Number conversions.Convert hexadecimal numbers into denary numbers.
Convert hexadecimal numbers into denary numbers and then binary numbers.
Convert denary numbers into hexadecimal and then binary
An activity worksheet to spot the errors in the pseudocode and write the corrected pseudocode.
Suitable for improving the knowledge of programming concepts.
Drawing the truth table from a given logic circuit (network)
– designing a logic circuit (network) from a given problem and testing it by also drawing a truth table
Include a fun starter,class activity and homework tasks.
Solve binary logic problems using Karnaugh Maps -With Solution.
Suitable for A-Level Computer Science(9608).
Can be used as homework or as class activity.
Worksheet on sensors suitable for Igcse ICT /Computer Science,O Level Computer Science.
Can be used as homework assignment , class activity or as a revision tool.