(Almost) unlimited, NO-PREP, differentiated sets of Maths worksheets. At the click of a button all numbers (and visuals ) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers .... as many times as you want with answers automatically generated every time. Check out one of the Freebie samplers to see how they work.
(Almost) unlimited, NO-PREP, differentiated sets of Maths worksheets. At the click of a button all numbers (and visuals ) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers .... as many times as you want with answers automatically generated every time. Check out one of the Freebie samplers to see how they work.
This set of resources focuses on the connection between fractions with denominators ten or one hundred and decimals using visual aids, in particular the number line. These scaffolded (almost ) unlimited worksheets will provide you with enough differentiated material so that you can set the pace of development of understanding most suitable for your students.
The Worksheets are organized as follows:
Set 1- Connecting a square grid, tenths and decimal notation in a place value table
Set 2 - Decimals and fractions (1/10ths) on a number line - simple 10 divisions
Set 3 - Decimals on a number line (simple 10 divisions)
Set 4 - Decimals on a number line spread across 2 units - simple 10 divisions
Set 5- Connecting a square grid, tenths and decimal notation in a place value table
Set 6 - Decimals and fractions (1/100ths) on a number line - 100 divisions
Set 7 - Decimals on a number line - 100 divisions
Set 8 - Estimate decimals ( 1/100ths) on a number line with 10 divisions
Set 9 - Writing fractions in expanded form then converting to decimals
Set 10 - Writing decimals in expanded form then converting to fractions
Set 11 - Numerical worksheets converting between decimals and fractions
Set 12 & 13 - Decimal measurements - converting between meters and centimeters
(Almost) Unlimited worksheets ?
Yes. At the click of a button all numbers (and visual supports) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers …* as many times as you want*. You can individualize the worksheets to the level you want, making one worksheet for the whole class to a different one for each student (and all stops in between). It also means a level can be repeated as many times as needed throughout the year to consolidate the required skills and knowledge.
No-Prep Worksheets
These are straightforward no-prep worksheets that require no extra work. Simply CLICK-PRINT AND GO. This makes them ideal to have printed and ready for a replacement teacher or end of lesson activity if needed.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
Download the FREEBIE sampler page “Decimals on the Number Line” now.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Bridging through 100s encourages students to develop strong mental math skills by breaking down numbers into smaller more manageable parts.
Students get to visualize the connection between different place values and understand the concept of regrouping or carrying over.
It also provides students with an alternative approach to addition rather than relying completely on the standard algorithm. This strategy can be particularly beneficial for visual learners.
Worksheets 1 & 2 contain visual support to help introduce this topic.
Worksheet Set 1
First addend: Multiples of ten between 100 to 900
Second addend: Multiple of 10 between 90
Worksheet Set 2
First addend: Multiples of ten between 100 to 900
Second addend: Between 11 and 99
Worksheets Sets 3 & 4
These follow the same range of numbers as above but the pupils can now choose how they lay out their workings to demonstrate their understanding of addition through bridging.
All Worksheets are Dynamic: At the click of a button all the numbers are randomized providing you with (an almost) unlimited set of questions for classwork, revision, homework, assessments etc.
Answers are automatically generated every time for all Worksheets.
There is a Teaching Page with an unlimited number of randomly generated questions covering the graphic layout of Worksheet Set 1 and 2 designed for use with the Interactive whiteboard to help you introduce or review the topic with your class or on a PC or Mac for one-to-one tuition.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
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Subtract by bridging through 100s up to 1000
Add bridging through 10 up to 100 Worksheets +
Subtracting by bridging through 10s up to 100
*Year 4 programme of study: Number – fractions - add and subtract fractions with the same denominator’
Pupils continue to practise adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, to become fluent through a variety of increasingly complex problems beyond one whole. *
14 sets of progressive differentiated worksheets to ensure your students develop all the skills needed to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators. They combine to create a smooth transition in the learning process from adding and subtracting fractions less than one to adding and subtracting mixed numbers, all with the same denominators.
The approach used here is as follows:
Firstly convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
Perform the addition or subtraction, essentially with the numerators of the improper fractions.
Convert the resultant improper fraction back to a mixed number.
As you can see in the list below there are some important additional interim steps included to make the process complete:
Set 1: Add 2 fractions with the sum < 1
Set 2: Add 3 fractions with the sum < 1
Set 3: Subtract with both fractions < 1
Set 4: Numerical questions: Addition & subtraction, all fractions and answers < 1
Set 5: Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers
Set 6: Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions Part 1: Whole number = 1
Set 7: Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions Part 2: Whole numbers from 1 to 4
Set 8: Numerical questions: Convert mixed fractions to improper fractions
Set 9: Add 2 fractions , each < 1 but their sum >1
Set 10: Numerical questions: Add 2 or 3 fractions with sum > 1
Set 11: Add 2 mixed numbers
Set 12: Subtract mixed numbers
Set 13: Numerical questions: Add 2 mixed numbers
Set 14: Numerical questions: Subtract mixed numbers
All the above, except where it states ‘Numerical questions’ , use visual fraction models.
Within all of the sets you have a choice of the level of questions. For the worksheets with the visual fraction models, you can decide on 3 levels how much information to provide. For the Numerical questions there are 2 levels where the range of denominators used are different, and in set 13 & 14 the range of whole numbers.
A little reminder on each Worksheet
At the top of all the worksheets using the visual fraction model there is an example shown as a memory jogger and as a teaching tool if needed.
How many Worksheets are there in total ?
In principle almost unlimited. The 14 sets and the 2 or 3 levels within each set you have over 35 to choose from. BUT on top of that, at the click of a button numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets at the same level for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions.
UK National Curriculum for Mathematics: Key Stage 1: Year 2 Addition and Subtraction
Non statuary guidance states that for Year 2 & 3 - *" Secure fluency in addition and subtraction facts that bridge 10, through continued practice" *
Bridging through 10 is a mental math technique that can be used when adding two numbers with units that have a sum greater than ten.
This pack has 2 parts
1. Worksheet Sets
Worksheet Set 1
Adding 1 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100 - with visual support
Worksheet Set 2
Adding 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100 - with visual support
Pupils have the opportunity to practice this topic further either by using the visual method from Worksheets 1 & 2, or using their own graphics that support the concept of bridging.
Worksheet Set 3
Adding 1 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100.
Worksheet Set 4
Adding 2 digit numbers to 2 digit numbers, bridging up to 100.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
Almost Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so you can create as many different worksheets as you need for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, fillers etc and the numbers will change every time.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
2. The "Interactive Teaching Resource"
Designed to be used by teachers and pupils on an Interactive Whiteboard or on a PC/Mac computer for one-to-one tuition. Examples are randomly generated at the click of a button, so you can use this one page as many times as needed. There is also the option to take the pupils through the process in 3 separate steps, one at a time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
For more information about this topic and understanding
You may also like Subtracting by bridging through 10s up to 100
Year 3 programme of study - Number – fractions- recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators.
These resources contain three basic approaches to understanding equivalent fractions:
Using 2-D shapes in the form of rectangles
The number line.
The numerical processes with multipliers and divisors.
Equivalent Fractions with rectangles
Equivalent fractions are modeled using rectangles, each representing the same area of a whole. This is an ideal visual way to introduce equivalent fractions before proceeding onto the using the number line or purely the numerical method.
The 4 Sets of Worksheets provide a step by step approach as follows:
Worksheet Set 1: Pupils are asked to write down the (equivalent) fractions of two colored-in rectangles.
Worksheet Set 2: Pupils colour in the areas on two rectangles that represent two given equivalent fractions.
Worksheet Set 3: Given two coloured-in rectangles and the denominators of the equivalent fractions, pupils must determine the numerators and the multiplier that connects the two fractions.
Worksheet Set 4: Given two coloured-in rectangles pupils are asked to write down the full fractions coloured-in and the multiplier connecting the two fractions.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
(almost) Unlimited. At the click of a button the numbers and the corresponding shaded parts of the rectangles are randomised, so you can create as many different worksheets as you need for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, fillers etc and the numbers will change every time.
Equivalent fractions on the number line.
Equivalent fractions are located at the same point on the number line.
The printable Worksheets consist of question containing 2 number lines divided up into a different number of equal parts between 0 and 1 which the pupils then have to compare
Worksheet Set 1: Pupils are asked to write down the equivalent fraction to the one shown taking into account the number of equal parts on the line.
Worksheet Set 2: Pupils have to write down the two equivalent fractions indicated on parallel number lines, each number line divided into a different number of equal parts.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
As with the worksheets with rectangles …almost Unlimited.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
These Worksheets work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Help your students to mentally add and subtract multiples of 10 and multiples of 100 from a number between 100-900 using the visual support of a Number Line with NO PREP CLICK-PRINT-and- GO sets of Worksheets and Digital Teaching Resources .
There are 3 sets of worksheets. Within the 3 sets, the worksheets are differentiated at 3 levels with the worksheets having almost unlimited questions.
**Worksheets 1,2 & 3. Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 **
Worksheet 1: First addend is a multiple of 10. Number line starts with a multiple of 100.
Worksheet 2: First addend is from 100 to 900. Number line starts with a multiple of 100.
Worksheet 3: First addend is from 100 to 900. Number line starts with a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 1: The minuend is a multiple of 10. Number line starts with a multiple of 100.
Worksheet 2: The minuend lies between 100 and 900. Number line starts with a multiple of 100.
Worksheet 3: The minuend lies between 100 and 900. Number line starts with a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 4 & 5. Add and Subtract Multiples of 100
Number line - Multiples of 100 from 100 to 900 with subdivisions of 10
Worksheet 4: First Addend (addition) / Minuend (subtraction) are multiple of 10
Worksheet 5: First Addend (addition) / Minuend (subtraction) lies between 100 and 900
Worksheet 6,7 & 8. Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 CHALLENGES
Worksheet 6: Number line starts with a multiple of 100. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 7: Number line starts with a multiple of 100. First Addend / Minuend lies between 100 and 900
Worksheet 8: Number line starts with a multiple of 10. First Addend / Minuend lies between 100 and 900
Worksheet 9 and 10. Add and Subtract Multiples of 100 CHALLENGES
Number line - Multiples of 100 from 100 to 900 with subdivisions of 10
Worksheet 9: First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 10: First Addend / Minuend lies between 100 and 900.
Worksheet 11 to 13. EXTRA - Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 to 10,000
Worksheet 11: Number line starts with a multiple of 1000. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 100.
Worksheet 12: Number line starts with a multiple of 1000. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 13: The number line starts with a multiple of 100. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 14 to 16. EXTRA CHALLENGE - Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 to 10,000
Worksheet 14: Number line starts with a multiple of 1000. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 100.
Worksheet 15: Number line starts with a multiple of 1000. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 10.
Worksheet 16: Nnumber line starts with a multiple of 100. First Addend / Minuend is a multiple of 10.
Students are now asked to find either the first or second addend for the addition questions, and either the minuend or subtrahend for the subtraction questions .
21 Sets of Worksheets on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 provide an abundance of practice material with multiple levels of differentiation allowing you to select the questions that is just right for your pupils.
The Worksheets are divided into 2 formats.
For the first format, which is really the preparation stage, there is a **place value grid **for each question so pupils can see what is happening to the numbers as they are multiplied or divided.
Having grasped this, pupils can then move onto the Worksheets with 20 questions, with one sample place grid displayed to help the pupils if needed.
How many Worksheets in each Set ?
Almost unlimited because you can randomise the numbers on ALL the Worksheets at the click of a button.
Worksheet Set 1 to 3: with Place Value Grid
Multiply by 10
Divide by 10
Mix of multiply and divide by 10
Worksheet Set 4 to 6: 20 Questions
4. Multiply by 10
5. Divide by 10
6. Mix of multiply and divide by 10
Worksheet Set 7 to 9: with Place Value Grid
7. Multiply by 100
8. Divide by 100
9. Mix of multiply and divide by 100
Worksheet Set 10 to 12: 20 Questions
10. Multiply by 100
11. Divide by 100
12. Mix of multiply and divide by 100
Worksheet Set 13 to 15: with Place Value Grid
13. Multiply by 1000
14. Divide by 1000
15. Mix of multiply and divide by 1000
Worksheet Set to 18: 20 Questions
16. Multiply by 1000
17. Divide by 1000
18. Mix of multiply and divide by 1000
Worksheet Set 19 to 21: 20 Questions
19. Mix of multiply by 10, 100 or 1000
20. Mix of divide by 10, 100 or 1000
21. Mix of multiply and divide by 10, 100 or 1000
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on a Windows or Mac computers.
Help prepare your students to mentally find 10 more or 10 less than a 2 digit number without counting and also see the link to addition and subtraction of 10. The visuals aids used are the 100 number square and dienes.
Worksheet Set 1. 10 More or 10 Less with the 100 Square
Shows the 100 Square as a reference if needed for pupils to quickly figure out or check their answer, and contains a mix of twenty “10 more or 10 less” questions.
Worksheet Set 2. Plus 10 or Minus 10 with the 100 Square
Also shows the 100 Square and contains twenty questions laid out in equation form for the pupils to complete.
Worksheet Set 3. Add 10 with Dienes
Eight questions presented as equations to complete with Dienes as a visual aid.
Worksheet Set 4. Subtract 10 with Dienes
Eight questions presented as equations to complete with Dienes as a visual aid.
Worksheet Set 5. 10 More with Dienes
Eight questions to complete with Dienes as a visual aid.
Worksheet Set 6. 10 Less with Dienes
Eight questions to complete with Dienes as a visual aid.
Worksheets Set 7 & 8
30 questions with a mix of the more/less and plus/ minus so pupils can test their skills on this topic without visual aid and hopefully see the connection between the worded questions and the equations.
Worksheet 7 is straightforward, whilst Worksheet 8 adds a challenge in that the solutions are found by using the opposite (inverse) operation to the one stated in the question.
How many worksheets are there in total ?
Lots and lots … At the click of a button numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets at the same level for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions again all at the same level.
No-Prep Worksheets
These are straightforward no-prep worksheets simply Click -Print and Go. They are ideal for lesson fillers, and to have ready for a substitute teacher if needed.
Teaching Pages
Designed for use with the Interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching or on a computer for one-to-one tuition to help introduce the pupils to the content of the Worksheets.
Teaching Page 1. 10 More or 10 Less with the 100 Square
Click on a button and a number is chosen at random on the 100 square and pupils can enter their answer via a built in calculator and get instant feedback.
You can choose the type of questions: 10 more than / 10 less than / equations with + / equations with -
Teaching Page 2. Plus or Minus 10 with Dienes
Click on a button and a number is chosen at random and pupils can add or remove 10 Dienes to get a visual sense of the problem, then enter their answer via the built in calculator.
Here again you can choose the type of questions: 10 more than / 10 less than / equations with + / equations with -
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers
The Teaching Page when projected onto a screen or interactive whiteboard allows you to go through the standard algorithm for multiplication showing each step of the process to your class. Every time you press one of the randomising buttons it changes the 3 digit multiplicand. Each button represents a different multiplier from 2 to 9, so you have an endless set of examples to practice with.
The two printable Dynamic PDF Worksheets provide an (almost) infinite number of practice questions .
12 questions are laid out on the page. When any of the buttons (at the bottom of the page) is clicked all the 3 digit multiplicand will change.
On Worksheet 1 each button represents a different multiplier from 2 to 9 , so for example you can have a whole page of 3 digit numbers multiplied by 4, or 5 etc.
On Worksheet 2 each button represents a range of multipliers e.g. 3 to 6. Each row of questions will multiply the 3 digit number by a different number, first row by 3, second row by 4 etc.
Answers are generated automatically every time.
UK National Curriculum. Year 4 Programme of Study:
Number - Multiplication and Division.
Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout
Need to review multiplication of a 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number ? Go [here]https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/multiply-a-2-digit-number-by-a-1-digit-number-worksheets-12440654)
Need a similar set of free resources multiplying 4 digit by 1 digit numbers ? Leave a request in the Review section.
Year 3 programme of study - Number – number and place value - compare and order numbers up to 1000
Print out as many unique worksheets as you need choosing from five different ranges of numbers up to 1000. Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
Students are asked to compare a set of four 2-Digit numbers or four 3-Digit numbers and place them in order between inequality signs.
You can choose to order numbers in the range:
1 to 20
1 to 50
1 to 100
1 to 500
1 to 1000
This will give you a choice of differentiating from the very start.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
(Almost) Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, etc and the numbers will change every time.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
Digital Teaching Material
These are designed to help you introduce the content of the worksheets to the whole class on an Interactive Whiteboard, or on a PC or Mac for 1-1 tuition and again you have (almost) unlimited examples to practice with.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
Australian Curriculum - ACMNA013 - order numbers to at least 100
No frills set of worksheets for practicing addition and subtraction of big numbers from 5 digit numbers to 8 digit numbers, providing (almost) endless pages of questions.
The worksheets are divided into 2 formats:
Numbers arranged vertically for practicing the standard format.
Numbers arranged horizontally with space provided on the page to either practice laying out the question in the standard format or any other way.
Each format provides a page of additions with a mix of 5, 6, 7 & 8 digit numbers and the same for subtractions.
As always with these resources, the Worksheets are Dynamic. At the click of a button all the numbers are randomised. Because the numbers change each time you could create a different worksheet for classwork, homework, revision, assessments etc or even a different one for each pupil in your class
Answers are automatically generated every time.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
UK National Curriculum. Year 5 Programme of Study
Number - Addition and Subtraction.
Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets go to PREVIEW: Addition & Subtraction of 5 to 8 digit numbers
UK National Curriculum - Year 4 Programne of Study
Number and Place Value
Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
Lots of opportunity to practice rounding whole numbers from 10 to 100,000 place value with (almost) unlimited Worksheets plus Digital Teaching Material for whole class teaching .
The resources are divided into two parts:
1. Using Place Value and the Number Line to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
**Worksheet Sets **
Each page has 4 number lines with 4 numbers to round. The first Number Line is fully labeled with 10 divisions between each multiple of 10, 100 or 1000 providing maximum visual support. But the number of divisions reduces until the 4th Number Line which is minimally labeled, so that students then have to think more about scales and the rounding process.
At each of the 4 levels you have a choice of generating a worksheet with the question being placed in size order from left to right, or randomly placed in relation to the number line.
How Many Worksheets are in each Set ?
(Almost) Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, so you can create as many different worksheets within each set as you want for classwork, homework, revision or to practice with at any time during the year.
Digital Teaching Material with the Number Line
These are designed to help you introduce the content of the worksheets to the whole class on an Interactive Whiteboard, or on a PC or Mac for 1-1 tuition and again you have (almost) unlimited examples to practice with.
2. Rounding using Place Value to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000
There is a Worksheet set for each level plus one with a mix of all the levels.There are 30 questions on each page with an example at the top of the page. At a click of a button all the numbers in the questions and the example change, which means you have again an (almost) unlimited source of worksheets or even examples to go through with your pupils. Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
On both Worksheet Sets Answers are automatically generated every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
These resources have been created with a differentiated approach in mind, so for example, pupils can begin by practicing skip counting with 5 up to 100 then at a suitable pace go all the way up to the Challenge Worksheets that mixes questions with skipping 5, 10 & 100 with sequences that start at any number and go all the way to 1000.
There are** 17 Sets of Worksheets ** (and 17 Teaching Pages) covering this topic
Worksheets + Sequence of numbers starts with a …
Worksheet 1. Skip Counting by 5s to 100 multiples of 5
Worksheet 2. Skip Counting by 5s to 500. multiples of 5
Worksheet 3. Skip Counting by 5s to 1000 multiples of 5
Worksheet 4. Skip Counting by 5s to 100. random starting point
Worksheet 5. Skip Counting by 5s to 500. random starting point
Worksheet 6. Skip Counting by 5s to 1000 random starting point
Worksheet 7. Skip Counting by 10s to 200. multiples of 10
Worksheet 8. Skip Counting by 10s to 500 multiples of 10
Worksheet 9… Skip Counting by 10s to 1000. multiples of 10
Worksheet 10. Skip Counting by 10s to 200. random starting point
Worksheet 11. Skip Counting by 10s to 500. random starting point
Worksheet 12. Skip Counting by 10s to 1000. random starting point
Worksheet 13. Skip Counting by 100s to 1000 multiples of 10
Worksheet 14. Skip Counting by 100s to 1000 random starting point
Challenge 1. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000 multiples of 10
Challenge 2. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000. random starting point
Challenge 3. Skip Counting by 5s, 10s & 100s to 1000 random starting point and skipping randomised
How many worksheets are in each set ?
Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time which allows you to create new worksheets for extra practice or revision throughout the year or even give groups of pupils in your class different sets of questions.
Answers are automatically generated every time a new worksheet is created.
The Teaching Pages, designed for the Interactive Whiteboard for whole class learning follow the same pattern as the Worksheets, and like the Worksheets the numbers can be randomised at the click of a button which means there are lots of examples you can play with.
To get a more detailed view of these resources and to try out a limited version of the Worksheets / Teaching Page go to PREVIEW: Skip Counting by 5, 10 & 100 to 1000
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
An open number line is a very flexible and versatile tool for helping with adding and subtracting within 1000. It provides visual support allowing students to use or develop their knowledge of place value and rounding in an informal setting.
The worksheets are split into 11 levels of differentiation for both Addition and Subtraction. They start with a 3-digit number plus or minus 100 then progress in steps until both numbers are randomly generated 3-digit numbers. At each level you have an (almost) unlimited number of printable worksheets that could be used throughout the year.
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - 100
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number between 95 and 105
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number between 90 and 110
1st number - 3 digits multiple of 10, 2nd number - 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 & 50
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 and 50
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - multiple of 100
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - 5
1st number - 3 digits, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - 10
1st number - 3 digits multiple of 10, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 & 50
1st number - 3 digits multiple of 10, 2nd number - multiple of 100 +/ - a multiple of 10 between 10 & 50
1st & 2nd numbers both 3 digits
An example of the specific level being worked on is generated at the top of each worksheet at the click of a button. Besides being a memory jogger for students, it could be used to introduce the assignment when projected onto an Interactive whiteboard.
Why (almost) Unlimited Worksheets ?
At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, review, preparing for assessments, or just simply practice at any time to keep the skill alive throughout the whole year.
Your students will never run short of new worksheets to practice with.
Full graphical solutions are provided for all worksheets
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
‘Dienes’ refer to base-ten blocks used to introduce place value, addition, and subtraction. Dienes that pupils can manipulate with their hands are common in most elementary classrooms with the rods for 10s & squares for units etc.
However at some point there needs to be a transition to the more formal methods of adding and subtracting, and this is the purpose of these resources.
Students now see the Dienes to be added or subtracted, and with simple mental arithmetic add (or subtract) the rods (10s) and the units (1s) to obtain the solution. This is where it begins.
The next step is to perform calculations where there is a need for ‘regrouping’ units into 10s for addition and ‘borrowing’ from the 10s to the units for subtraction.
This transition from physical Dienes to Dienes on paper will then provide a good foundation to move onto addition and subtraction without the need for visual support.
Worksheets & Digital Teaching Resources
Both the worksheets & teaching resources are set at two levels:
The sum of the units are always below 10
The solutions require regrouping of 10 ones as 1 ten.
Both the worksheets & teaching resources are again set at two levels.
No borrowing is required, the minuend is always larger than the subtrahend.
The minuend is always smaller than the subtrahend, so the solution requires borrowing from the 10s to the units
How many worksheets are in each set ?
Almost Unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so you can create as many different worksheets as you need for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, fillers etc and the numbers will change every time.
The Digital Teaching Resources are designed to be used on an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching or on a computer for one-to-one tuition. You can keep on generating as many new questions as you need.
No-Prep Worksheets
These are straightforward no-prep worksheets that require very little instructions. They are ideal for lesson fillers, and to have ready for a replacement teacher if needed.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
This is a large set of differentiated Worksheets providing an (almost) endless source of practicing column addition and subtraction of numbers from 5-Digit to 8-Digit using the formal written method.
The first set of worksheets, adding & subtracting a 4-digit number from a 5-digit number, can serve as a useful interim step between adding & subtracting 4-digit numbers and adding & subtracting 5-digit numbers. It helps bridge the gap between these two levels of difficulty and provides a valuable transition in the learning process.
The Worksheet Sets are as follows
Add a 4- and 5-Digit number & subtract a 4-Digit from a 5-Digit number
Add & subtract two 5-Digit numbers
Add three 5-Digit numbers
Add four 5-Digit numbers
Add & subtract two 6-Digit numbers
Add three 6-Digit numbers
Add four 6-Digit numbers
Add & subtract two 7-Digit numbers
Add three 7-Digit numbers
Add four 7-Digit numbers
Add mix (3) of 5-, 6- 7- Digit numbers
Add & subtract two 8-Digit numbers
Add three 8-Digit numbers
Add four 8-Digit numbers
Add mix (3) of 6- 7- 8- Digit numbers
There are 15 sets of addition and 5 sets of subtraction that build up from smaller to larger numbers and with addition going from adding together 2 numbers up to 4 numbers, it will enable you to set the level of practice that is right for your students to build accuracy, speed and confidence over whatever time frame is necessary.
Layout of Questions
For all of the above, the questions are presented in 2 layouts:
• The standard algorithm, laid out vertically with the questions and answer lines prepared.
• The questions are presented in the horizontal format so that your students have to properly align the digits based on their place values, which is essential for accurate addition & subtraction. This practice reinforces the concept of place value and helps students develop a better understanding of how digits in different positions represent different values.
** This format could also be useful for practicing addition with any informal methods that are part of your syllabus or even estimation **
Number Formats
For these resources you have a choice of 3 different number formats which will cover most educators’ needs around the world. Your students will come across at least 2 of the formats within their time at school in other curriculum areas
• A comma separator - for the USA & UK e.g. 23,334,290
• A space separator - Canada, Australia, many European countries, and the International System of Units (SI) e.g. 23 334 290
• No separator - used in scientific writings, page numbers, years & addresses etc. e.g. 23334290
How many Worksheets in each set?
Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomized, and will therefore change every time so you can create as many different worksheets for classwork, homework, revision, preparing for assessment, review before moving on to 5 or more -digits, etc.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
Skip counting is part of the Math Curriculum almost everywhere in the world starting in Kindergarten and going up to Year 3. However the amount being skipped, the range of numbers, and whether it includes backward as well as forward skipping varies.
Whatever your syllabus demands, why not extend beyond the limits set and have at your fingertips a wide variety of choices for your students to practice with and be challenged by ?
This resource does just that. You have a choice of :
Skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s or 10s
with ranges of numbers
1 to100 (sometimes 120) ,
to 500
to 1000
with sequences starting from
zero (for range 1 to 100)
a multiple of the skipping number
a random number
This means for example that for Skip counting with 7s, you have 6 choices:
range 1 to 100 starting at zero or a random number
range to 500 starting with a multiple of 7
range to 1000 starting with a multiple of 7 or a random number
… and this repeats for every number to 10.
Skip counting helps students recognize patterns in numbers and develop good mental math skills. It exercises number sense and can be useful when counting objects quickly, in that instead of counting objects individually they can be bundled together in groups which helps to speed up the process.
Multiplication is often introduced through repeated addition and division through repeated subtraction for which skip counting is excellent preparation.
How many Sets are there in total ?
57. The last 3 are Challenge Worksheets where the skipping numbers are mixed up.
How many worksheets are in each set ?
Almost unlimited. At the click of a button all numbers are randomised, so the questions change every time .
Answers are automatically generated.
The Teaching Pages, designed for the Interactive Whiteboard for whole class learning follow the same pattern as the Worksheets, and like the Worksheets the numbers can be randomised at the click of a button which means there are lots of examples you can play with.
The Teaching pages focus on skipping with 2s, 5s and 10s.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
UK Mathematics Program of Study Key Stage 2
Y4: Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.
Y5: Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.
Y6: Develop skills of rounding, rounding answers to a specified degree of accuracy.
This page has been set up so you can freely download and have a more in depth view of “Rounding Decimal Numbers Worksheets” and try out a limited version of the Worksheets so you can see for yourself the potential of this resource for your class.
This is a FREEBIE sampler is taken from the resource Plotting & Locating Points on the Coordinate Plane in the 1st Quadrant where your students can practice plotting and reading coordinates of objects located in the first quadrant with one of the NO PREP - Ready To Print And Go Set of Worksheets.
How many Worksheets come with this Freebie ?
ALMOST UNLIMITED because at the click of a button all the numbers or location of objects are randomized providing you with a completely new set of questions
Answers are automatically generated every time.
This resource works with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers
The full Set contains:
a selection of graphics to choose from - leaves,astronaut icons, geometric shapes, and letters
a set of worksheets with the points drawn on the axis that connect to form simple geometric shapes which can be used as a starting point for further questioning or investigation
2 sets of blank worksheets so that your students can create their own worksheets, or use them for the investigations suggested above.
Full resources can be found here:
Coordinates in the 1st Quadrant
Coordinates in the Four Quadrants
This is one of 13 Sets of (almost) unlimited scaffolded worksheets on using decimal notation for fractions. In these worksheets students practice reading decimal numbers (up to 2 decimal places) on a number line.
Almost) Unlimited worksheets ?
Yes. At the click of a button all numbers (and visual supports) are randomized, creating a new worksheet with different numbers, meaning you can use this one resource as many times as needed throughout the year to consolidate the skills and knowledge with a brand new worksheet every time.
No-Prep Worksheets
These are straightforward no frills, no-prep, worksheets that require no extra preparation on your part. Simply CLICK-PRINT AND GO. They are ideal to have printed and ready for a replacement teacher or end of lesson activity if needed.
Answers are automatically generated every time.
These resources work with the official Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows or Mac computers.
When you download this Freebie you will also be able to see the Preview of the whole 13 Set Resource “Decimal equivalents of tenths & hundredths - Year 4”