dyslexia. Students will leanr how to use verbs such as amplifies, suggests, conveys and connotes to write about an extract or picture prompt. In total twenty-nine verbs are presented which can be used to analyse language and structure. For students who struggle with reading fluency and spelling, it contains an activity to copy the targeted verb using colour coded syllables. This will aid visual memory and help to remember how to write the targeted verbs and use in their writing. This is followed by definitions and examples of each verb used in context. There is a picture prompt and an extract prompt which students have to use to practise their own use of the verbs. Finally, a separate, gap fill activity is provided to deepen their understanding of the verbs and how they can be used. For students with additional needs such as dyslexia, ADHD and autism, targeted and explicit language work is required to help develop academic language use. The booklet will improve students’ use of language to analyse the language used in an extract!
GCSE Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar Courses

GCSE Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar Courses

4 Resources
These GCSE, English Language Courses target the elements need to succeed at GCSE level. It is suitable for SEN and ESL students who are able but lack the language skills needed to progress. The Reading course includes exercises on the use of topic sentences and other sentence types needed to write a coherent reading response paragraph/essay. It incorporates explanations of the stages and features of a well written paragraph. The Vocabulary Course is based on the Academic word list which outlines key words used in the kind of texts students will need to read at GCSE level. It will also improve their writing by allowing them to develop the use of academic words. Included are visual prompts and speaking and listening activities to help understand the words. Designed to develop sentence structure, the Grammar in Context Course outlines sentence types required in narrative, persuasive and argumentative writing.There are speaking and listening activities, visual prompts and opportunities to practice writing in the unit. Finally, I have included a SATs vocabulary course which you will receive for free. This can be used with SEN and ESL students, or as a useful course for Year 7 students. The courses are an effective way of helping under achieving students progress. They can delivered as part of lessons, or as interventions.
Using Model Texts to Improve GCSE (AQA), English Language Writing

Using Model Texts to Improve GCSE (AQA), English Language Writing

4 Resources
The bundle includes a range of GCSE, English Language Writing materials. It includes model answers, spelling activities, key vocabulary, engaging images, plans, independent writing activities and marking rubrics. Although aimed at the AQA writing papers, the bundle will support all the GCSE exam boards. It includes materials to support: descriptive writing persuasive/argumentative writing creative writing Each unit is structured in an easy to follow format based on model texts. They are useful for students with additional needs who need explicit language support to achieve a higher grade in their GCSE, English Language writing. They have been proven to raise attainment because of the strategies used, namely grammar in context and modeling. The value for money bundle offers weeks of writing support and is beneficial for teachers, English coordinators, teaching assistants and SENDCOs!
GCSE Argumentative Writing - Achieve Grade 5!

GCSE Argumentative Writing - Achieve Grade 5!

This GCSE, English Language, writing unit is based on an argumentative task about whether it is better to live in the city or the countryside. It contains a model answer, a spelling activity, a speaking and listening task and a grammar component. The unit has been successfully used to raise the attainment of students who struggle to move into the Grade 4 and 5 bracket. Once the student has completed the tasks there are two independent writing activities to assess the understanding of the components of GCSE, argumentative writing. It is ideal for SENCOs, teachers and English language coordinators. It offers excellent value and the unit should provide three to four lessons of content.
English SATs - Vocabulary Course for SEN and ESL Learners

English SATs - Vocabulary Course for SEN and ESL Learners

Using vocabulary taken from the a key abstract noun list, the programme introduces language commonly used in reading texts from the SATs English, Reading and Writing papers. Research indicates that explicit teaching of vocabulary improves comprehension and writing. The 41 page course is suitable for a whole school approach to improve the comprehension and use of formal vocabulary across the curriculum. It is an ideal resource for SENCOs, English Language/Literacy Coordinators, English subject leads, teachers and leaders. It is useful for students who need to improve attainment and move into the SATs bands 5 and above. Each section of the main booklet includes picture prompts, speaking and listening activities and gap fills to familiarise students with the targeted words. There is a ‘Show not Tell’ section, which helps students with narrative writing and a story writing activity to show understanding of the key noun. For some words, there are model stories to read with the students. Also provided is a vocabulary graphic order, a vocabulary list and an assessment when the programme has been completed. The resource will improve comprehension and is an effective way to target struggling readers and writers for their SATsl.
GCSE, Reading-Response Course - SEN and ESL

GCSE, Reading-Response Course - SEN and ESL

Invaluable to teaching the skills required to succeed in the English Language Reading paper and English Literature GCSE, this course explicitly teaches the sentence types needed to write an effective paragraph. Students with dyslexia, ADHD and autism, as well as ESL will benefit from the model sentences and activities. It is also useful for students who need to consolidate the skills. It is ideal for students who are under-performing due to a lack of the grammatical skills which will enable them to express their ideas. It covers the use of topic sentences, the introduction to the quotation, the analysis of language and the reader response/social context of the text. There is a FREE assessment with a rubric and model response. It can be used for GCSE English Language revision classes, SEN interventions or as a unit for class teaching. SEN and ESL students will be sure to benefit from this effective Reading Response course!
EY words - Phase 5 Phonics

EY words - Phase 5 Phonics

This workbook provides words that includes the EY letter pattern taken from the Phase 5 Phonics Wordlist (UK). Each word is colour-coded according to the HF Colour-Code to aid memorisation. There is space to draw the word and check if the student can spell the word at the end of the process. The workbook is ideal for students who struggle with phonics and provides a way to reinforce reading and spelling in a visual way. The HF Colour-Code Method is a unique, proven and powerful method that helps students read fluently and spell, whatever their level!
Macbeth for SEN and ESL Learners

Macbeth for SEN and ESL Learners

3 Resources
The bundle is ideal for teaching Macbeth to learners with additional needs. It includes language activities to learn key phrases, sentences and paragraphs that are needed to talk and write about the text. Ideal for dyslexic students, it utilises colour codes to remember spelling patterns and important details. Each resource includes visuals to help students and reinforce concepts. There is a model essay, study notes and in depth speaking and listening activities. The language activities set the booklets apart from other resources. The bundle is a great set of resources to teach Macbeth for GCSE English Literature in an accessible way.
Learn about Prepositions - EAL and SEN Learners

Learn about Prepositions - EAL and SEN Learners

Use the following games to make learning about prepositions fun! There are a variety of games and puzzles to engage students in what can be a rather dry topic. They are particularly useful for ESL students and those with additional needs. However, they can also be used as starter activities for the SATs, SPaG assessment or to introduce sentence openers for descriptive writing at GCSE. There is also an assessment at the end to see whether learners can use prepositions effectively. The games include Find the Missing Letters, Memory Pair Quiz, Sentence Scramble, Jigsaws and more! You can amend the templates to create your own puzzles. At the end of the unit, there are two assessments for beginner and more advanced learners.
The Signalman - Easy to Read

The Signalman - Easy to Read

With its easy to read format, this exceptionally presented version of The Signalman will make all the difference for students who struggle to read GCSE texts. Packed with pictures based on the story, the version also includes comprehension questions to help discussion. The subheadings provide a clearer structure for readers to navigate the text. Prior to reading, there is a list of complex words for students to practice their fluency and comprehension. At the end there are some suggested drama, art and writing activities. There is a vocabulary list to support students in analysing character and setting, as well as providing a scaffold for understanding the reaction of the reader. The book is a great addition to help language/literature students understand the well known GCSE text. It provides the necessary differentiation for them to access DIckens’ classic story.
Macbeth Study Notes for EAL and SEN

Macbeth Study Notes for EAL and SEN

Using visual cues such as colour backgrounds and visual spelling/reading methods, the booklet is ideal for students who struggle to read due to an additional need such as dyslexia. The booklet is divided into Chracter, Plot, Themes and Key Scene Sections, with opportunity to practice the reading and spelling of key vocabulary using colour codes. At the end of the booklet there is an assessment section that includes a key word spelling activity. You will receive a copy of the PDF in peach, orange and yellow so that you can choose whichever booklet background is suited to the student’s preference. The booklet is also suitable for ESL learners.
GCSE Model Texts and Dyslexia Support

GCSE Model Texts and Dyslexia Support

5 Resources
The bundle includes model answers for GCSE Language writing and a dyslexia-friendly, Macbeth response. The workbooks include spelling activities using the colour code method, sentence and vocabulary work based on model texts. The pdf booklets are ideal to support struggling readers and writers and also provide ideas and strategies for teachers to plan their own lessons. The bundle will save you £10!
Long AI Sound - Dyslexia Support

Long AI Sound - Dyslexia Support

The booklet is aimed at students who struggle to learn phonic sounds and read or write these sounds incorrectly within a word, It offers a unique visual approach in which students draw the word so that they can memorise the key spelling pattern. This particular unit focuses on the long AI sound. After drawing the words, there is a visual sentence activity and an opportunity to write a sentence by using a photographic prompt. The approach used in the booklet has been very successful in supporting students with dyslexic or other memory based difficulties.
Vocabulary - The Kitchen

Vocabulary - The Kitchen

A worksheet aimed at ESL pupils beginning to learn the language. Pupils are required to match vocabulary to the picture prompt and then use adjectives to describe the nouns.
Using Model Texts To Improve Persuasive Writing

Using Model Texts To Improve Persuasive Writing

This resource is a five-lesson unit aimed to improve persuasive writing skills and is ideal for GCSE level or equivalent. It includes teacher notes, five lesson plans and a student booklet. Uniquely, the unit is structured around a model response to a sample exam question. It looks at the vocabulary, grammar and overall structure of a persuasive letter and encourages the use of these skills in independent writing. The unit follows a sequence that includes an exam question analysis, a vocabulary and grammar in context set of activities, a comprehension exercise based on the model text and an independent writing section. The Unit of work has proved to be an invaluable and proven way of moving pupils into the higher GCSE band and provides a structure of learning that can be applied to other forms of writing.