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Katy's Geography Resources Shop

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Universal and sustainable resources which can be picked up by a teacher at any level of experience. Each lesson has been tweaked over years of experience teaching at a sixth form college. Students have enjoyed the lessons and achieved amazing results. All of my powerpoints have a colour scheme, bold imagery and the same font throughout - because style is important! I hope that these resources will save you time and free up your energy to make teaching more fun.




Universal and sustainable resources which can be picked up by a teacher at any level of experience. Each lesson has been tweaked over years of experience teaching at a sixth form college. Students have enjoyed the lessons and achieved amazing results. All of my powerpoints have a colour scheme, bold imagery and the same font throughout - because style is important! I hope that these resources will save you time and free up your energy to make teaching more fun.
10-11 – Fossil Fuels (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

10-11 – Fossil Fuels (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 10-11 of 19: Fossil Fuels (geology, energy pathways, chokepoints, proxy wars, tar sands) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme Skills: Ranking data and justifying reasons Geology of fossil fuels (geologic time scale, formation, folding and faulting) Fossil fuel demand Energy pathways Maritime chokepoints Political conflict and proxy wars Skills: interpreting and evaluating maps Unconventional fossil fuels (shale gas and oil shale) Canadian tar sands analysis Plenary: debate based on energy players + conflict matrix Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers Additional document with blank conflict matrix
12-13 – Alternatives to Fossil Fuels (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

12-13 – Alternatives to Fossil Fuels (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 12-13 of 19: Alternatives to Fossil Fuels (nuclear power, biofuels, carbon capture) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme Alternatives to fossil fuels UK energy mix and energy security Nuclear power (evaluating Hinkley Point C) Mid lesson summary Quiz to recap last lesson content (with mark scheme) Biofuels (evaluating their effectiveness and impacts) Wind and solar power case studies Radical alternatives to fossil fuels (carbon capture and storage) 20 mark essay and plan suggestions Written plenary (choice of two questions) Key content from the lesson Additional 20 mark exam question Extra reading links Notes for teachers Additional document with criticisms on Hinkley Additional document with breakdown of Assess vs Evaluate command words
14-15 – Threats to the Carbon and Water Cycles (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A lev

14-15 – Threats to the Carbon and Water Cycles (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A lev

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 14-15 of 19: Threats to the Carbon and Water Cycles (deforestation afforestation coral reefs) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme Deforestation and soil erosion Madagascar case study Labelling blank tropical rainforest sketch to show impacts of deforestation (extra sheet included) Impact of deforestation on carbon and water cycles Afforestation Ecosystem services Other threats to carbon and water cycles Coral reefs Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers
16-17 – Degrading the Water and Carbon Cycles (The Carbon Cycle & Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

16-17 – Degrading the Water and Carbon Cycles (The Carbon Cycle & Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 16-17 of 19: Degrading the Water and Carbon Cycles (Kuznet’s curve, climate change, Yukon) Thoughtful discussion starter Palm oil and forest loss impacts Protecting forests: Indonesia’s forest moratorium, consumer pressure, forest recovery rates Interpreting Kuznet’s curve Climate change in the Yukon, impacts on water cycle Skills: systems diagrams + Additional sheet for students to complete Changing precipitation patterns Climate change and coastal communities Thoughtful written plenary Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers
18-19 – Responding to Climate Change (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

18-19 – Responding to Climate Change (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 18-19 of 19: Responding to Climate Change (feedback mechanisms, adaptation and mitigation) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme Deforestation and soil erosion Kuznet’s curve recap Projections of future emissions and surface temperatures Feedback mechanisms Future and uncertainty Permafrost and peatlands Tipping point and critical threshold Forest dieback Changes in thermohaline circulation system Adaptation and mitigation strategies 20 mark ‘evaluate’ question + detailed essay scaffold for planning provided on an extra sheet for students to complete Students unpick the themes of ‘scale, players, development’ in detail before attempting the essay Mark scheme Extra reading Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers Additional sheet with breakdown of command terms – Assess and Evaluate
2-3 – The Carbon Cycle (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

2-3 – The Carbon Cycle (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 2-3 of 19: The Carbon Cycle (stores, fluxes, geological and bio-geochemical carbon cycles) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme Questions to check prior knowledge What is carbon? Recap: The Global Hydrological Cycle (Systems) Stores and fluxes The long term geological carbon cycle (students add labels to a hand drawn blank sketch) Skills: Ranking carbon stores and fluxes Bio-geochemical carbon cycle (students design their own diagram) Explain and discuss questions with model answers Comparison of factors which affect the carbon cycle Extension question Photosynthesis and respiration Exam question and mark scheme Plenary to summarise learning (with answers) Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers Additional document with blank carbon cycle sketch
4-5 – Carbon Sequestration (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

4-5 – Carbon Sequestration (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 4-5 of 19: The Carbon Cycle (Gulf Stream, biological carbon pump, role of soil and trees) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme Thermohaline circulation The failing Gulf Stream The biological carbon pump and the carbonate pump (Students use a writing frame to explain these processes and then design a diagram to represent this – 4 examples provided) Terrestrial stores: producers, consumers, decomposers Respiration and photosynthesis recap The role of soil and trees in the carbon cycle Exam skills: Explain the significance vs assess the significance (with 3 model answers for comparison) Two more practise exam questions with model answers and mark schemes Plenary – draw a systems diagram Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers Additional document with images to stick in and annotate
6-7 – A Balanced Carbon Cycle (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

6-7 – A Balanced Carbon Cycle (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

6-7 – A Balanced Carbon Cycle (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level) Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 6-7 of 19: A Balanced Carbon Cycle (greenhouse effect, soil, sequestration, carbon pathways) Key words quiz starter with mark scheme The natural and enhanced greenhouse effect Solar insolation Photosynthesis, phytoplankton, ecosystems, sequestration Carbon balance in soil (‘soil from memory’ game) Healthy soils Practise questions, model answers and a mark scheme Impacts of fossil fuel consumption (student choice to study two from: equilibrium, climate map, arctic amplification, links to the water cycle) Carbon pathways Positive and negative feedback loops Thoughtful discussion plenary Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers
8-9 – Energy Security (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

8-9 – Energy Security (The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security. Lessons 8-9 of 19: A Balanced Carbon Cycle (energy mix, security, consumption, energy players) Discussion starter The Energy Mix Skills: interpreting satellite maps Energy Security Urban vs rural energy Energy consumption trends (GDP per capita) Skills: interpreting graphs and proportional circles Primary and secondary sources of energy Non-renewable, renewable, recyclable UK energy mix compared to Norway energy mix Energy players Skills: conflict matrix (plus additional sheet to print) Exam question (12 marks) with mark scheme and two model answers using alternate data sets. Discussion plenary Key content from the lesson Notes for teachers
The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level. Full scheme of work with end of topic test, homework and mark schemes.

The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Edexcel, A level. Full scheme of work with end of topic test, homework and mark schemes.

11 Resources
This is a full scheme of work for Carbon that I have used for four years with great success. I have edited and improved it during that time. It includes model answers that I have written and some fun tasks to motivate students. The slides are stimulating and the lessons cover a variety of skills including interpretation of data and graphs. There is a strong focus on exam question practice and knowledge retention. The homework set for students will be based on revision for class quizzes (which you can run as a competition) and also longer written answers to exam questions based on content which the students have learned in previous lessons. To support the students’ studies, I have referred to the Oxford Book 2 in these lessons. It would be useful to have a class set. Otherwise, the powerpoints are self contained and can be taught by a teacher at any level of experience and to students of varied ability.
12 – Cultural Erosion and Anti-Globalisation (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

12 – Cultural Erosion and Anti-Globalisation (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 12 of 19: Cultural Erosion and Anti-Globalisation Starter – video clip discussion Definitions Bhutan case study – Culture of Bhutan + impacts of globalisation (cultural erosion) Assessment of cultural erosion – referring to Papua New Guinea for negatives and the Paralympics for positives Anti globalisation and Pro globalisation Attitudes of anti-globalisation groups: Occupy London 2011-12 and Extinction Rebellion Plenary – 4 mark exam question with mark scheme EXTRA word document with Bhutan article
13 – Globalisation and Cultural Diffusion (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

13 – Globalisation and Cultural Diffusion (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 13 of 19: Globalisation and Cultural Diffusion Discussion starter with answers Cultural diffusion Cuba case study 12 mark ‘assess’ essay practise with suggestions for planning ‘Silent debate’ on a topical issue (with instructions) Western global culture and its impacts Plenary based on the ‘cultural continuum’ Example answer to debate question
14 – Globalisation and the Development Gap (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

14 – Globalisation and the Development Gap (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 14 of 19: Globalisation and the Development Gap Group work starter based on prior knowledge of enquiry question 3 Indicators of development (economic - GNI, GDP, PPP) (social – HDI, GII) Single and composite measures The development gap Command word practise – analyse (Paper 3 prep) Written analysis of data sets to show change over time. Suggested answers provided. Plenary – interpreting choropleth map EXTRA word document – with data sets for HDI, GII and air pollution
16 – Globalised Diaspora and Tensions (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

16 – Globalised Diaspora and Tensions (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 16 of 19: Globalised Diaspora and Tensions Discussion starter London’s melting pot Pros and cons of the flows of goods, capital and people. Suggested answers are provided. The rise of extremism Open borders, deregulation, foreign direct investment Plenary – students choose one question to answer
18 – Can Globalisation be Sustainable? (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

18 – Can Globalisation be Sustainable? (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 18 of 19: Can Globalisation be Sustainable? Thought-provoking discussion starter Ethical and environmental sustainability Actions taken by NGOs and local government Exam question enquiry task: #1 – Students answer question to see what they already know #2 – Students use text book to gather additional knowledge and create a table and write notes from two text books. #3 – Students answer question again in timed conditions #4 – Both essays are peer marked using mark scheme Suggestions on how to plan essays Content for the essay plan is provided so students can check their notes Mark scheme for peer marking Plenary on metacognition and revision skills
17 – How Can Globalisation be Controlled? (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

17 – How Can Globalisation be Controlled? (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 17 of 19: How Can Globalisation be Controlled? Definitions quiz starter with mark scheme Class collaboration task considering ways to prevent different types pf globalisation: economic, social, political, environmental. Hints are provided for students and some suggestions. Student examples also shown. Censorship, limiting migration, trade protectionism – with named examples Extension question and model answer Jumbo Valley case study – Canadian wilderness region which was threatened with a large ski resort Students analyse the proposal – threats, opportunities, stakeholders Plenary – class hotseat debate Update on the success of the campaign by local stakeholders to save Jumbo Valley! EXTRA word document with content on Jumbo Valley case study
19 – Localism, Transition Towns and Ethical Consumerism (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

19 – Localism, Transition Towns and Ethical Consumerism (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 19 of 19: Localism, Transition Towns and Ethical Consumerism Thought-provoking discussion starter Ethical consumption and complexity Rana Plaza collapse case study Fairtrade Localism (Is localism a middle-class luxury?) Transition towns Todmorden case study with notes Plenary – revisiting last lesson’s essay. Discussion. EXTRA word document with news article on Todmorden
5 – TNCs and Globalisation (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

5 – TNCs and Globalisation (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 5 of 19: TNCs and Globalisation Written starter using ‘extent’ Students take detailed notes on function of TNCs in globalisation. Suggested answers are provided. Spatial division of labour and global production networks Outsourcing Glocalisation Discussion based plenary with answers
6 – Measuring Globalisation (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

6 – Measuring Globalisation (Globalisation, Edexcel, A level)

Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation. Lesson 6 of 19: Measuring Globalisation Definitions quiz starter NASA ‘Earth lights’ map Indicators to measure globalisation Skills: ranking and scaling to create indices KOF Index and AT Kearney Index Switched off places (North Korea, Sahel, Ethiopia) Map analysis with model answer