The resources I create are mainly for early years and early KS1.
I enjoy making worksheets, flashcards and games that will compliment children's books and children's interests.
The resources I create are mainly for early years and early KS1.
I enjoy making worksheets, flashcards and games that will compliment children's books and children's interests.
A range of time resources with a range of abilities. Analogue clocks and digital clocks. Hour, half past, quarter to and quarter past. As well as add the hands, write the time and add an hour.
A table top laminate to aid the child’s day to day learning. On this A4 sheet you have, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, the alphabet in lower and upper case letters, numbers to 20, Tricky words in seperate sections - phase 2, 3, 4 and 5, as well as a space for the child to practise their name or a word they need to work on spelling.
There are 5 different themes.
Maths resources containing the characters from the book, Dear Zoo.
Resources cover lots of the maths curriculum.
Included are-
Counting to 10
Matching numbers to correct amount
Number bonds
Counting to 8
One more and one less
Repeating patterns
12 large numbers and 2 hands, for children to create their own clock.
Once made, children can then select one of the 24 times and then recreate it on the large clock.
Included is 12 numbers, 2 hands, 12 o’clock times and 12 half past times, as well as the instructions.
Can be created in a Tuff Tray, table or on the floor.
Numbers and hands can be enlarged/reduced in size to suit, before laminating.
You could also use as a cutting and sticking activity
Activities inspired by the book, actual size by Steve Jenkins.
Maths resources for children around 4-6 years in age.
Included is cutting and sticking activities, exploring the classroom, home or outdoors as well as measuring with rulers, objects, string and cubes.
Worksheets are in CM and duplicated in Inches, to suit your methods of teaching.
Exploring with string
Drawing and labelling
Small, medium and larger ordering
Search and colour in the stick insects
Repeating patterns
Order by height
Number recognition
Measure length with string
Comparing length
Measure animals in the book
Comparing hands
8 pages of maths intervention record sheets with space for 7 names.
8 pages of resources to support some of the math achievements.
Intervention sheets are-
up to number 5
up to number 10
up to number 20
2x various math achievements
2x 2D shape
3D shape
As the child achieves each area there is space for the date to be written.
Recourses are-
number bonds to 10 worksheet
0-10 flash cards
identifying an amount up to 6
identifying an amount up to 9
comparing 2 groups of objects
missing number sheet
colour in shapes
matching numbers to amounts
This engaging resource for nursery-aged children helps them explore the concepts of “more,” “fewer,” and “same” using fun jar-themed worksheets. Children will count, estimate, and colour in the correct jars based on the amounts. The set also includes larger jars, for laminating, with bricks inside (up to 10) and numbered jars to 10. Perfect for matching quantities to numbers and reinforcing early math skills through interactive play.
45 Log Slices, ready for printing and laminating.
Slices can be enlarged/reduced in size to suit.
There are 4 lots of recources in this pack
0-10 number
0-10 spots
0-10 natural pictures
0-10 numicon like
These resources can be printed off twice for pairs games, or just the once for children to match numbers to the correct amount.
10 Mathematics Resources Inspired by “Guess How Much I Love You!”
Exploring themes of height, lengths, estimation, and numbers, these resources are specifically designed for Early Years Foundation (EYFS).
The included materials cover estimation, height, measuring (three variations), finding shapes, addition, more/less comparisons, and missing numbers.
These colourful, Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs-inspired resources are designed for nursery-aged children. Ready to cut and laminate, they can be used on a tuff tray or table for engaging math activities focused on “more,” “fewer,” and “same.” The set also includes worksheets to reinforce learning through hands-on practice. Perfect for early years settings!
Buckets 0-20
20 dinosaurs
More/less/fewer/same/mine buckets
12 dinosaur cards for sorting
11, 10 frame cards with dinosaurs and counters
5 worksheets
A variety of maths resources as well as a literacy and listening activity.
14 Sheets to help early years in the understanding of the Chinese new year. All banded at 40-60m.
Literacy resources for the book, Dear Zoo, by Rod Campbell.
27 pages of resources include
Sentence writing
Adjectives on each animal
Letter writing for each animal
Warning labels
Draw an animal and describe
Ordering animals
Word mat
Writing frames
Resources cover lots of the maths curriculum.
Included are-
Counting to 10
Matching numbers to correct amount
Number bonds
Counting to 8
One more and one less
Repeating pattern
A pack of 11 cards, with, Dear Zoo characters on.
All you need to do is print, laminate and use a pack of clothing pegs.
Children place the peg on the choice of 3 numbers to match the amount of animals on the card.
Cards are from 0-10.
A game for 4 players with characters from the book, Dear Zoo, by Rod Campbell.
Each player has a coloured board with 6 pictures on and on the table in the middle are 24 pictures turned upside down. Each player takes it in turns to turn a card to see if it matches to one on their board. The winner is the person to find all their pictures first.
Here is a game for 4 players, based on the characters from the book, Dear zoo by Rod Campbell.
There are 4 boards with 6 pictures on each. There are also matching counters for each players boards and a set of 10 call cards.
3 placemats to use on the table at easter to keep the little ones busy whilst waiting for food or for after they’ve eaten. These we’re very popular this year at our easter breakfast.
Here we have 6 maths resources to use alongside the Easter topic.
5 Easter themed fine motor control worksheets for pencil control.
9 writing frames and an Easter themed word bank.
Ideal for early years.
12 pages of easter crafts, ideal for EYFS or year 1.
Finger puppets, easter baskets, colouring and cards.
13 pages of resources to create a wonderful Easter Egg hunt.
7 Games-
12 Easter Coupons
Easter Egg Hunt Signs
Easter Egg Hunt Certificate
12 Challenge Cards
Easter Egg Hunt Check List
Eggs to hide and build a word x2
Eggs to hide and a board to place found eggs on.
These Rosie’s Zoo-inspired math resources are designed for nursery children to explore the concepts of “more,” “fewer,” and “same.” The set includes 5 animals and food pieces to cut out and laminate, allowing children to play a fun feeding game while learning. It also features colourful hot air balloons for creating a number line or using as a counting game, along with worksheets to reinforce learning.
number line 0-10
feeding animal game
animal cards to play snap, matching to correct number etc