Worksheet to go alongside the first episode of Lupin - season 1
It focuses on module 1 vocabulary - relationships and descriptions (ideal for Y9 and Y10 pupils)
A school-wide treasure hunt game. Perfect for Year 7/8
You need 30 participating teachers across the school, they will each receive a card with a flag, a country and a capital city that they can wear on their badge.
The pupils will need to go on a hunt to find all the information (country + capital city) that each teacher has.
Challenge : a blank map of the world to colour all french speaking countries found.
Have fun!
This worksheet is based on the article found on 1jour1actu on Kylian Mbappé.
Link provided in the worksheet so you can access the video.
Different types of activities : comprehension questions, grammar exercise, find the expressions etc…
Perfect for HA Y9 or MA Y10
Reading challenge aimed at Y9/Y10 pupils taken from authentic resource :
Vocab search and comprehension tasks.
Link to the article and video on document
For KS3 - my year 7 loved it!
Snake & Ladders with both French and English so they can practice speaking with vocab around school (subjects, opinions, teachers and times / timetable)
Reading challenge task (authentic reading) aimed at higher ability KS3 pupils / KS4 pupils
Topic : the French speaking world
Source : 1jour1actu
Can be used in class or as homework.
Perfect worksheet to recap learning done in the first half term of Year 7 (age, numbers, greetings, numbers, colours + agreements, pencilcase and school bag items)
Reading challenge aimed at Y9/Y10 pupils taken from authentic resource : on the Queen Elizabeth II
Vocab search and comprehension tasks.
Link to the article and video on document
Endangered animals, environment topic GCSE. Text taken from
Worksheet include activities such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension questions and a short writing.
Being French and living abroad, what is it like? Text taken from 1jour1actu.
Worksheet include a variety of activities such as grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions.
History of text messaging in France. Text taken from 1jour1actu.
Worksheet includes a variety of activity such as grammar, vocabulary and comprehension questions.