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iTRACK Education specialise in teaching resources and providing digital pupil tracking systems for schools, including your SEND community.




iTRACK Education specialise in teaching resources and providing digital pupil tracking systems for schools, including your SEND community.
MFL-Spanish-Where Do You Live Lesson?-FREE

MFL-Spanish-Where Do You Live Lesson?-FREE

The purpose of this topic is to teach and ensure that children can respond to the question ¿Dónde vives? Children should also be able to ask others the same question and to understand the response. Learning objectives Children learn: to say where they live to ask others where they live Learning outcomes Children learn: to use a set phrase to respond to the question, for example Vivo en Lincoln to substitute items in the model phrase to vary the statement to take part in a brief prepared task using visual clues to help them initiate and respond to show understanding of short wordprocessed dialogue, made up of familiar language Includes: Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets Like this? Check out the full units available on TES or our website
MFL-Spanish-4 Week Unit- Dates, Family, Colours, Sounds and Spellings

MFL-Spanish-4 Week Unit- Dates, Family, Colours, Sounds and Spellings

In this section, the children will learn the nouns for members of a family and how to say the date. They will also learn how to describe using colours, to express preferences and to look carefully at some Spanish words for their sound and spelling. **Topic titles My family** The purpose of this topic is for children to identify members of their family, to respond to questions and to write short phrases correctly with support. **2. Today’s date ** The purpose of this topic is for children to ask and respond correctly to the question ¿Qué día es hoy? It is also to understand and use the numbers 22–31. 3. Colours ** The purpose of this topic is for children to learn vocabulary to describe the colour of items. ** 4. Sounds and spellings The purpose of this topic is to consolidate and apply the phonetic skills the children have learnt in this and in other sections by looking specifically at the sounds and spellings of words Includes: Medium Term Plans, Lesson Plans and Activity Sheets Topic 1 and 2 available on TES or on our website.
MFL-Spanish- Weather Lesson. Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets

MFL-Spanish- Weather Lesson. Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets

The purpose of this topic is for children to say what the weather is like, using a few simple phrases. Learning objective Children learn: to describe the weather, using a few simple phrases Learning outcomes Children learn: to respond to the question ¿Qué tiempo hace? using short phrases, e.g. hace buen/mal tiempo; hace calor/frío to name and describe the weather in various places, e.g. en Alicante hace calor to write the phrases so they can describe the weather correctly Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
MFL-Spanish-Unit: Everyday Conversations- Including Nationalities, Numbers, Weather

MFL-Spanish-Unit: Everyday Conversations- Including Nationalities, Numbers, Weather

In this section, the children will learn to say their age and where they live. They will learn the numbers 13–21, the days of the week, some phrases about the weather and the Spanish alphabet. This is a 7 week unit of work Includes: Medium Term Plan, Individual Lesson Plans, Lesson Activities **Topic titles How old are you?** The purpose of this topic is for children to know how to say how old they are and to ask others their age 2. Where do you live? The purpose of this topic is to teach and ensure that children can respond to the question ¿Dónde vives? Children should also be able to ask others the same question and to understand the response. 3. Nationalities The purpose of this topic is to ensure that the children can say what nationality they are, ask the question of others and say what language they (and others) speak. 4. Numbers 13–21 The purpose of this topic is to ensure that children can count to 21 in Spanish 5. Days of the week The purpose of this topic is to teach children to understand and say the days of the week. It is also to ensure that the children can respond to and ask the question ¿Qué día es hoy? 6. The weather The purpose of this topic is for children to say what the weather is like, using a few simple phrases. 7. The Spanish alphabet The purpose of this topic is for children to learn the Spanish pronunciation and sounds of the alphabet that will aid accurate pronunciation and the spelling of simple words.
MFL- Spanish- Lesson covering Nationalities

MFL- Spanish- Lesson covering Nationalities

The purpose of this topic is to ensure that the children can say what nationality they are, ask the question of others and say what language they (and others) speak. Learning objective Children learn: to describe their nationality and the languages they speak Learning outcomes Children learn: to describe their nationality and ask others the same question, for example Soy inglés/inglesa to say what languages they speak, for example Hablo inglés y español Includes: Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
MFL-Spanish- My Family Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets

MFL-Spanish- My Family Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets

The purpose of this topic is for children to identify members of their family, to respond to questions and to write short phrases correctly with support. Learning objective Children learn: to introduce members of the family Learning outcomes Children learn: to identify correctly names for members of the family to understand and say whether or not they have brothers or sisters to respond with Se llama… when asked someone’s name to understand that el is masculine and la is feminine to role-play members of own, imaginary or famous family to copy familiar short phrases correctly to name and describe people to use visual clues to produce short phrases using mainly memorised language Includes: Lesson Plans, Vocabulary and Lesson Activities
MFL- Basics of Spanish- Including Greetings, Numbers, Classroom Objectives etc

MFL- Basics of Spanish- Including Greetings, Numbers, Classroom Objectives etc

In this first section, which contains a term’s work, the children will learn to introduce themselves in Spanish and to greet others. They will learn numbers 0–12 and some classroom objects. They will also begin to work on sounds and spellings, and use simple classroom instructions. Topic titles (6 Lessons) Greetings How are you? Introducing yourself Numbers 0–12 Classroom instructions Classroom objects Includes Lesson Plans, Subject Vocabulary and Activity Sheets
MFL-Spanish- Greetings Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets- FREE

MFL-Spanish- Greetings Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets- FREE

The purpose of this topic is to ensure that children can greet each other by responding and saying ¡Buenos días!, ¡Hola! and ¡Adiós! It is also to familiarise children with new sounds and to encourage them to speak and practise customs, even if they make mistakes, in order to gain confidence. Learning objectives Children learn: to say hello (distinguish between formal (¡Buenos días!) and informal (¡Hola!)) to say goodbye (¡Adiós!) greeting customs Includes: Lesson Plans and Activity Sheets Includes 5 Activities
MFL- Spanish- Days of the Week

MFL- Spanish- Days of the Week

The purpose of this topic is to teach children to understand and say the days of the week. It is also to ensure that the children can respond to and ask the question ¿Qué día es hoy? Learning outcomes Children learn: to understand and use the vocabulary for the days of the week to ask and respond to the question ¿Qué día es hoy Includes: Lesson Plans and Activity Sheets
MFL- Spanish Lesson- Colours

MFL- Spanish Lesson- Colours

The purpose of this topic is for children to learn vocabulary to describe the colour of items. Learning outcomes Children learn: to say the correct word for the colour in response to the question ¿De qué color es?, e.g. Es azul. to use short phrases to express personal responses and preferences: me gusta el rojo, no me gusta el amarillo. to use correct intonation to indicate they are asking a question to show they understand nouns used with colours to show they understand simple commands, e.g. ¡Buscad! to listen carefully in order to discriminate sounds and identify meaning to show they understand familiar statements to begin to show understanding of syntactic structure in languages, e.g. position of adjectives in Spanish in relation to English adjective position, e.g. un bolígrafo azul – a blue pen Resources: Includes Lesson plan and Activity Sheets
Phase 5 Fairy tales Reading and Writing Unit

Phase 5 Fairy tales Reading and Writing Unit

Includes all stories An alternative version of the traditional fairytale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. This quite challenging text uses a range of alternative graphemes from Letters and Sounds Phase 5. The premise for this story is that our monster family would probably not have heard of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, a story with a bad wolf and a good child, but they may have a similar story which they tell their monster children, in which the monster is the good character and the villain is the child. Covering: Speaking and listening ● Help the children to draw a storyboard or story map to support a retelling of the story. ● Provide fabrics, blocks and smallworld resources to create a threedimensional story map. ● Use role play to tell the story from one point of view. To explore ideas for this, use drama techniques, such as ‘hot-seating’. ● Act out either the monster version of the story or the traditional version, using voices for the characters. Guided and shared reading: ● Use the story as a shared text. Support the children as they read words which contain alternative spellings for phonemes (see table, below). ● Compare and contrast this version with a traditional version of Red Riding Hood (see ‘Resources’, page 91). ● Traditional tales are some of the easiest texts to use when asking young children Assessment Focus 7 questions (Relate texts to social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions) as it is relatively easy to find simple retellings that the children can read independently. For example, you could ask: ● How did you know that the boy would do something bad? ● Did anything surprise you in this retelling of the story?
Year 2 English/ Literacy, Instructions lesson

Year 2 English/ Literacy, Instructions lesson

See the full Instructions unit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-2-english-literacy-instructions-unit-12330446 One lesson with plan and resources Good for introducing the topic of instructions WALT: Listen to instructions. • Follow instructions and give instructions on how to move. Focus on speaking and listening skills by getting the children to follow a chant. Leave a review
Year 2, English/Literacy Instructions Unit

Year 2, English/Literacy Instructions Unit

Taken from our Year 2 Literacy Resource file. The unit, Instructions, builds on work done in Year 1 and has three phases, with oral and written outcomes and assessment opportunities at regular intervals. The focus is on following and giving instructions. Children begin with an oral phase, followed by a recognising, reading and following phase, and finally progressing to the written production phase. Within this context, children begin to explore the key structural features of instructions and learn to select the appropriate register and style necessary for instructions. This unit uses many curriculum areas in order to give children as much variety as possible in the instructions they read, follow and compose. Lesson 1 Listen and move • To be able to listen to and follow oral instructions. • To recognise an instruction because of its language style. • To be able to give oral instructions telling someone how to move Photo tableaux • To listen to, follow and give oral instructions explaining how to position one’s body. • To be able to look at a photo of a person and work out how to make another person recreate the same pose. 3 Let’s make a smoothie! • To follow instructions successfully to make a smoothie. • To identify the structure of an instructional text – in this case, a recipe. • To read and match instructions with pictures. 4 Mum’s birthday cake • To consolidate the text structure. • To practise reading and understanding a text which describes a process 5 Writing instructions for making things with paper • Recognise adjectives and nouns. • Be able to write numbered instructions. • Be able to extract a set of instructions from a report text. 6 Instructional texts • To recognise instructional texts from the language, topic and layout. • To complete a chart with information about an instructional text 7 How do I get there? • To use directions as a form of instruction. • To write and follow directions. 8 Looking at language • To use directions in order to focus on written presentation, specifically spelling, collocations and punctuation. Leave a review
Year 5/6, English, Non-fiction, Recounts Unit (Beowulf)

Year 5/6, English, Non-fiction, Recounts Unit (Beowulf)

This non-fiction unit for Years 5 and 6 revisits the key features of recount texts. Analysing recounts drawn from a range of media, children identify common features and differences. They then go on to produce a plan, carry out interviews, collate and evaluate the information they have gathered and write an article or report. To give context to this work, it would be useful to arrange a visit from a local news reporter or a trip to a news office, if possible. The examples in these lessons are taken from ‘Beowulf’ and follow on from Fiction Unit 3. This unit could be used at any stage in Year 5. Lesson length This unit could take about three to four weeks. We have organised the unit’s content into seven lessons, each of which should take about an hour. Each lesson also has a set of extension activities for different abilities, as well as Hotspot! (Higher Order Thinking/Higher level questioning ) challenges. Lesson 1 Read all about it!• To identify the different features of a newspaper Beowulf ’s clash with Grendel – an impersonal recount • To write a recount of an event. 3 An interview with Wiglaf. • To recognise the key features of an interview use a range of open and closed questions to gather information from an eye-witness 4.‘We interrupt this programme for a newsflash…’ • To take useful notes and to ask open questions. • To explore individual’s motives through role play 5 Carefully chosen words.• To write a range of different kinds of sentences. 6 Here is the news • To organise and edit work and make improvements 7 The importance of good editing • To reflect critically on their own and other’s writing and to improve it. Leave a review
Year 5/6 English, Non-fiction, Persuasion and Argument Unit

Year 5/6 English, Non-fiction, Persuasion and Argument Unit

This non-fiction unit looks at persuasion and argument. Children will read and evaluate texts intended to inform, protest, complain or persuade. In doing so, they will consider how the texts are set out and what language devices are used. They will notice the deliberate use of ambiguity, half-truth, bias; how opinion can be disguised to seem like fact; infer writers’ perspectives from what is written and from what is implied. Children will investigate the use of persuasive definitions, rhetorical questions, pandering and condescension. During the unit, children will write persuasive letters for real purposes, for example to put a point of view or comment on an emotive issue. The first two lessons focus on writing persuasively about environmental issues. The next two lessons look at formal and informal writing and at how to produce a balanced argument. In Lesson 5 the children will take part in a formal debate. The final lesson looks at a famous wartime speech by Winston Churchill. (This could be used separately during a history lesson.) Lesson 1: How big is your carbon footprint? • Evaluate texts intended to persuade. • Identify persuasive devices • Infer what is implied 2 Green letters• Know the features of a persuasive letter. 3 Exploring a controversial issue • To identify textual viewpoints – for, against and balanced. To explore the language and organisational features of texts presenting a specific argument/ point of view. 4 Comparing formal and informal texts • To identify and explore the features of formal and informal texts. • To listen for language variation in formal and informal contexts. • To employ the features and narrative techniques of formal and/or informal texts in their own writing 5 Establishing a viewpoint on a controversial issue • To participate in wholeclass debate using the conventions and language of debate, including Standard English. • To identify the ways spoken language varies according to differences in the context and purpose of its use. Analysing a famous speech • Listen to and understand a speech. • Recognise the use of repetition and emotive language. Leave a review
Year 5/6, English, Non-fiction, Instructions Unit, Treasure Island

Year 5/6, English, Non-fiction, Instructions Unit, Treasure Island

5 lessons with resources This non-fiction unit focuses on reading, writing, and giving oral instructions. There is emphasis on creating concise, precise instructions and on using the imperative form of verbs. This unit has close links to Fiction Unit 5 and uses the text and characters from Treasure Island as the basis for the lessons. 1 Long John Silver says… • To be able to follow instructions and to understand that instructions must be clear and precise. It is imperative that you Understand… • To define and use imperative verbs 3.Battleships• To write clear instructions and to recognise imperative verbs Buried treasure • To write clear instructions. 5 Treasure Island • To gather information and write clear instructions. • To write extended instructions. Leave a review
Year 5/6, English, Fiction from our Literacy Heritage, Treasure Island Unit

Year 5/6, English, Fiction from our Literacy Heritage, Treasure Island Unit

6 lessons includes plans and resources The children will be encouraged to use reading journals to record their thoughts, predictions, questions and notes. To widen their experience they will be given opportunities to read extracts aloud and to watch excerpts from television or film adaptations. They will explore the relationships between characters and the language and techniques used to present these relationships and develop the plot. The children will work in pairs or groups, as well as a whole class and will discuss the techniques they use to help them understand the text, such as prediction, empathy and visualisation, using a story mountain. Finally, they will be supported in writing in the style of the author to rewrite a chapter or write a new one. These lessons use Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94) as the focus text. It will be helpful to have begun reading it as a class before starting this unit and to have finished it before the third lesson. This will enable children to delve more deeply into the plot, characterisation, language and structure. 1 Treasure!• To use technical vocabulary to talk about pirates Notes on ‘the old sea dog’ • To draw picture notes of the main parts of the story 3.Long John Silver • To study dialogue between main characters to recognise how character can affect their behaviour. The book versus the film• To compare film and print versions of the same scene 5 Mapping the story • To outline key events in a story’s structure A missing chapter • To continue a story in the style of the author Leave a review
Year 2 English/ Literacy, Traditional Tales and Stories Unit

Year 2 English/ Literacy, Traditional Tales and Stories Unit

Taken from our Year 2 Literacy Resource File Lessons include 1 The Boy Who Cried Wolf • To listen and respond to the story, considering whether the action is funny or serious. • To consider story themes and morals. • To write simple and compound sentences in relation to reason 2 Predicting the ending • To read with fluency, drawing on word recognition. • To predict the story ending. 3 Role-playing the villagers • To read with fluency, drawing on word recognition. • To predict the story ending/next incident. • To present parts of stories using drama 4 The boy’s perspective • To use drama to prepare for writing. • To identify characters. • To write an ending of the story. 5 The Three Billy Goats Gruff • To consider story themes and morals. • To empathise with characters. • To write simple and compound sentences 6 Role-playing the Three Billy Goats Gruff • To prepare and retell stories. • To present the story through drama. 7–8 Retelling the story • To retell stories using pictures as prompts. • To write using simple and compound sentences, and direct speech. This unit covers four weeks and focuses on traditional stories. The unit has two alternative outcomes. Children read and compare traditional stories and then work towards their own written version of a traditional narrative. They could also create a digital text combining words, images and sounds using presentation software Leave a review
Year 1, English/Literacy Gingerbread Man FREE lesson.

Year 1, English/Literacy Gingerbread Man FREE lesson.

Get the full unit on TES https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-1-literacy-english-traditional-and-fairy-tales-unit-12322085 Taken from our Year 1 Literacy Resource File Includes lesson plan and all resources (including differentiated resources) as well as the story The Gingerbread Man LO: To be able to read with support and join in key phrases appropriately. • To be able to identify the main events in the story and put them in chronological order. Learning Outcomes: To have more secure knowledge of the characteristics of the genre. • Better ability to identify key incidents in the story and sequence them correctly. Leave a review
Year 1 Literacy/English, Traditional and Fairy Tales Unit

Year 1 Literacy/English, Traditional and Fairy Tales Unit

Taken from our Year 1 Literacy Resources File Includes lesson plans and differentiated resources 1- The Enormous Turnip LO: Listen to the story on tape and recall the events in order. • Understand about traditional stories and the oral tradition. • Contribute to dramatisation of the story 2- The Enormous Turnip LO:To be able to distinguish similarities and differences in different versions of the story. • To be able to suggest phrases and sentences to retell the story 3 The Anansi stories LO: To discuss the appearance, behaviour, characteristics and goals of characters. • To take part in acting scenes from the story in character, using expression and a clear voice 4 Anansi and boastful bullfrog LO: To be able to discuss the appearance, behaviour, characteristics and goals of a character. • To be able to write two or more sentences about Anansi 5 The Gingerbread Man LO: To be able to read with support and join in key phrases appropriately. • To be able to identify the main events in the story and put them in chronological order. 6 The Gingerbread Man – audio version LO: To discuss different versions of the same story. • To discuss differences between audio and written versions of a story. 7 The Gingerbread Man – the play LO: To recognise differences between playscripts and story texts and the reasons for them. • To read a playscript with appropriate expression 8 The Gingerbread Man – my story • To be able to plan a story. • To be able to write some sentences independently, using story language and phonic strategies This Unit covers ‘Traditional and fairy stories’. Before you start the lessons below, it is suggested you take 15–30 minutes each day for four or five days to read other traditional stories, including some from different cultures, to enrich the children’s experience of the genre. You could conclude these stories by asking some of the following questions: Who was the story about? Where did it take place? How did it start? What happened in the middle of the story? How did it end? What do you think the most important event was? You should also set out a display of appropriate books and tapes that the children may look at, listen to, read to themselves or borrow to share at home. Leave a review