This resource is a full lesson on plotting straight line graphs.
It includes;
worked examples
printable worksheets (with graph paper included)
optional mini white board assessment activity
This lesson was designed for use with a mid-ability year 8 group in a 100 minute lesson, but could be adapted to use with any year group.
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A full lesson which explains gradient and y intercept in an equation and also explains how to calculate the gradient.
The lesson includes:
fully animated lesson slides
answers given
This is a 3 lesson bundle, which covers the A-Level mathematics section in UNIT 3 of the BTEC in Applied Science and the BTEC in Forensic Investigation.
They are comprehensive lessons which are designed to be taught over 2 hours for each one, so 6 hours of teaching in total.
There are starters, plenaries and fully explained example questions included in each lesson.
This document contains information about inspirational female mathematicians through time.
It was created to demonstrate to my pupils that maths isn’t just for boys.
Its a publisher document with pictures and a brief introduction to each person. Could be used for display.
This lesson includes;
starter with answers,
slides with questions and answers
optional maths group work activity and
The lesson covers explanations and definitions coordinates and axis to cover high ability KS3 maths.
Designed for use with year 7 (100 minute lesson), however, could be adapted for any KS3 group dependent on ability.
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A lesson focused on a calculating percentage problems, all based around the price of cars.
Lesson objective : To apply percentage problems to the real world.
This lesson was designed for use with either year 7/8 pupils as a consolidation task when they have completed a few lessons on working with percentages.
Lesson includes:
Starter - finding simple percentages
Full explanation of percentage task
Pupil worksheet
Fully animated answers given
Extension question
This lesson looks at reading and interpreting graphs of real life situations like journeys and containers filling with water. It includes worksheets for pair work, teacher led questions and match up activities with answers are provided.
This lesson includes;
slides with questions and answers and
assessment for learning mini quiz.
The lesson covers estimating measurements to provide pupils with the basic skills needed for this topic. It also includes a detailed section on converting units of measurement (length, mass and volume) with a worksheet (answers included) to consolidate learning.
Designed for use with year 7 (100 minute lesson), however, could be adapted for any KS3 group dependent on ability.
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This bundle contains 4 ready to go lessons on graphs
Plotting straight line graphs
identifying the gradient and y-intercept
Distance Time graphs
Interpreting real life graphs to calculate speed
This bundle includes 3 complete 100 minute lessons
Estimating measurements and converting metric units
Calculating area and perimeter of various 2D shapes
Calculating surface area and volume
These lessons are all available to purchase individually from my shop.
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Worksheet for converting between metric units.
Pupils must place the unit for length, mass and capacity in the correct box in the conversion diagram.
Could be used as a cut and stick activity or not.
Designed for use with year 7 pupils in the calculating space units of measurement topic, however, could be used for year 8 or 9 dependent on ability.
Answers are included.
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A powerpoint file containing 30 fully animated starters with answers.
Could be used as Do Nows/starters or plenaries.
Aimed at KS3 but could also be used with high ability KS2 pupils.
Topics Include:
Number puzzles
Fibonacci sequence and more.
This bundle includes 3 100 minute, fully resources, ready to go lessons, covering mathematical movement.
Designed for KS3 but could be used for low ability KS4 also.
Lesson 1 - Coordinates and axis
Lesson 2 - Axis and graphs
Lesson 3 - Describing reflection.
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These lessons where created for use with the BTEC Level 3 Applied Science and the BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Forensic Investigation (both qualification have overlapping units).
They cover the Scientific skills Unit 3 handling data part of the unit which includes some A level maths statistics.
All the examples are related to science and are taken from the official BTEC text book.
Answers are given in most cases.
The lessons were designed as a 2 hour lesson for year 13’s.
They are fully editable and also include the specification to help with your planning.
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Maths Skills booklets and accompanying power points.
Designed to be used with KS3 (years 7 & 8)
Collection consists of a booklet to print and ppt to display which accompanies, complete with full instructions and animated answers.
I used this as starters for lessons or as revision before an assessment
There are 2 booklets
Booklet 1:
Squares and Cubes
multiplying and dividing by powers of ten
and Calculations
Booklet 2:
Lines of Symmetry
order of operations
comparing frac/dec/perc
constructing and labeling shapes
adding and subtracting decimals
and multiplying and dividing decimals
Can be purchased on own or as a bundle
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This is a full lesson (100 minute) powerpoint designed for a mid to high ability year 7. It includes fully animated starter, explination slides, questioning slides, worksheet and plenary slide.
An interactive lesson including calculating speed from graphs using real life examples such as Usain Bolts world record for the 100 m. A full lesson including resources, videos, starter, plenary and tasks.
This is a full first lesson on simplifying ratio with year 7 or year 8. The lesson includes worksheets, answers starter, exit ticket plenary, bingo activity and mini white board show me activity.
The lesson should last 100 minute double lesson.
Negative number starter activity worksheet designed for use with year 7/8 mid to low ability classes.
The pupils are challenged to start at 12 o clock and go around the circle clockwise answering the questions and filling in the gaps. The questions get progressively more challenging as they go around.