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Ich bin ein Berliner

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(based on 207 reviews)

I am a German native speaker from Berlin who works in a secondary school in Dorset. I have been teaching for nine years from year 7 to A-Level and my specialty is using technology, puzzles and games in lessons.




I am a German native speaker from Berlin who works in a secondary school in Dorset. I have been teaching for nine years from year 7 to A-Level and my specialty is using technology, puzzles and games in lessons.
Cut up country names

Cut up country names

Single slide with country names in German cut up and mixed up over the page to be put together again by students. Good for recapping country names
Foundation General Conversation Questions about School

Foundation General Conversation Questions about School

Two worksheets to help students prepare questions and answers for the German general conversation part of the 2016 spec exam or for a speaking exam for the old 2014 spec specification. They are based on the questions in the back of Stimmt! AQA German Foundation book, but can be used with any text book. Sheet 1 has questions and answers and sample answers in English and German. (More support) Sheet 2 has the questions and answers English and German and useful vocab, structures and hints on what tenses and content to include. (More independence)
General Conversation about Hobbies (Foundation)

General Conversation about Hobbies (Foundation)

Two worksheets to help students prepare questions and answers for the German general conversation part of the 2016 spec exam or for a speaking exam for the old 2014 spec specification. They are based on the questions in the back of Stimmt! AQA German Foundation book, but can be used with any text book. Sheet 1 has questions and answers and sample answers in English and German. (More support) Sheet 2 has the questions and answers English and German and useful vocab, structures and hints on what tenses and content to include. (More independence)
Trailer for German Murder Mystery

Trailer for German Murder Mystery

This is the film trailer for my Stimmt GCSE German murder mystery, so you can see it before you buy. Find the main resource here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/stimmt-gcse-murder-mystery-menschliche-beziehungen-chapter-3-11463917
General Conversation about Hobbies (Higher)

General Conversation about Hobbies (Higher)

Two worksheets to help students prepare questions and answers for the German general conversation part of the 2016 spec exam or for a speaking exam for the old 2014 spec specification. They are based on the questions in the back of Stimmt! AQA German higher book, but can be used with any text book. Sheet 1 has questions and answers and sample answers in English and German. (More support) Sheet 2 has the questions and answers English and German and useful vocab, structures and hints on what tenses and content to include. (More independence)
Stimmt! 1 hobbies puzzles - Ich bin online

Stimmt! 1 hobbies puzzles - Ich bin online

A fun starter or plenary practising hobby vocab from pages 60-61 in the Stimmt! 1 book (online activities, frequency phrases and future tense using present tense verbs). Includes three word puzzles and answers.
Das Wetter puzzles German Weather

Das Wetter puzzles German Weather

A fun plenary or starter to practise weather and seasons for GCSE level, for example page 118 in Stimmt AQA GCSE Higher, but can be used with any text book or for revision.
Stimmt GCSE Red School puzzle – Das Schulsystem

Stimmt GCSE Red School puzzle – Das Schulsystem

A fun starter or plenary practising school vocab from pages 15- 16 in the new AQA GCSE Stimmt! Red book (school system and describing your school). Includes three word puzzles and answers. Note: Crossword corrected now
Die Universität - Puzzle for AS-Level Education topic

Die Universität - Puzzle for AS-Level Education topic

This is a Tarsia puzzle to practise words relating to university education in German, aimed at 6th form students. A tarsia consists of puzzle pieces that the students cut out and then match words to form a certain shape (ideally students don’t know what shape that is). They will quickly realise their mistakes if the puzzle won’t fit together. Great activity for Friday afternoons or end of term. This download includes: sheets for students with jumbled up puzzle pieces, a answer sheet for the teacher in list form and showing the shape. If the print quality of the powerpoint isn't good enough, use the attached pdf file.
End of year 10 puzzle Edexcel German GCSE (2009 spec)

End of year 10 puzzle Edexcel German GCSE (2009 spec)

This is a tarsia puzzle with mixed vocab for the end of year of year ten German. The vocab is based on units 1 to 4 of the Edexcel German GCSE (2009 spec) foundation book and includes Media, Holiday, School and Family. A tarsia consists of puzzle pieces that the students cut out and then match words to form a certain shape (ideally students don’t know what shape that is). They will quickly realise their mistakes if the puzzle won’t fit together. Great activity for Friday afternoons or end of year.
Resources for Berlin Wall

Resources for Berlin Wall

This is a bundle of six resources to teach the Berlin Wall to 6th form students, either as preparation for the research based essay (old spec) or the topic of "aspects of political life" (new spec). It includes: Ost-West-Kontrast PPT: a presentation of 8 maps of Germany (2016-2014) showing the distribution of e.g. unemployment and election results )to highlight the continuing differences between east and west Germany. Two lists of past research based essay questions for Edexcel (old spec) Potsdamer Plaz PPT: four pictures illustrating changes in Berlin's centre Quiz Berliner Mauer: 11 Questions about the history of the Berlin wall, including answers Survey: a survey of 10 questions in English to check how much students already know about the history of the Berlin wall before starting the unit
German Separation - Schritte zur deutschen Teilung

German Separation - Schritte zur deutschen Teilung

Two longer texts looking at why Germany was divided into two different states in 1949, one looking at the development in the East, the other in the West. Includes a vocab list, a timeline that the students have to fill in and some discussion questions. Suitable for 6th form students preparing for the history option of the research based essay or the topic area of "Aspects of political life" in the new AQA specifications.
End of year 10 Puzzle Chapter 4 Family Foundation

End of year 10 Puzzle Chapter 4 Family Foundation

This is a tarsia puzzle with family vocab for the end of year of year ten German. The vocab is based on unit 4 of the Edexcel German GCSE (2009 spec) foundation book about family, character, marriage and some past tense. A tarsia consists of puzzle pieces that the students cut out and then match words to form a certain shape (ideally students don’t know what shape that is). They will quickly realise their mistakes if the puzzle won’t fit together. Great activity for Friday afternoons or end of year.
Books Genres and Cases - Verschiedene Freizeitaktivitäten

Books Genres and Cases - Verschiedene Freizeitaktivitäten

A presentation for Stimmt AQA GCSE Foundation/Higher to introduce genres of books with different speaking and writing activities and a quiz. Also includes an introduction to cases in German with focus on the nominative and accusative with a grammar handout for students.