I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Francis Bacon 1620, Robert Mallet 1870s, Alfred Wegner 1911, 1948 Ewing, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Palaeomagnetic Evidence, Ocean / Continental Divergence, Oceanic / Oceanic Convergence, Continental / Continental Collision, Constructive Margins, Conservative Margins, Deep Sea Trenches, Rift Valleys, Hotspots, Volcanoes, Extrusive Landforms, Intrusive Landforms, Primary Effects of a Volcanic Eruption, Secondary Effects, 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökul Impact, Mount Etna 13th July 2001 Impact, Nevado Del Ruiz Eruption 1985, Haiti 2010 Earthquake, Northridge USA 1994, Tsunami, Effects, Short Term Responses and Long Term Responses.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: ‘Revelation’?, Propositional Knowledge, Non-Propositional Knowledge, The Qur’an, The Bible, Literalists, Liberals, Conservatives, How Can We Analyse and Interpret the Bible?
Comprehensive Presentation that covers: Pressure Groups and Power, What is Pluralism? Robert A Dahl’s Work on Power Structures and Pluralist Democracy, Pluralists and Democracy, Pluralists and the State, Evidence for the Pluralist View, Problems with Pluralism, Criticism of the Pluralist Position, What is Elitism? Is this Democratic? So Where is the Power? The Distinction Between Pluralism and Elitism, What Determines the Success of Pressure Groups, Functions of Pressure Groups, Mobilise Public Opinion, Example of the Mobilisation of Public Opinion, Education, Example of the Educative Role, Encourage Participation, Pluralism and Diversity, Example of Encouraging Participation, Single Issues, Example of Single Issue, Redress of Grievance, Example of Redress of Grievance, Representation of Minorities, Example of Representation of Minorities, Expert Knowledge, Example of Expert Knowledge, Public Policy, Example of Public Policy, Check and Balance to the Power of Executive Government and Example of Check and Balance.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Structure - Hierarchy, Chain of Command, Span of Control, Centralised and Decentralised alongside the Types of structure - Tall, Flat, Matrix as well as the Impact of different organisational structures on business efficiency and motivation.
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: The Structure of Ecosystems, Energy Flows and Nutrient Cycling, Trophic Levels, Food Chains and Webs, Ecosystems in the British Isles Over Time - Succession and Climax, Development of a Succession, Lithosere, Hydrosere, Temperate Deciduous Woodland, Arresting Factors, Plagioclimax: Heather Moorland, Tropical Biomes, The Tropical Equatorial Rainforest Biome - Climate, Soils, Characteristic Features, Vegetation, The Effects of Human Activity on Plant Succession, Causes of Deforestation, Impacts of Deforestation, Tropical Biome – Savannah Grassland, The Savanna Grassland Biome - Climate, Precipitation Varies, Temperature Varies, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets - Northern Ghana, Northern Ghana Characteristics, Adaptations by Vegetation, Impact of Human Activity, The Tropical Monsoon Forest Biome - Climate, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets, Adaptations by Vegetation and Animals, Impact of Human Activity, Development Issues in the Three Biomes, Ecosystem Issues on a Local Scale - Urban Niches, Colonisation of Wasteland, Succession - Industrial site, Ecologies Along Route Ways, Introduction of New Species, Gardens and Parks, Changes in the Rural Urban Fringe, Ecological Conservation Areas, Dulwich Upper Wood Conservation Area, Species in the Wood, Why the Site is Interesting? Ecosystem Issues on a Global Scale - Human Activity, Biodiversity and Sustainability, Management of Fragile Environments, Case Study: Central Amazon Conservation Complex - Management, Case Study: Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania - History, Management, The Sundarbans Reserved Forest, Bangladesh - Threats, Flora and Fauna and Management.
Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Systems, The Water Cycle - Water Distribution and Stores, Cryospheric Water, Terrestrial Water, Atmospheric Water, Oceanic Water, Reservoir and Residence Times, Factors Affecting Changes in Carbon Store, Factors Affecting Hillslope Hydrology, Soil Water Budget, Hydrographs, Factors Affecting Storm Hydrographs, Land Use Changes Affect the Water Cycle, Differences in Groundwater Levels, The Carbon Cycle, Carbon Stores, Atmosphere, Movement of Carbon, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Decomposition, Combustion, Carbon Sequestration, Changing Carbon Budget, Drivers of Change in the Amazon, Impact of Change - Climate Change, Vegetation Change and Soil and Rivers.
Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Holistic Management – ICZM Schemes, Policy Decisions, Odisha ICZM, Making Complex Judgments, Coastal Management, Sustainable Management, Consequences Of Coastal Recession And Flooding, The Threat Of Rapid Coastal Retreat At Holderness, Causes Of Cliff Retreat, The Influence Of Sub-Aerial Processes On Coastal ErosionAnd Temporal Variation, The Risk Of Coastal Flooding, Storm Surges, Northern Europe Storm Surge 2013, Climate Change And Flood Risk, Sea Level Change, Coastal Features Produced By Sea Level Change, The Risk Of Contemporary Sea Level Change, Subaerial Processes I - Weathering, Subaerial Processes II – Mass Movement, Sediment Transport, Depositional Landforms, Depositional Landforms II, The Sediment Cell Concept, Waves, Waves II, The Contribution Of Waves, Erosion Processes, Erosional Landforms, The Impact Of Lithology On Cliff Recession, Differential Erosion, Stabilisation, Lithology Influences The Formation Of Certain Coasts, The Influence of Lithology, The Littoral Zone, Types Of Coast and Sediment Supply.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: staff as an asset; staff as a cost, flexible workforce: multi-skilling, part-time and temporary, flexible hours and home working, outsourcing, distinction between dismissal and redundancy, employer/employee relationships, individual approach and collective bargaining.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: leadership such as the distinction between management and leadership alongside the types of leadership style which includes Autocratic, Paternalistic, Democratic, Laissez-faire and
From Entrepreneur to Leader.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: the importance of employee motivation to a business and Motivation theories such as Taylor (scientific management), Mayo (human relations theory), Maslow (hierarchy of needs).
and Herzberg (two factor theory).
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Pre-Islamic Arabia, Muhammad, Tawhid, Shirk, God’s Creativity, Power of God, God’s Mercy, Ninety-Nine Names of God, Implications of Tawhid, The Five Pillars of Islam, The Mosque, Sura 1 – Al Fatiha, Sura 96 – Al Alaq, The Qur’an, The Kalam Argument, Jihad, Sunni / Shi’a and the Six Articles of Faith.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: capacity utilisation -
current output (divided by) maximum possible output (x 100), implications of under and over-utilisation of capacity and ways of improving capacity utilisation.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: development of corporate strategy: Ansoff’s Matrix, Porter’s Strategic Matrix, aim of portfolio analysis, achieving competitive advantage through distinctive capabilities, effect of strategic and tactical decisions on human, physical, and financial resources.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: A Definition of Power, the Issue of Power in Society, Forms of Power, Images of Power, three ‘Faces’ of Power and Authority.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: objectives of growth - to achieve economies of scale (internal and external), increased market power over customers and suppliers, increased market share and brand recognition, increased profitability alongside problems arising from growth such as diseconomies of scale, internal communication and overtrading.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Characteristics of Scotland’s Devolved Party System, Key Political Cleavages, Votes and Seats in Scotland in UK General Elections 1964-2010, Differential Voting Patterns in Scottish and Westminster Elections, the 2015 Westminster Election Result in Scotland, Votes and Seats in Scottish Parliament Elections 1999-2011, Scotland’s 2011 Electoral Geography, the Electoral Geography of Scotland, the 2011 Scottish Parliament Election: SNP ahead in every Demographic Category, the 2011 Scottish Parliament Election: Voting by Identity, Explaining the Dominance of Labour in Scotland from the 1960s until 2007, The 2011 Scottish Parliament Election: Labour’s fall begins, the Scottish National Party (SNP), the SNP’s Economic Focus, the SNP in Government, the Scottish Conservative Party, Collapse of Conservative Working-Class Support in Scotland 1979-97, Scottish Liberal Democrats, the Scottish Nation, Modern Identity: Civic and Self-Governing Scotland, Trends in ‘forced choice’ (Scottish or British) & in Moreno National Identity, Religion in Scotland (2011 census), the History of Scottish Sectarianism, The ‘Sectarianism is Pervasive’ Argument, Why the ‘Sectarianism is Pervasive’ Thesis? The Response of Scotland’s Devolved Government to the Perceived Problem of Sectarianism, the ‘Sectarianism is Not Pervasive’ Thesis, The ‘Sectarianism is Exaggerated’ Arguments of Bruce and the Sectarianism a is Exaggerated Thesis.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Welsh Assembly Overview, Areas of (Semi) Devolved Powers, the Welsh Assembly: the Early Days, the First Minister of Wales, Secondary Legislative Powers, the Welsh Assembly: Elections, The Welsh Executive: Formations, the Richard Commission 2004, Greater Powers for the Welsh Assembly, 2011: Referendum to ‘unlock’ Powers, What has the Assembly done? Public Health Agenda, An Apathetic Population? Why Low Turnout?Attributions of Responsibilities, the State of the Parties, Labour: What’s in a Name? Welsh Labour Party, 2007 Election, 2011 Election, 2016 Election, Welsh Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, UKIP and Constitutional Preferences 2012.
A Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Views on the Scottish Parliament, Views of the Scottish Parliament and Devolution, the Scotland Act 1998, Division of Responsibilities (Schedule 5 of Scotland Act 1998), West Lothian Problem’ Not Addressed, the Scottish Parliament, First Minister, and Executive, First Ministers, Principles Upon which the Scottish Parliament was Supposed to be Based, Implementation of Principles, The Critique of the Application of the Democratic Parliamentary Principles, Electing the Scottish Parliament: the Additional Member System, Disadvantages of the Additional Member System, The current Scottish Parliament 2011, Election Results and Proportionality, Legislation Passed by the Scottish Parliament, Problems Post-Devolution, Revenue & Tax-Raising Power, Scottish Economic Power, Calman Commission 2009, ‘Serving Scotland Better’, the Smith Commission 2014 and Devo-Max Scottish Parliament?