Aim :To explain the nature and causes of stress and to examine different ways of coping with it.
A 30-45 minute lesson that covers…
Learning outcomes Children should be taught:
• to talk and write about their opinions … ;
• to … discuss … topical issues, problems … ;
• to reflect on … social … issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences;
• what makes a healthy lifestyle, including the benefits of exercise … what affects mental health, and how to make informed choices;
• where individuals, families and groups can get help and support
Like this lesson? The Key Stage Two edition has been completely re-written by expert authors and freshly illustrated. The files are packed with engaging lessons and practical ideas covering a wide range of topics such as: feelings and relationships, health and hygiene, living in a global community, life in Britain today, and good and active citizenship. The lessons in these units dip into sex education and British values in a safe and age-appropriate manner.
The Key Stage Two File is so packed with great information that it has been split into two files (Part 1 and Part 2), both suitable for all year groups, but covering different topics.
Each file contains several units which include a Teacher’s Guide, Medium-Term Plan, and up to fifteen lessons ranging from 20 to 90 minutes.
Each plan provides the teacher with the lesson aim, list of resources needed, learning outcomes, differentiation and suggests any cross-curricular links with other parts of the National Curriculum.
Aim To encourage children to think about how we value ourselves and respect each other.
30-45 minutes
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to talk and write about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society; • to face new challenges positively by … making responsible choices … ; • to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices.
FREE Phonics Resource takes a look at the long E sound. Designed for KS2 children who didn’t quite grasp phonics in KS1 … although perfect for any child who needs phonics help. If you want more, there is an interactive CD (PHONICS to SPELLING by Charlotte Raby) that is filled with excellent phonic activities, games etc. But for now, this a great resource to help instil phonics in a fun and memorable way.
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Part of LCP’s Teacher's Friend series, Help! I’m a Teacher is packed full of helpful hints and tips for student and newly qualified teachers (NQTs).
Written in an unstuffy, unpretentious style by Chris Fenton, a former Headteacher with years of experience and professional nous. Full of anecdotes, its humorous and refreshing approach provides invaluable support for all school staff. Indeed, as a guide to the pinnacles and pitfalls of the academic year – it’s a must read for every teacher!
This sample provides a week of Phonics Planning for Phase 3 from LCP's full Phonics Planning 2 Teaching Resource. </br> It has a table detailing how to teach the relevant material and supplementary sheets for conducting activities. Gives a feel for tried and tested Phonics Planning methods.
The Learning Outside the Classroom resource provides teachers with fun outdoor activities and great ideas to engage KS1 and Early Years.
This free part of the outdoor learning resource takes a look at :-
• Natural Area around School and Local Area
• Health and Safety
• Natual Enviornment Case Study
Also see KS2 Learning Outside the Classroom.
FREE Poetry in Motion resource pack includes: - 1) Drafting and Presentation, 2) Trees and Woodlands 3) Be Verbose with Verbs! Based on actual poetry work carried out by Roger Butts – a former primary school teacher, headteacher, advisor and lover of the outdoors. The activities encourage children to look carefully and closely for specific details, which will not only help them to understand and appreciate their environment but, helps them to create an effective and lasting image to convey their ideas and emotions.
Many of the ideas can be taught at any primary age group, as different age groups or abilities will produce different outcomes from the same stimuli
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An excellent piece of children’s fiction, ideal for your primary school library, Scrimshaw is an engrossing fantasy adventure from international author Nazam Anhar that features pirates, rough seas and adventure.
A fantastic journey into the realm of pirates and plunder, join Nathan as he voyages to far off lands and discovers a whole way of life that he never knew existed.
Scrimshaw also provides the perfect opportunity for teachers to explore elements of history, geography and science in their literacy lessons, making it perfect for dynamic cross-curricular teaching.
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Olympic themed Activity Sheets for Lower KS2 (Years 3 /4) pupils.
• ART: Design your own Greek pot
• MATHS: Bejing Top Ten Medal Winners
• HISTORY: Learn about 2 Great Olympians
A set of 3 activity / worksheets for Years 3 and 4 (Lower KS2) with an Olympic theme.
Activties come from LCP’s ‘Most Popular’ Olympic Games Resource File - a complete cross curricular resource for primary teachers.
Aim To help children understand the value of money and the need to be careful in looking after it.
Lesson 30-45 minutes
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to recognise what they like and dislike; • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to recognise choices they can make; • to realise that money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes.
All resources included
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Aim To help children understand that you should leave other people’s property alone and that it is wrong to steal.
30-40 minutes- Full lesson
Learning outcomes Children should be taught: • to recognise what is right and wrong; • to share their opinions on things that matter to them and explain their views; • to take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class; • to play and work co-operatively; • to recognise how their behaviour affects others.
Don’t forget to review!
The files have been fully updated by a team of experienced contributors who teach in a range of schools across the country and bring a breadth and depth of experience to ensure that the latest material is relevant and carefully tailored to the needs of primary teachers working with pupils in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Full lessons also available on our TES shop
Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a famous engineer who lived in Victorian times. He was a very good engineer and he won a competition to build a bridge over the River Avon. This bridge became the Clifton Suspension bridge.
This unit links to the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements in the Programme of Study and considers the key historical enquiry question, How do we find out about Isambard Kingdom Brunel? It introduces the children to the idea of historical sources, introduces the concepts of old and new, and encourages them to think about the life and times of a famous person. The approach used could be applied to the study of other famous people. It provides a wide range of opportunities for children to develop their spoken language. It is helpful if the children have: ordered events in time and used everyday terms about the passing of time; answered questions about people/ events in the past using pictures and written sources; recounted episodes from stories about the past; looked for similarities and differences between today and the past.
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This resource includes 1 text with activities and questions. Text title:
The cards primarily address text-level objectives for each year group and focus specifically on reading comprehension of non-fiction texts. The cards are designed to encourage talk and develop listening and speaking skills.
There is a main text on the front of each of the reading cards. The main text is followed by talk time , where there are open-ended questions, which are designed to stimulate a personal response to the issues raised and encourage children to think about the card’s theme.
The questions encourage discussion between two to six people. Talk time questions that are preceded by a require children to refer back to the text and are suitable for prompting children’s written responses. The box contains an interesting fact related to the card’s theme. This should appeal to the children’s sense of wonder and fascination for the remarkable.
The reverse side of each card carries things to do box. This contains activities and challenges that are designed to enable children to pursue the main theme still further. The activities are mainly practical in nature, so that all children can succeed, whatever their levels of literacy
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The purpose of this topic is to teach and ensure that children can respond to the question ¿Dónde vives? Children should also be able to ask others the same question and to understand the response.
Learning objectives
Children learn:
to say where they live
to ask others where they live
Learning outcomes
Children learn:
to use a set phrase to respond to the question,
for example Vivo en Lincoln
to substitute items in the model phrase to vary
the statement
to take part in a brief prepared task using visual
clues to help them initiate and respond
to show understanding of short wordprocessed
dialogue, made up of familiar language
Includes: Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
Like this? Check out the full units available on TES or our website
The big picture
In every gurdwara there is a langar, a free kitchen/dining hall where anyone of any gender, religion or
colour can come and share a meal. The provision of the langar is part of the Sikh belief that everyone is of
equal value and worth. This lesson also demonstrates the Sikh belief in equality.
Learning objective
Learning about
• To explain how the water carrier’s beliefs led
him to act as he did despite influence from other
Learning from
• To learn that standing up for your beliefs and
doing what you think is right can be challenging.
All resources included
Get all 5 sheets from our TES shop
A worksheet on the Watercycle.
Written for Year 4. Taken from KS2 Geography Resources File.
Downloadable as a PDF
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This unit covers Getting dressed and undressed with some adult help, including learning how to use zippers; ■ Learning how to be independent in self-care; ■ Naming and describing items of clothing; ■ Knowing which types of clothes are suitable for different activities; ■ Developing independence when going to the toilet.
Includes 6 pages of activity ideas
Taken from our popular resource Building Blocks. Building blocks is a modular series of resources offering Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) practitioners a source of fresh, fun activities linked to inspirational, childcentred themes, and providing comprehensive coverage of the different aspects of the Early Learning Goals.
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The LCP Primary Science Dictionary is an easy-to-use, alphabetically-arranged dictionary of scientific words, with lots of useful diagrams, photographs and illustrations. It will help students find out more about the science topics they study in class, improve their literacy skills as well as achieve a higher mark in their National Curriculum tests.
This is a really great resource aimed at primary KS1 & KS2 and is jam packed with 128 pages of scientific facts and information. A must have resource.