A range of tried and tested revision materials. Concepts taken from Kate Jones’ Retrieval Practice book - but with a D&T lens applied. Variety of activities, which can be planned as grouped, pairs or solo revision activities. All files can be editied to allow the teacher to adapt for their students.
A simple handbook with tips at the side of each powerpoint slide. This is interactive with links to external websites (e.g. DATA), as well as programmed to link to specific areas of the document when in presentation mode. Really helpful for new staff who need all the information in one place.
Timetable 2023-2024.
Whole school documents.
Department SIP.
Curriculum Development.
Developing Subject Specific Professional Development.
Behaviour and Attitudes: Positive Behaviour for Learning (LEARN DNA).
Personal Development: Enrichment and Extra-Curricular Provision.
Department Priorities.
Teaching and Learning.
Key Concepts in KS3, KS4, KS5.
Key Features of Teaching.
What will you see in Design & Technology lessons?
Key Features of Learning.
What will you see in Design & Technology books?
What assessment will you see in Design & Technology?
Online Platforms used in Design & Technology.
Department Policies.
Schemes of Work.
Health and Safety.
In case of fire.
Risk Assessment.
Maintenance and management of rooms.
Booking Technicians
Aimed at developing revision strategies and students independent working skills.
Writing frames are built in to support students future revision.
Depending on how much time you have in lesson, you can model how to make flash cards… Highly recommend you provide the flashcards to support PP students.
Do build in time for students to test each other on the new content.
Circulate the room to hear the subject specific language being used.
Tier 3 subject specific words featured at the top of each slide.
Built in dual coding to support students with new concepts.
Any exam questions featured are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585.
Develop students’ oracy by selecting students to read out their responses.
Use a visualiser to demonstrate good classwork made by students.
Retrieval practice is built into the start of each powerpoint slide.
Animations to support teacher flow and ensure there is a good ratio of students participating and not too teacher led.
Further notes within each powerpoint.
Designed to work alongside Clear Revise textbook.
Revision booklet focusing on content in Section A.
Designed to be used in the classroom and at home.
Writing frames are built in to support students future revision.
Multiple Choice questions built in have answers for students to self assess.
External QR Codes will take students to BBC Bitesize to check knowlegde - these can be amended to suit your schools policy.
Tier 3 subject specific words featured throughout document, often highlighted to emphasise to students use of technical language.
Built in dual coding to support students with new concepts as well as coded actions (see images).
Any exam questions featured are taken from past papers from GCSE Design & Technology AQA 8552
Develop students’ oracy by getting them to read their written responses to the class.
Can be used to support retrieval practice.
Page numbers referenced compliment Clear Revise textbook - this can be edited to suit your chosen textbook.
Two lessons focusing on: Micronutrients
Lesson Features:
Lesson 4 is designed to be in a computer room, developing students independent working skills.
Writing frames are built in to support students future revision.
Depending on how much time you have in lesson, you can model how to make flash cards…Highly recommend you provide the flashcards to support PP students - Do build in time for students to test each other on the new content. Circulate the room to hear the subject specific language being used.
Tier 3 subject specific words featured at the top of each slide.
Additional “Fact Sheet” for each which supports students learning how to take notes from the board.
Built in dual coding to support students with new concepts.
Any exam questions featured are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Includes whole class feedback slide to support the quick live marking which should have happened in the first three lessons.
Develop students’ oracy by selecting students to read a bullet point from each slide.
Retrieval practice is built into the start of each powerpoint slide.
Animations to support teacher flow and ensure there is a good ratio of students participating and not too teacher led.
First three lessons focusing on:
Lesson Features:
Tier 3 subject specific words featured at the top of each slide.
Additional “Fact Sheet” for each which supports students learning how to take notes from the board.
Built in dual coding to support students with new concepts.
Any exam questions featured are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Includes whole class feedback slide to support the quick live marking which should have happened in the first three lessons.
Develop students’ oracy by selecting students to read a bullet point from each slide.
Retrieval practice is built into the start of each powerpoint slide.
Animations to support teacher flow and ensure there is a good ratio of students participating and not too teacher led.
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
You will need to roll the dice, based on the number you land on, move your counter, then act on the keyword.
Modelled example looking at Section C of GCSE AQA 8552
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
Low stakes questioning. However, if you just want to go no stakes, ignore the point system and continue to check your knowledge that is fine. This is not a competition; this is an opportunity for you to show off your subject knowledge.
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE D&T AQA 8552
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
Low stakes questioning. However, if you just want to go no stakes, ignore the point system and continue to check your knowledge that is fine. This is not a competition; this is an opportunity for you to show off your subject knowledge.
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Two lessons focusing on:
Lesson Features:
Tier 3 subject specific words featured at the top of each slide.
Additional “Fact Sheet” for each which supports students learning how to take notes from the board.
Built in dual coding to support students with new concepts.
Any exam questions featured are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Develop students’ oracy by selecting students to read a bullet point from each slide.
Retrieval practice is built into the start of each powerpoint slide.
Animations to support teacher flow and ensure there is a good ratio of students participating and not too teacher led.
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
You will need to roll the dice, based on the number you land on, move your counter, then act on the keyword…
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
This topic has been broken down into small manageable chunks. Spend 5 minutes per section.
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Lesson Features:
Revision material for GCSE Food students, best printed at A3.
Model to students any relevant illustrations which link to the topics (explain that this is often featured in written exam responses).
Powerpoint is intended for mini whiteboard activity recap the following lesson - animations to support teacher flow and ensure there is a good ratio of students participating and not too teacher led.
Built in dual coding to support students with new concepts.
Any exam questions featured are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
A range of tried and tested revision materials. Concepts taken from Kate Jones’ Retrieval Practice book - but with a Food lens applied. Variety of activities, which can be planned as grouped, pairs or solo revision activities. All files can be editied to allow the teacher to adapt for their students.
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
You will take turns to roll the dice. You will need a number to use both vertically and horizontally. Once you have this, you can then answer the question in that specific box.
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
You will take turns to roll the dice. You will need a number to use both vertically and horizontally. Once you have this, you can then answer the question in that specific box.
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE D&T AQA 8552
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need!
Take note of the theory to the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide.
Slide is there for you to freeze on the board.
Define each word. Explain how each link together. Write a paragraph including as many of the keywords as possible. Challenge: What is the question if the keywords are the answer?
Modelled example all questions are taken from past papers from GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition AQA 8585
Blank copy for you to handwrite over or type over - whatever you need! It is designed so 6 student keyword grids fit on 1 A4 piece of paper.
How it works…
You have 4 minutes to write down everything you can remember on a topic.
Then everyone will have 5 minutes to circulate around the room, first you should read what they have written then you need to “steal” (share) answers from each other.
Has been designed for you to have resources for 2 students on 1 A4 page.