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Kbreizh's Shop

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I am a French and Spanish teacher. You will find here some resources I have produced to teach my students. Some are fun and innovative and others are more old fashioned. A variety of topics covered. Also some cultural knowledge resources. Enjoy...!




I am a French and Spanish teacher. You will find here some resources I have produced to teach my students. Some are fun and innovative and others are more old fashioned. A variety of topics covered. Also some cultural knowledge resources. Enjoy...!
Trouvez les erreurs En ville / Find the errors in Town

Trouvez les erreurs En ville / Find the errors in Town

An activity I have designed to help my GCSE classes with spelling in French, masculine, feminine and plural agreements in readiness for writing tests. A nice little starter exercise which will challenge even adults I am sure! Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
Traduccion Mi ciudad / Translation My city

Traduccion Mi ciudad / Translation My city

Here is a little starter I got my Yr10 to do the other day to recap town, shops, adjectives. I projected it on the board and got them to translate it. Would suit Yr11 for revision. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
La Meteo/ The weather

La Meteo/ The weather

Gap filling exercise which I designed for my Yr9 on the weather (I guess would be suitable for Yr8 top set or Yr10 too). Text has both present/future weather forecast. I gave each student a different strip and they then go around the class asking each other for some words they haven't got, reading the text in French. It's differentiated so you can give out strips according to your students' ability. The strips get harder and harder. The complete text is on the last strip for the teacher to help if needed. Then, I got students to translate text in English followed by adapting it to write a weather forecast about France or another country they like. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback :-)
La Meteo / The Weather

La Meteo / The Weather

Gap filling exercise which I designed for my Yr9 (Grade5/6) on the weather (I guess would be suitable for Yr8 top set or Yr10 too). Text has both present/future weather forecast. I gave each student a different strip and they then go around the class asking each other for some words they haven't got, reading the text in French. It's differentiated so you can give out strips according to your students' ability. The strips get harder and harder. The complete text is on the last strip for the teacher to help if needed. Then, I got students to translate text in English followed by adapting it to write a weather forecast about France or another country they like. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback :-)
Vocab challenge

Vocab challenge

A list of useful vocab for French GCSE students. Could be done as a HWK, test or as a class activity where students go around the class and ask each other for the answers. Each person who gives an answer signs their initials. The idea is to try and get your students to communicate with everyone in the room. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback :-)
Verbos en el presente

Verbos en el presente

A worksheet designed to practise present tense in Spanish with different exercises. Looking for infinitive verbs, translation, asking questions, matching up parts to create sentences, fill in correct verb ending, change sentences to plural and translate. I'm have used this for my new Yr9 GCSE (new spec) and with Yr10 (revision). I guess you could also use for homework. Two format .doc and .docx Answers and second page. Enjoy and don't forget to write a review.
Les passetemps / Pastimes

Les passetemps / Pastimes

An activity I have designed about pastimes in French. Would suit Yr9, Yr10, Yr11. I have used it as a starter. Students go around the class and ask each other for the answers. Each person who gives an answer signs their initials. The idea is to try and get your students to communicate with everyone in the room. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback :-)
En mi mochila /In my bag

En mi mochila /In my bag

A presentation I designed for my Yr7 on school topic. Teaching vocabulary and how to write sentences describing bag. Positive and Negative (tengo/no tengo). Teaching the verb "tener" in present tense. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
Les animaux / Animals

Les animaux / Animals

A little worksheet for Yr7 with vocal testing and writing simple descriptions of pets. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
Mi Colegio /  My school

Mi Colegio / My school

Three little bits of text I wrote on school with some comprehension questions. Nice reading exercise to check on learning or HWK task. I did it with my Yr7. Good for colours and clothes recognition too. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback!
Ecrire un poème en français  / Write a poem in French

Ecrire un poème en français / Write a poem in French

Here is a Powerpoint showing how to write a poem with Yr7 students once you have taught them colours and using a bilingual dictionary. I guess you could use it with other year groups too as it has imperfect/conditional. It's a good exercise for them to acquire new vocabulary in a fun way. I have put together this quick Powerpoint presentation on how to do it. The example used are from my students who have done French for two months. A creative and enjoyable activity. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
Claim the parcel translation game La Personnalite

Claim the parcel translation game La Personnalite

Claim the parcel translation game Activity for revising/practising personality in French. You have a table with different verbs tenses/sentences and project it on your interactive whiteboard/wall. In groups of 2 (max 3) they write the answer in French to one of the parcels/boxes on their mini white boards, come to you at the front of the class (you check) and if they have the answer correct they can claim the parcel/box. You write their names/team name on a post it notes and stick it over the parcel/box on the interactive whiteboard. Then, no one can do this parcel/box anymore. The winner is the group to have most parcels/boxes claimed at the end. It worked really well with Yr8 classes this week. Don’t forget to feedback!
The Riches of South America

The Riches of South America

A cultural project which I did with my classes in MFL(Spanish) as a competition but I guess you could use for other lessons like geography or citizenship. This project took a week to complete. Students worked in groups of 3-4 and then presented their work (PowerPoint/brochure). A nice end of term or year activity with a cultural take on it to fit new curriculum (global dimension). Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
Quiz 2 Les Panneaux et Affiches de France / Quiz 2 signs and posters from France

Quiz 2 Les Panneaux et Affiches de France / Quiz 2 signs and posters from France

A second quiz I have tried this with Yr9 and Yr10 and the students really enjoyed it. Print all photos and display around the room. I have taken these photos myself. Real French Authentic resources. Then give students the quiz questions (35 questions). Questions are differentiated: one all in French, one half French half English and one all in English. You will also find the answers to the quiz. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback! :-)
Encuesta Cultural El Salvador / Cultural Research El Salvador

Encuesta Cultural El Salvador / Cultural Research El Salvador

A worksheet with some questions about El Salvador which I did with my Yr9 students studying Spanish when learning about Spanish speaking countries in the world. Students answered the questions in pairs and created a Powerpoint presentation which they then shared with the rest of the class. I have also attached the answers to the questions. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback :-)
Test Lost Property/ Office des objets perdus

Test Lost Property/ Office des objets perdus

I downloaded a resource on here and changed it completely to suit my class. Recap of vocabulary taught, use of "my" in French, translation(both ways), reading comprehension with dialogue, writing task with choosing a scenario. Enjoy and don't forget to feedback :-)
Mes vacances ideales / My ideal holidays

Mes vacances ideales / My ideal holidays

-Running dictation on ideal holidays, using conditional, simple future and complex structures. -Put photos in the order of the text. -Find the French and answer questions in English. -Write your own paragraph. I did this with Yr10 French (following my free worksheet about Le Petit Nicolas) and it worked really well. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/les-vacances-du-petit-nicolas-extrait-feuille-de-travail-12060184